Penguindrum - I'm in episode 3, I'm not liking it. Does it get better? Should I drop it?
It gets better as it goes on.
Also, half the fun was reading the gg translator's notes on the literary allusions in the episodes. I wonder if that site still exists?
nah not really
ok spoil it for me because I already understood taht is a show that if you know nothing about going in, you won't understand shit.
What the hell are the apples? What does this image mean? I haven't seen any apples in these 3 episodes should I have seen them?
no, apples are in the show.
is this show going to be more up his own ass that Ergo Proxy?
I dropped it halfway through. I just hated the characters.
No, it doesn't. It's pretentious bullshit all the way through.
>I already understood taht is a show that if you know nothing about going in, you won't understand shit
No, it isn't. It all makes more sense by the time you finish the show and requires only a bit of reflection to understand. Considering the length of the show however, it's up to you to decide if you want to watch it the entire way through. If you don't like it by Episode 3, then you probably shouldn't bother.
>he doesn't like MPD
And here I thought shit taste was just a meme.
It's pretty terrible until the shitty stalker girl's arc ends
should i like the reused animation of she transforming or something?
>What does this image mean?
That the act of sharing an apple will be a relevant symbol in the show eventually and someone tried reading too much into it.
do you know which episode it ends?
It's been a long time since I've watched it, so I could be completely wrong, but it feels like around episode 16ish. I know it took up like half the show.
Really? I thought it was more around episode 8 or 9? Ringo's still around but the focus shifts more to the siblings and other characters.
Isn't there like a story that you need to know before watching this show, or else the show wont make sense?
More like 8.
9 is when shit starts getting surreal.
Was it? It felt like a long time, so I may have inadvertently exaggerated it a bit.
No, it's a meme show. Complete fujoshit garbage.
>fujoshit garbage
I'm glad it aired a little before the whole fujo and yuri melodrama took over Sup Forums, the threads were actually good and on topic despite having all kinds of shipping.
I already called shows out when they were fujoshit before it was cool.
What about yurishit?
Yuri is fine. Yurifags are the problem.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that the plot is secondary to the characters. Some people focused too much on trying to make sense of the (admiteddly confusing) plot and missed the forest for the trees.
Drop it now. Just don't bother, it's not for you lowlives anyway