Neo rituals soon.
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cool story brah
post YGO OST
Fuck this changes.
Now I wouldn't be able to use my Number C92 100000 ATK boost deck on YGOPro sooner
Taking requests to help people update their petdecks and strategies to incorporate or work around Link Monsters and the new rules.
The fuck is a Link
Reminder that Clear mind is the best YGO OST.
I like the Dnb in this.
ARC shit killed yugioh
are you finally happy faggots?
is this real?
tfw Synchro summoning is dead unless they release Link monsters that actively supports it which Konami won't because they hate synchro.
feels bad man.
They just need to be able to summon atleast 2 monsters with 1 card and they are good.
please animate Rescue Ferret, it's too cute not to be included in an episode of VRAINS
Those trumpets are really hype
>New ace monster is basically Junk warrior + Updated stardust.
Nice. I look foward to meme'ing with Hieratics using this.
Soon you can have 3 monsters lvl 5+ at your first turn.
why wouldn't it be real?
According to one rumor source, its not even Yusaku's actual Ace, so it really is his Junk Warrior.
>2300 attack.
Please don't go downhill like 5D's and ARC-V.
Alright that's cool and all, but where the fuck are my LINK SENET CARDS KONAMI?!!?!
There's no way it won't.
so where does this new anime fit in the yu-gi-oh timeline?
in fact where do the others fit? i know it's Duel Monsters > GX > ???
I want to believe.
DM>GX>ZeXal has been ""confirmed"" so far.
No idea where 5D's could fit in.
ARC-V is probably a completely different universe.
The timeline is pretty straightforward everything season follows the last in the future
DM -> DSOD -> GX -> 5Ds are all on the same timeline
ZeXal and Arc-V are currently their own things in their own timelines.
No hints as to where VRAINS is set. It'll probably be standalone like the last 2.
>have played this game from 2011-2015
>last 2 years being very competitive
>never had the money/time to travel to events but was the main testing/theorycraft partner of someone who topped multiple YCSs
>in 2016 I came back to the game for a month, would've got top 8 at my regionals in that time but in the last round a shitty judge call ruined my chances
Not saying this to brag, I just feel like most the people who come to these threads dont play very competitively and I can say with a bit of knowledge on the subject that this is the WORST thing Konami has done to the game.
It has just become a completely different game that happens to have the rights to the yugioh name at this point. I can honestly see the majority of the playerbase quitting.
Hey, you. Darkside of dimensions is manga continuity. it has no canon on anime GX and 5D's and DM. It fits nicely with DM, R and GX's mangas,tho. All of them overseen by Kaz himself.
>>DM -> DSOD -> GX -> 5Ds are all on the same timeline
Fuck no.
DSOD is manga timeline.
DM Manga > DSOD > GX Manga
DM Anime > GX Anime > 5D
That's how it goes
Better trumpets:
Where was it "confirmed"?
No shit sherlock.
Why do you think everyone is full PANIC mode right now?
Fundamental Field Change 1: The Pendulum zone and Magic/Trap Zone have been collapsed together so that you have 3 purely Magic/Trap zones and 2 other zones that act either as Magic/Trap zones or Pendulum zones depending on what you put in it. In other words, if you are using two Pendulum monsters as scales, you now only have 3 open spaces for other magic and trap cards. Likewise, if you are filling all 5 spaces with magic and trap cards, you have no space to place any Pendulum monsters as scales.
Fundamental Field Change 2: Under normal conditions, Extra Deck monsters can no longer be summoned to the traditional 5-slot monster zones (which is now called "Main Monster Zones") from the Extra Deck. They can normally only be summoned to the newly created 2-slot "Extra Monster Zone" that is located in the center of the field between the players, directly in in front of the 2nd and 4th Main Monster Zones (i.e. in front of the 2 Main Monsters Zones that are not the leftmost/rightmost/middle ones). When there are no monsters in either Extra Monster Zone, the Extra Monster Zones are treated as not belonging to either player. The first player to summon an Extra Deck monster will have the ability to choose which of the 2 empty Extra Monster Zones they want to summon the monster in. The instant one of your monsters occupies one of the 2 Extra Monster Zones, the other empty Extra Monster Zone will belong to your opponent and you will no longer be allowed to summon a monster to that other zone as a result i.e. each player can only control 1 Extra Zone at a time. The only way to have more than 1 Extra Deck monster on your side of the field is to utilize one of the newly created Extra Deck Monsters called "Link Monsters".
>Have played this game since literally the beginning, as in Volume 1 Imports When I Was 8 "the beginning".
>Spent almost all of that either playing or helping people play competitive, as well as helping nostalgiafags, kids, and returning players learn the new stuff.
This game has only gotten better with time. We've had a few rocky bits, and Konami's not the best at handling some of the competitive stuff, but the game has only improved by leaps and bounds over time.
Anyone who says Links are ruining the game weren't good at the game to begin with. This mechanic opens a plethora of new doors and options while simultaneously curbing some of the more irritating and overbearing aspects of the game.
If only the guys who did the 5D's soundtrack didn't disband. A 5D's style OST seems like it would've been a good fit for VRAINS
Link Monsters are a type of Extra Deck monster whose card frame color is dark blue with a hexagonal honeycomb-like pattern. These monsters have neither level nor rank (i.e. they have no stars whatsoever, the space between their name and the picture is blank). Furthermore, where their defense stat would normally be located is instead the text LINK-X, where X is a number that varies depending on the monster. This is the Link Monster's link number. Link Monsters do not have a defense stat. They can NEVER be in defense position under any circumstances.
Steps to summon a Link Monster:
Step 1: Look at its link number.
e.g. Decode Talker is Link-3
Step 2a: Send from your side of the field a number of monsters equal to the Link Number of the Link Monster you want to summon (also keep in mind that you must satisfy the monster material requirement on the Link Monster card)
e.g. Decode Talker is Link-3, so you must send 3 monsters to the graveyard. Specifically in Decode Talker's case, these all must be effect monsters, since it says so on the card.
Step 2b: (Alternative to Step 2a) If one of the monsters that you send to the graveryard for a Link Summon is itself a Link Monster, you can treat that monster as if it were X number of monsters for the purposes of the summon, where X is it's Link Number. (also keep in mind that you must satisfy the monster material requirement on the Link Monster card)
e.g. You send two monsters to the graveyard and summon a Link-2 monster. Now, instead of sending 3 monsters to the graveyard to summon a Link-3 monster, you can instead just send the Link-2 monster + one other monster. Specifically in the case of Decode Talker, these all must be effect monsters and you must use at least two Monsters since it says so on the card, so you can't just use 1 other Link-3 monster.
Yeah you lost credibility with this shit. This basically slowed down the game by giving an extra step and giving more enphasis on resource management wich means we are going to have cards that give you full fields easily.
just wait 3 years until the collapse the extra zone field into the main zone field
>Fundamental Field Change 2:
Doesn't this kill like every possible deck from recent years?
Yeah, my first impression was that links and the new monster rules are probably the best compromise Konami's going to come up with for slowing down ridiculous extra deck shenanigans.
Welp, time to buy Kozmo or Infernoid.
While this track is more powerful i prefer the other one.
It has a sense of something great starting but not necessarily dark.
how is yuya supposed to fuck the tyler sisters if he's back in his dimension doing another tournament arc?
should i watch 5d's or arc-v before vrains starts? i already watched 1 episode of 5d's and i like the darker atmosphere compared to gx
Using Link Monsters:
Once the Link Monster is summoned, look at the card picture frame. You will see 8 arrows, some number of which are lit up red (the number lit up red is equal to the monster's Link number). Field zones that are in contact with the red link marker arrows are said to be "linked" with that Link Monster. Monster Zones that are linked with a Link Monster become additional Zones that you are allowed to Extra Deck summon in.
If you have a Link Monster in the Extra Zone, and thus now have a Main Monster Zone linked to it where you can now Extra Deck summon, you could summon another Link Monster to the Main Monster Zone to extend the number of monster zones that are linked (i.e. if I summon a Link Monster to my Main Monster Zone that has left or right pointing red link markers, those adjacent zones become linked to that Link Monster and thus I can summon an Extra Deck monster there, even though the it isn't linked to the Link Monster in the Extra Zone). That is how you could still possibly fill the field with Extra Deck monsters even though a Link Monster could have at most 3 bottom links (which would make you think you can only have 3 Main Monster Zone Extra Deck monsters since the Link Monster in the Extra Zone could at most connect to 3 of your Main Monster Zones).
If a Link Monster you control has a red link marker that points to an opponent’s monster zone, it seems that the opponent is able to Extra Deck summon in that zone, so that is a negative if true. On the other hand, if your Link Monster has an effect that relies on having linked monsters, and your opponent has a monster in a zone linked to your Link Monster, you can benefit from that linkage (an example is Decode Talker, which gains 500 ATK for each linked monster. Since Decode Talker has a top-facing link marker, if your opponent has a monster in the zone ahead of Decode Talker, Decode Talker gains 500 ATK).
So only 1 player can have a Link monster up instead of both of them having their links up at the same time? Good god, that's slow
>YGO players react to skill being added to their game
I would watch in release order, so 5D's before Arc-V.
Watch 5Ds up to Episode 64. Then drop the show.
Watch Arc-V up to Episode 50. Then drop the show and write your own epilogue.
>Good luck if you ever wanted to bring out Zarc without zaborg gimmick
>oh wait, without a link even zaborg won't work
I may just as well go Vanguard if i want to sit on a boss monster
An Extra Deck Monster that is properly summoned and then goes to the graveyard can be revived into any main monster zone, even if that zone is not linked to any Link Monster.
Speculation: Maybe the reason Link Monsters can’t go into defense position (and thus were given no defense) is that changing battle position changes what zones the red link markers point to, and thus change what zones are linked. Konami perhaps wanted to avoid giving players that much flexibility in changing available zones.
>Pendulums deck getting fucked in the ass with the collapsiong of the field.
>A new way to play on this stalled game
>As a non-competitve player I say God bless link summon.
You can still summon it with the new pendulum monsters that treat themselves like extra deck monsters
would that card be useful in anyway though
well the casuals panicked over syncros and xyz, which were objectively good things. You'll panic over anything and say it's the end, I'm saying this is one of maybe two times this could actually be the end.
>opens a plethora of new doors
and closes even more? The one thing yugioh had going for it was extra deck spam/first turn combos, and this really hurt that. If you want to play a slower less combo-centric game then play literally anything else. This single mechanic fucking destroyed multiple decks/types of decks, it is the epitome of konami pushing a new mechanic down our throats to make money. This is fucking worse than when they tried to push xyzs by banning all of the best syncro-related cards regardless of power level.
Also, if you think the game has gotten better with time you're either a casual or delusional. Comparing goat, TeleDAD, Dragon ruler, or Ravine ruler formats to anything we have now.
Watch 5D's up to 64.
Watch ARC-V up to 53, then skip to 126 - 127, then 132 - 135, then 140, or wait for the watch guide.
I still need a link to shit him out of the ED even with magicians, so 2 pends + chrono/astrograph + 2 to pend summon + shit for linker
new Kozmo meta?
This entire post is just so many words when all you NEEDED to say was "Abloobloobloo the game stopped being FTK/OTK/Field Swarm nonsense and I DON'T WANNA STOP USING MY NETDECKED STRATEGIES KONAMI STOP MAKING ME THINK".
Please drop this game. I don't want anyone like you anywhere near it.
how does DM manga differ from the anime so much that there's 2 separate timelines?
Why buy Links when you can buy ANTIQUE GEARS.
assuming that the unclaimed zone has to be occupied with link, if i can bring only 1 ED and having my stuff locked then it may not be that bad
i don't mind "fillers" and less interesting arcs, i mean i watched the entire gx anime
Why do you need a link for 1 monster, what am i missing here?
1 monsters pendulum is tread as an xyz
1 monsters pendulum is tread as a fusion
1 monsters pendulum is tread as a synchro
This sounds pretty nice, needing to sacrifice a good number of monster to bring out something powerful instead of the actual two level 4 monsters cancer.
DM > GX > 5D's > ZEXAL
After that, Zarc destroyed the Original Dimension, and later he was defeated, and the world was split into four dimensions, three of them containing residents from the one original dimension. This resulted in ARC-V.
>I still need a link
You dont
Only the best OSTs here.
No, you retard.
Is Yu-Gi-Oh! R canon?
that changes everything then, misundestood the extra zone then...
so the game everyone loved is basically dead
thanks konami
It'll be in its own separate universe like the last 2 anime series, you dingus
Complete character assassination, complete character mismanagement and dropped plots are not fillers or less interesting arcs.
Instead of just being less interesting they are downright insulting.
Who /superheavies/ here?
>Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum lose significant speed with new rules
>chaos ensues among players
>Meanwhile Yugi and Kaiba be like
>game is called "Wizards & Dragons"
>no Virtual World
>no Doma
>no KCGP
>Pegasus is gone
>Kaiba never took part in Egypt adventures
>Kaiba didn't get to witness the ceremonial duel
>Otogi's father and Bakura's harem are things
I think these are the main differences.
Ok cool, then for ARC-V watch all of it.
I'd ask if this is some falseflagging nonsense, but Sup Forums is mostly bad players that barely understand the game. This shit happened with Xyz and Pendulum, too.
I can't imagine the shitstorm /dng/ is right now, though I imagine that most decent competitive players have already figured out their adjustments (if any).
Best character theme ever
lol actually I innovate a lot. In one instance I was actually the first person to bring a particular deck archetype to a competitive event, people laughed at me then saw my success and refined the build and topped nationals with it.
I don't netdeck bro, people netdeck me.
And Yugioh is inherently at its best when you can do more combos/field swarm. It's the only game without any form of card restriction, so in a slow deck format you're objectively just way better off playing magic or hearthstone.
It's not even about otks. Dragon rulers would rarely otk other dragons, and that was the best format yugioh has ever had.
You forgot Death-T being canon.
They can still tribute your Susano, it just goes to your MD Zone instead. You CAN, however, avoid getting your ED monster Kaiju'd by having it in The EM Zone and filling your MD Zones up. They'll still be able to Slumber your ass (killing any Links you had), but they can't just casually Kaiju your ED monster anymore.
No, both of them can have Link Monsters in the their Extra Monster Zone. It is just that once you put a monster in a EM-Zone, you can't put one in the other zone - the other zone becomes reserved for the opponent.
I don't remember what almost half that list means but its my own damn fault for not having read the manga or watched the anime in so long. But either way I didnt realize those things changed the story so drastically.
That was covered under "EDGE".
Use the monster to summon two monsters from the deck to perform a XYZ or synchro summon, there are some good combos. I won't be able to use Ferret unless I already have a Link Monster creating new link zones to use.
Didn't watch them yet so i didn't know. It's a shame that they don't all share the same universe.
>He thinks D R A G O N S wasn't one of the most oppressive and restrictive metas we've ever had.
I'll admit that the format was one of the more skill-intensive formats we've had, but that's only because there were like, 2 ways to build that deck in its prime, so the game came down to luck and skill rather than deck construction and side techs (since you really only sided against non-D R A G O N S). This isn't okay. It's not okay to have formats where you play one deck or you fucking lose.
Also, "I'm so hot OTHER people copy ME" is probably the dumbest excuse for an argument I've ever heard in these threads. It's like appeal to authority but narcissistic and not even backed by anything. Without some proof of who you are and backing to your statement, it just makes you look like an ass and contributes nothing.
Really, it's much simpler that way. It's a mercy to not have to be chronologically connected to Arc-V's clusterfuck.
In terms of the end results, there aren't really particularly drastic changes I think.
Anything original YGO! non-card game stuff is forgotten by the end of the manga timeline anyway as far as I'm informed and the anime original arcs are self-contained stories that pick up characters and events (or, in Doma's case, themes as well) but don't have any lasting impact on the overall Egypt plot. They occasionally get referenced but that's it.
Kaiba not being there during the ceremonial duel should change his motivation a bit though. Apparently he didn't really get closure in the manga which lead to some rather obsessive actions in the movie whereas the anime fixed that by integrating him during the end game.
It should also be noted that while the original version of the DSOD movie is canon to the Manga, the dub version is specifically on record as being a continuation of the anime. Because of this, Kaiba's motivations change a bit, and they dial down him actually losing his marbles in favor of dialing up his butthurt over not getting a victory over Atem.
Excuse me
In either universe this still makes Kaiba as my favorite
>dub version is out already
>still no sub version
This saddens me.
I'm admittedly also slightly disappointed there were no links to the anime as it's a manga continuation. Would have loved to see some Musketeers cameo like with KCGP.
But ZEXAL has to be connected to the other 3, otherwise its inhabitants wouldn't have an off-shoot dimension of their own.
No, look, this isn't yugioh anymore, it's too slow.
What I loved about the game more than anything else was the speed.
Back when pendulum came out I remember calling it complete garbage. And I was right back then too, because the only reason people played it were disgustinlgly degenerate decks, among them the most ridiculous deck ever made. I don't remeber XYZ but I thought it was essentially Synchro with limited-use effects.
Anyway, what makes this change so absolutely horrifying is the fact that links go into the Extra, because 15 slots is already too little. This means that new extra deck monsters will need to be much, much more powerful, because otherwise they're simply not worth running over even unoptimized main deck archetypes.
Video explaining Link summoning and the mechanics.