>An Oregon man is blaming Taylor Swift for making him stab a stranger with a pair of scissors. In an excuse right out of her new album, he's saying, "Look What You Made Me Do."

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chick's a cryptokike

no u

>implying that's a bad thing
kys memeflag

she burned the coal

Did Harvey Weinstain stick his dirty fat finger up her holy hole?

Then stop posting this rat face.

Not a real taylorist. Taylorism is a religion of peace.

The Industry is causing false flags because they can't stop her themselves, they want her popularity to die but her being self sufficient makes it impossible.

Chances are they paid off the guys debt or gave someone he knows a lot of money.

Ssssh dont tell them she is jewish. Dont tell them Jen Lawrence is either.


No u.

Her family are rich, sure, but that's no Hebrew blood in there. That family wealth is the only reason she got where she did without having to whore herself out.

The funny part is that she's just as much of a kike loving nigger worshiper as the rest of them, she just chooses not to peddle it for the sake of business.

The God-Empress demands blood, and the faithful must obey.


Jennifer Lawrence is the poster child for an Amerimutt

Alright I'm just coming here to warn mother fuckers about this bitch so you do not get tricked like I do. Taylor Swift, you know that super popular pop star and country singer singer? Blood witch. Really, really powerful blood witch. She caught my sent when I accidentally fucking smeared a bit of blood on a picture of her on a magazine cover back in December of last year and my life has been a living hell since.

She started fucking projecting and getting in to my dreams and talking to me telepathically and shit and just drained the living shit of my energy while also ruining my life at the same time. She acts like she's innocent and does a really good job of convincing you she is not a slut and acts really cute and adorable but in all reality she is the biggest whore in the universe who has slept with hundreds of guys and if you are not rich (which I am not) she considers you to be sub human. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT speak to her if she tries to talk to you telepathically generally she only targets people with a lot of energy and who are really good at magic. You have been warned, seriously bitch almost got me killed and actually tried to kill me several times so yeah. When you hear good advice you should take it, and this is good fucking advice.

>An Oregon man is blaming Taylor Swift for making him stab a stranger with a pair of scissors.

>don't make me

I also think she's a crypto-kike. Fuck Taylor Swift, she's an overrated coal-burning whore and a bad mascot for the alt-right movement.


awesome im doing it

do you honestly believe this will work you dumb ass nigger shill


people die every day
I'm going to die
you're going to die
you're on your way to death the moment you're born
get a grip

>Look what Jew made me do!

This is now a tay general thread.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Tay's children.

Who are you going to kill?

Everyone is a bad mascot in the eyes of people like you.
You'd rather the "alt-right" or any kind of right wingers didn't exist at all, you fucking shill.




I like Taylor Swift but not like obsessed. I think I got bit by the Swift bug too. How can you not like her? She's upset that she is liked to much by fans, Im trying to tell her she's a rockstar and she could lose a couple of it means doing what SHE wants in life. I have allot of respect for her as an human. I thought about buying her CD but then felt like if I buy her CD I crossed some sort of line. My X did buy her CD and she took me to the airport last week. It is good and has like 16 songs. I had a dream about her once. My X is trying to get me back, forever this time. Well, she knows that Taylor always has this weird place in my heart given the circumstances. So she knows that if Taylor calls me that I might go on a date with her. So that could be dangerous. :D
