Is Galko the beginning of gyaru anime/manga?
Is Galko the beginning of gyaru anime/manga?
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It would have been but the writers had to toss the whole coalburner thing in there. Seriously. One line and any hope for a S2 or similar series got fucking destroyed.
what line, dont remember any?
Think she called some black actor handsome
What about Super Gals?
Gyarus are very likely to crave the Big Black. Don't know what you're trying to meme.
No, it has been a thing since before you were born.
All cool but if you want to talk about your fetish go to /d/ or /h/.
>why do women who try to pretend to be black people wanna fuck black people???
What are some early Gyaru anime/manga, out of curiosity?
That is literally just a forced Sup Forums meme quarantined to this website. It doesn't ruin anything in the bigger picture of it all.
End your existence now.
>pretend to be black people
>Dye hair to be lighter
It's counter culture in general.
Cam mods please start banning people that post the BBC meme? The shitposting and subsequent arguing has ruined 100% of Galko threads since that episode aired.
Does Japan even give a shit about that? In fact does anyone but a bunch of autists on Sup Forums give a shit?
u mad wite boi?
Gyaru centered? i can only remember Super Gals but gyarus in anime have always existed one way or another, it's as common as the genki character or the incho character.
Literally just about 3 guys in the whole world cared for that, I wouldn't even call it a meme, just a dedicated shitposter.
>OVA never
Two posts up.
Sup Forums centers a good 20% of its existence around it.
It's only a handful of them forcing it, judging by how long it's lasted for and how persistent they are about posting it in every single galko thread.
I like to think this is just one really dedicated user
Other shows have done it.
>implying you wouldn't let Blade-era Wesley Snipes fuck you
That girl looks awfully familiar. From some hentai where a girl that looks like here rides a dick and jerks off two others while she is at it. It was good stuff, I wish I could remember its name.
Energy Kyouka
Galko isn't nearly that lewd or promiscuous.
First nips need to upload it somewhere.
>she'd never take another gander at you
>not Demolition Man era
SHIT taste
>you are fined one credit for the violation of the verbal morality statute
2nd season when? OVA when?
Not soon enough, I'd say.
>Garbage that flopped
>beginning anything
>the beginning
Yes they never existed until this anime invented it truly the Eva of the gyaru genre
Does that mean the third impact is Galko and her sister's double paizuri?
No no, First Impact was Galko-mama's Galko-mamas.
Second Impact was Galko-nee's Galko-nees.
Galko's Galkos are THIRD Impact.
>dude the female body lmao
>ctrl+f "gokujyo"
Yer shit
If a stupid bitch dresses like a slut, then she is absolutely going to be a slut. Purityfags are the shittiest delusional faggots imaginable.
is Johny Bravo a male gyaru?
Did she win the MCbowl?
No, you retard.
>character admits she wants the big black cock
>people give character shit for it
>beach style clothing
>hypersexualized body
>ITT nobody understands the difference between findoing someone handsome and wanting to fuck them
You don't have to be stupid just because you're an asocial virgin assburger.
>black t-shirt
>beach clothing
That's not even that gyaru are, anyway.
>just because you're an asocial virgin assburger
If you aren't those things you need to fuck off
what a cute
The point I was making is that I am those things, but without being stupid.
>Good translated gyaru doujins have slow down.
>Barely see them all in anime.
They never took off and unlikely will.
the best version of her coming through
-gyaru hentai?
what is this madness?
I sure hope so. Big-boobed gyarus are my favorite.
>crying Tittyko
I didn't know I needed this
Why is pregnant belly only hot in 2D?
Not necessarily. There are some good-looking preg go's in 3D. Not many, but still...
Where do you guys usually get your mangas?
black kid at 8 months huh
I see Galko enjoyed her trip to Mexico!
That doesn't even make any sense.
Nope. It's a latino baby.
I really have to give Galko threads points for consistency.
Every fucking time.
>allowed mexican semen enter her womb
She has to go back.
Leg warmers are shit!
I dare you to say that again.
>bra showing
>denim short shorts
These are my necessities for the perfect gyaru. Everything else is just a bonus.
I swear there hasn't been any manga that entertained me as much as baki, because of shit like this. I mean sure the stories and all in other manga are interesting, but fucking unexpected and over exaggerated thing after the other is just too fun to read.
They say once you go black you NEVER go back though...
You might like Toriko. Powerlevels scale wildly out of control, and the crazy bullshit never ends. At one point an iceberg the size of Mt. Everest falls down a waterfall the size of a zillion Niagra Falls. They push it back up using hair and punches.
Some of those, like the sweater and leg warmers, are more along the kogal aesthetic, but they are closely related.
Thank hyper-autistic niggers and cucks.
How can non-hispanic whites even compete?
Super Gals was fun.
What's the difference between a Gyaru, a Kogal, a female Yankee, and your garden variety Bitch?
Notice how Rinfags never get assblasted about old men for money. But the moment someone even implies coal burning in a Galko thread its
>MODS MODS MODS pol is leaking MODS
She has a black boyfriend in the manga.
I'm not aware of any cancerous " - Faceless Old Men" board. Unless you count /h/. Better believe I've been telling hentaiposters to to fuck off to the right board.
I think a yankee makes trouble and a bitch just sluts around. I think kogal is when they dress in their school uniform modified in a gyaru way even when not at school.
No, it's more the work of insecure white guys. Astounding that the more racist you are the more insanely obsessed about black guys people get.
Gal = generic term for any female who is hardcore into following a particular fashion trend
Kogal = a specific gal fashion subtrend that incorporates school uniforms
Yankee = not a gal, yankees are japanese punks
Bitch = generic term for any kind of slut, gal sluts are into clubwear and tiger stripes and other stuff to be slutty and sexy
Such is life on Sup Forums in 2017.
dubs confirm this is the most accurate rundown of this topic
Oh... Ok i'll give it a try then.
>He thinks niggers browse 4chins
>He thinks actual people browse Sup Forums
I know that you're all part of an AI system.
Dubs confirm that dubs confirm that it's the most accurate rundown.
thank you.
The Japanese cold won the author's life, but the character had as much a chance as a childhood friend/former tomboy//best girl/second girl ever did.
>why are mods deleting my underage bait that i'm obviously using to derail a thread but not some casual banter
Geez I wonder.
Has there been any info regarding this adaptation?
Does anyone even know how far the RAWs go? They don't even have enough material to make a couple of OVAs, at least for what it's translated.
It's so terrible though.
Is it as good as the doujin?
Do they still fight over her brothers dick?