This is how you deal with antifas, take note Americans.
This is how you deal with antifas, take note Americans
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We should take note to
>Italians have pizzeria written on their shield
Baste Italy. Wish our cops did this instead of just releasing funneling any rightwing protestors into a funnel of antifa on both sides so they have to run a gauntlet of piss bags, chemicals and bike locks.
Mama Mia pizzaria!
Wish our cops just opened fire.
>not shooting them on sight
It's the State that is transforming of our European homelands into wog-infested shitholes. If nationalists ever took to the streets the same tactics will be applied to us. Stop being such pig-worshippers - they are the strong-arm of the globalists.
Why are faps watching antifas getting beaten up the best faps?
And yet they allow you to be invaded by nigger... im actually less impressed.
go home reddit
It's "polizia" (police) you retards
what ? hiding behind the police who do all the work ?
i wish i had your steel balls
Italians and Spanish police are the best
Didn't watch.
Antifa who? Haven't even heard of them since Nov 4th when they pussed out.
It's funny cause it makes me think of my ancestors burning down Rome and selling off all the degenerates as slaves.
Rome was asking for it.
Yeah, then remember how we all lived in stupidity and squalor for a thousand years after that?
Good times man, good times.
I hope that doesn't happen again, gee whiz.
Fucking kek
Na, it is now pizzeria
no one even got shot you surrender monkey
>Fucking casual
I like how in the middle of the video the protestors try to pull the police down from the vehicle, and then the police just jump down and the mob scatters
Pizza spaghetti ravioli to you to, Giovani.
Wow, Italians actually living up to the based reputation they think they have. What's the deal?
checked like whoa
I can tell your mother's marinara is trash by how easily you take the bait, ya silly anchovy.
>Millions of muslims flood your country, rape your women, burn your cities down
>police do nothing
>white people start protesting
>police beat them like animals
Find me that Chilean riot cop that just rushes into the crowd alone and jumps antifa???