Kyoto Animation
>Budget for KyoAni shows is nothing special, in fact is below average

KyoAni very clearly produces the best anime in the industry and it's not even close. Watch any anime series by any other studio after watching any KyoAni anime from K-ON onwards and it will look amateurish compared to the KyoAni anime. How do they accomplish this with tiny budgets?

Other urls found in this thread:

>yuri on ice
>most key animators
Yet it still looked like ass

By not being based in Tokyo and by having grunts from their animator school do some of the work for free. They also tend to hire new voice actors for main roles.

>studio with by far best animation in the industry has a lot of female animators

Kyoani employs many in-house animators on company salary. Salaried labour isn't listed under budgeting the same way that contract labour is. This makes their numbers seem deceptively low, when in reality the production costs would very similar.

Good schedule and not working in Tokyo, maybe.

>female authors make the best romance drama
I can't stop thinking.

>it's just fujos watching, they won't notice

Same boring thread. Same boring replies. Same boring pics taken from kvin. Studiowarriors are still in despair about having nothing to talk about.

>take pictures
>slap a few filters and some bloom on it
>see how drones praise your shit

I have a hard time watching non KyoAni anime because everything else has poor visuals.

>tfw to intelligent for studio wars

I thought Sunrise employed small gundams as animators, not women. Or was Shirobako wrong about that?

Then I'm glad that you're not a kemono friend.

>hurr durr KyoAni uses filtered photographs as backgrounds meme
Thread contains Hibike backgrounds alongside real-life counterparts. Hibike backgrounds are very clearly not filtered photographs, nor traced, upon comparison.
Congratulations: you were wrong and subsequently BTFO on the internet.

Muh saguga. Why Japan no buy saguga? Why animu + saguga no sell gud? Sagugaaaaaaaaaa. Plz buy saguga.

>Yuri on Ice
>QUALITY centrals of the season

They embezzled all that money right?

You really don't need to post proof that they don't filter photographs. It's obvious to anyone with a working brain.

>the best sakuga of the season comes from CGDCT
Other studios, are you even trying?

Nice try drone

Usually lot of key animators means something went wrong and they had to rush to finish the episode.

>women make the best TV animation
>women saved drama genre
>women saved isekai genre
>women wrote one of the best SoLs
Seriously, who can stop them?

why nippon no buy saguga? why west no buy saguga? why Sup Forums no buy saguga? why no one buy saguga?

>Hibike backgrounds are very clearly not filtered photographs

Gabriel Dropout has had some nicely animated moments. They're not KyoAni, but Doga Kobo is pretty good.

After Effects presets and plugins are free.
>Chromatic Aberration
>Lens Flare

Yes. Artificial intelligences will replace all those female animators according to that AT-X guy.
First, get rid of all the SEA-animators doing inbetween. Then, all those women animators in Japan doing inbetween. Then, all the males that remain.

Then, anime will finally be churned out by the thousands per season instead of only 50 and more.

KyoAni has had exactly one flop since Munto. Japan buys sakuga.
I haven't seen a blowout this bad since the 2016 United States electoral college.

As a man, how does this makes you feel? Do you think there's any worth or reason for you living?

Fake news

>Japan buys sakuga.
Explain World of Golden Eggs.

It's not that easy.

>Japan buys sakuga
Flip flop

>Do you think there's any worth or reason for you living?
Yeah. I want to see what airs next season.

Japan buys sakuga that doesn't suck, like Hibike.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

That's a really pathetic reason.

Don't you want to be someone important? Don't you want to have some sort of talent? Don't you want to be part of something special?

It's not my fault your bait was weak.

Welcome to Sup Forums

Yuri on Ice was the best-animated anime of the year 2016. 1 million votes on Crunchyroll said so.

Man, the sakuga-twitter dork circle must still be salty about that, despite shilling for CR hard.

>produces the best anime in history

If you are a pathetic failure of a human being starving for any emotional attention who laps up terrible teenage animated drama

>Budget for KyoAni shows is nothing special, in fact is below average

In other words, their animators are being paid garbage to create movie-level animation.

Seems like the animators get the short end of the stick. Compare the well-paid animators of Dragon Ball Super to your average KyoAni animator. Only the directors are probably making bank.

You are not special. You are not unique.

In fact, you are Anonymous.

I can read moonrunes, I think I'm pretty special in the western anime and manga community.

the animators are paid well above average and they have regular work hours too. the difference is just that kyoani is very well organized.

>Erkin Kawabata
>did nothing as animator
>industry expert

It's like listen to someone from Sup Forums.

That wasn't bait. What's your point? Are you trying to prove something posting those shots?

I'll never understand tripfags.

>That wasn't bait
Nice bait.

It's pretty depressing to know that you only exist to watch anime. Even machines do more to contribute to the world.

You only need cheap effects to make an anime look like kyoani was his initial post. I posted screenshot from an anime that tried that.

They have their own private sweatshop studio in Korea.

Soon, machines will indeed contribute more to the world (of anime).

Once artificial AI is made you'd be obsolete. Then what?

>perfect anime don't exi-

Don't mention it.

Reading/watching the work in its own original language is objectively the best way to experience it.

More free time to hang out on /r9k/ and pretend to be a socially awkward robot.
Until chatbots come to Sup Forums and then socialize easily and with more grace than all the humans.

Then even the shitposting can be done by bot-programs, and we'll all accuse the real humans still posting like garbage to be the shitty bot-programs that couldn't fool a human.

Animators get payed per cut. not per time

What are you doing that will be remembered in a hundred years?

All of their anime are basically the same show in terms of animation style/character design/backgrounds which really streamlines things.

Working at Kyoani must be so great.

Respected company.
Very respected staff members.
I assumed they're decently paid.
Very consistent animation.

Don't forget all that Kyoani show memorabilia that must cover every square inch of wall space

Are you even trying Lelouch?

>yfw women
>clean and beautiful
>never had to sweat and work in their life
>yet have better and deeper understanding of the art

>meanwhile men are not only talentless and socially awkward, the only things they can do is to worship these talented women
>to the point of worshipping their feet and eating the feces

If you're wanting to have a meaning in life but is born a man, just abandon that thought. There is literally no reason to be born a man nowadays, you will just be stuck with that body and role for the rest of your life. You might as well kill yourself if it bothers you.

There will never be an artificial intelligence that will be able to translate to English from Japanese to the level of competency as a human. They would need to understand context clues, abstract concepts, differing formality of conversation, seemingly make up words when a literally translation doesn't exist. The point at which AIs are smart enough to translate a language to the level of it sounding naturally English, they would have already taken over or we would be using it to kill each other.

I think Kyoani is the only studio that treats their staff decently which is why they're swamped with applications whenever there's an opening.

I'm just asking.

>Not amateurish
Low quality bait, OP. Try again.

>Eupho is half cheaper than fucking Keijo
That's nothing to do with kyoani being best studio or some shit. It's cheap because they're living in Kyoto.
Read this shit:

>swamped with applications

Where do you hear this?

If there's one thing that even the lowliest of low-tier studios like Gokumi don't have a shortage of, it's dumbasses wanting to become animators.
That's why they can burn through them and pay them like shit.

I'm a janitor there

You like to spread misinformation for the sake of a cheap joke then. Go roll down a flight of stairs.

How does it feel that a show with 0 budget like Konosuba is outselling Kyoanus shows? Or how does it feel to defend a studio that its said to be antiloli and yet the last episode of Maid Dragon is pure loli pandering?

>>Budget for KyoAni shows is nothing special, in fact is below average

that explains all the same face across all the series

Feels pretty good that KyoAni is getting most of the profit, actually.

Yeah, they said the production was chaotic, like evangelion levels of chaotic.

t. Kyoanusfag being analblasted.


>How do they accomplish this with tiny budgets?
Experience and good direction/production.
Knowing how to schedule your time and what to focus on is more effective than having a bunch of ineffective employees.

This is also true to most if not all kind of businesses.

But you are the only one who is mad.

If you're the kyoani janitor from the previous posts, good on you. If you don't even work there, then why the hell are you rooting for the livelihood of the few people living halfway across the world from you? You're not getting the profit.

Do you yourself have a time management while doing your job?

Are you one of those 5k voters?

>He believe this shit.

This post is more believable than your post.

Honestly, speaking just to art and technical quality, I think KyoAni has been rock solid since the beginning with Fumoffu and especially Air, not just since K-ON.

As for how well a show is adapted or directed compared to how well other animation studios do theirs, well, that's subjective and pointless to debate.


>women make the best TV animation
>women saved drama genre
>women saved isekai genre
>women wrote one of the best SoLs

All targeted at men. It naturally makes sense that women do this well since serving men is what they were designed to do.

>targeted at men

The industry could be saved if everyone followed KinoAni's footsteps.

It was yuri-shit, wasn't it?

Why are beanmouths so great?

>best at anything

Yes, yuri with males

KyoAni is the best studio, that's why all other studios want to be them.

When can we expect something, anything from Violet Evergarden?

They just are

I'm pointing the true, how is that me being mad? You kyoanusfags are sure retards.

First, a continuation to Free. Then, Free with archers. Then Violet Evergarden picture drama. Then another Free movie.

If you don't believe it you've never worked or never managed someone's work.

The shitty ones are more noticeable, you can see how awful things can get with bad management/schedule or lack of experience.

And are you dumb?
The point of that post isn't to figure why or how KyoAni is "cheap", but how they can output such quality in comparison to other studios with LESS.