ITT: God-tier anime

>ITT: God-tier anime.

No shit posting.

Bracing for quality thread.

You blew it already









You're the real MVP here.



Op asked for no shit posting


Shit taste, fampai.

Oreimo is objectively the best anime ever made, that is if you aren't from Sup Forums.



A man of refined tastes.


Call me an idiot but I liked bee-trains 3 lesbian gunslinger shows.

I love you too, user.

Gurren Lagann, not so bad

No shitposting please.

Literally better than sex.


Not when R2 exists

Aria, a show about everything

I love your taste

>literally better than sex

How would you even know that?

let the shit posting begins

First season of Bakemonogatari

best taste itt

my favourite anime of all time boyo


why is kaworu in an eva suit

you're the real mvp here

he wore one once

Ruined already, for fuck sakes Sup Forums. You new fags need to stop fucking posting.

Bepop is pretty shit desu. First they teased us with the overarching story, then they forgot about it and made 15 filler episodes, killed off Julia in 5 minutes in an oh so dramatic scene i didn't give a shit about since they never gave me a reason to, and ended the series by killing Spike.

spoilers bro




Boku no pico

Pico x CoCo x Chico

>can't even copy a image
wew lad

Tiger and bunny

