Boobs versus Ass
Which one is better for you?
Boobs versus Ass
Which one is better for you?
Ketsuppi :-DDD
Nigger or American taste therefore nigger taste
T. Brazilian
>titfags unironically find this attractive
Boobs raise and nourish humanity.
Ass ejects shit.
Small tits + thick thighs + a nice ass = Perfection
Ass is literally superior.
A flat chest and nice ass look fantastic.
A flat ass and nice tits looks fucking retarded.
boobs are made of dreams and hope and milk
ass is full of shit.
boobs > ass
Whatever it's considered liking the Keijo girls.
Correct opinions.
Either a women with no boobs or the perfect ass or a women with the perfect boobs and no ass.
If you pick anything but 2 you're shortsighted and stupid. Because 1 will never ever get boos and no implants don't count they're shit and fake. Whereas 2 can just train herself an ass and in given time will have the perfect ass and boobs.
>tfw i actually do
I don't care about ass as long as the tits are banging to be frank
pls be in dublin
Fuck off, Sheamus.
apart from very specific cases that I choose not to take into consideration (aka when the girl is ugly or has cowtits) boobs are beautiful regardless of their shape or size
so I choose ass
>ooga booga where da booty at muffuga
Fuck off Tyrone
Don't you have some potatoes to eat, O'Malley?
Moderately sized ass > Moderately sized breasts > cowt-tits > fat nigga asses
>not appreciating every part of a girl's body instead of sticking to one
>he actually does
This is a troll
Ass contributes more to a good set of hips and thighs than tits do, so I suppose ass is the better of the two.
None, I want both to be flat.
They're both pleb tier
Real men choose pussy
Ass. Even if my dick is not big enough to satisfy a big one.
Easy for you to say when your girlfriend is a flawless specimen.
Both are wonderful but forced to choose only one I'd go with big titties.
That's moderately sized for you?
Well it's a decent size but it seems to me that when people talk about big or fat asses they are literally referring to obese disgusting asses so when I say moderate I mean only in comparison if you get what I'm saying.
I used to mostly like boobs, but after watching this I can't decide on one. I think they are equally important.
Ah ok then, I also hate when people say big and mean fucking cellulite obese disgusting asses.
I'm a sucker for gigantic tits but I do enjoy a good ass
Used to be all about tits but I've grown to appreciate the booty.
Small tits are tolerable with fine ass, but vice verse is simply unacceptable.
Female with flat or no ass looks like a tranny at best.
So ass.
Big tits with medium tier ass is acceptable
Ass and Thighs. You need both. If a girl has only one of these then shit.
No need to mention breasts. Breasts are shit.
Boobs are a replacement for ass after humans became more advanced and learned to walk upright instead on all four. The consequences of this can even nowadays still be seen. While the more developed parts of the world prefere boobs the primitive regions like africa and a few other countries still like ass more. If humanity keeps evolving then soon there will be no more ass lovers.
How are small boobs superior?
Innocent question. Pls respond.
too bad anime only has that stupid ass anime for you buttbros
you guys have like zero fucking content to post, other than fanart
>my country is a boob country
This is why I shun the society.
>prefere boobs the primitive regions like africa and a few other countries still like ass more
That doesn't imply big tits chicks in advanced regions have flat asses though.
>medium tier
Well it's got to be proportional, supple and round.
Try imagining licking both sizes. With small breast, licking it across is smooth and easy thus enjoyable. With fat breast, it sheer size would get on your face, sucking on it can potentially suffocate you and its looseness and weight would make it go all over the place. Hence large breast is shit.
This is a good argument for both sides.
Thicc is truly a sight to behold with some nice titties and some stockings
anyone can have a flat chest and still be great. if you have a flat ass you're just not as interesting
I love both but I'm primarily a legs and ass man
Big, huge boobs. I can't get enough of paizuri, so it can't be helped.
Asses are a necessity, tits are optional
>tall girls
flat chest
nice ass
slender legs
>short girls
big tits
nice ass
thicc legs
breasts don't discriminate. Ass does. That's why I prefer ass.
When I say "Big" or "Fat", I mean those plump, bouncy ass on someone that isn't fucking obese.
Maybe he's a big guy
I want to say tits.
But in all honesty, I can live with flat boobs, but if she's got a flat ass then fuck outta here.
>primitive regions
>usa is butts country.
That's spot on.
A girl with big ass and small tits looks nice
A girl with big tits and small ass looks awful.
So important it needs to be said 5+ times.
Breasts are best.
Boobs, but not exaggerated ones.
t. fag that checks out the boobs of each and every woman that is at least attractive. I never let a slip get past by.
Also, Ass is mostly boring for me.
This is the only acceptable answer.
>but not exaggerated ones.
>That horrible feeling when they change a character with nice, large breasts into a super sized cow in the anime version
Fucking animators.
Tits are life, ass is hometown.
I am an assman who likes big asses and moderate-to-big sized tits.
>sucking on it can potentially suffocate you and its looseness and weight would make it go all over the place
That's what your hands are for you fuckwit
people with taste who love female beauty
nigger tier faggots
Boobs > Clothed Butt > Clothed Boobs > Naked Butt
Only acceptable taste
>all of UK is blue
There's some pretty thicc girls in Wales though
Although there's a lot of fatties
ass+feet combo is perfect
Pretty much all types of tits can look great.
Ass looks like shit unless they have nice thighs/legs to go with it, doesn't matter if it's abnormally flat or super thick if the girl has no leg game. The whole "ass is better because completely flat ass + tits is shit" argument is a non sequitur too, because a completely flat ass isn't even normal unless the chick is unhealthily skinny or something. By default a developed woman will have some sort of fat on there.
Dubs speak the truth
Reminder that "tits are just fake asses" was just some on-the-spot bullshit to fool the assman
Boobs for nipples, areolae, and milk.
>Ass looks like shit unless they have nice thighs/legs to go with it
That's the point. If she has a nice round ass then she has a nice body over all.
Tits come in any shape and size regardless of the girls shape.
Breasts. Even though anime rarely does them right, when they do it's fantastic. Buttocks, on the the other hand, are a dime a dozen, good or bad.
We've been over this time and time again, Tits are far superior. They look better, feel better, and aren't gross. The only lowlifes that like ass more, are degenerate Amerifats or desperate neets
this pre-occupation with glutes is part of the conspiracy to corrupt our youth away from healthy women appropriate for breeding
finding yourself confused by this thread, but wondering if these people are on to something?
they're not, you were always right all along, about everything. dont be afraid to believe it
>tits or ass
>sudden realization that you'll never caress either
>accompanied by a cold sting somewhere in chest
Prob shouldnt use Miyata for the boobs example
What is the golden bust/hip ratio?
Don't you have a well-fare check to cash?