That Paganism is European is a lie
Let me tell you off Paganism

So i have heard you degenerates say Christianity is not European just to fall for another dessert jew cult
For you see Paganism Yes PAGANISM is a BABYLONIAN religion Where Ishtar is the god of Love or Freyja/Aphrodite by your standards and Nimrod the founder of Babylon is Oden/Zeus

And not only is PAGANISM not European, It is also more JEWISH than Christianity!
For it was formed by Khazarian Jews that were expelled from Judea/Palestine by God for their pagan worship, and they continued their practice under the oppression of Babylon where they developed the religion fully

While christianity on the other hand was written by Hebrews in the old & new testament, And it was and still is hated by the jews!

You idiots have all been played, fucking pick up a book

Other urls found in this thread:


Paganism isn't a fucking religion, it's a fictional term come up with by the catholics to group all hedonic beliefs and systems together. It's not one thing, it's many different ones.


why are you country men this retarded?

Paganism does not mean an indigenous European religion you fool, it is refered to the Norse/Greek Mythology

Religion is stupid.

"paganism" doesnt refer to any one specific set of beliefs or practices you complete and utter troglodyte


Dig skulle jag vilja rista blodörn på och hänga upp dig på Sergels torg. Horunge.

That's clearly a very jewish babylonian symbol my friend!
It does you fucking ape ever heard of Thor & Oden? The cumsucking gods of the north?

Jag är 196 centimeter lång pöjk och kan lyfta dig med en hand, gå och lägg dig

Pic related

The Babylonian Freja/Aphrodite

This is the flow of paganism as the priest followed the money from Babylon to Rome, remember Jesus Christ is the true and only way, all others who try and come through another way are thieves and robbers and will be treated as such by the Lord

Before Christianity, France was a bunch of pagans making war to each other and getting drunk all day, hence the loss against the romans. With Christianity came unification and strength.

The neo-pagan shit is just a basic divide and conquer strategy

Yes, and that is not all paganism. Swedes are a special case of stupid holy fuck.

nothing is European, Europe was populated by waves of Indian migration: dumb dumb.

anyway... get a life. reincarnation is unfalsifiable.

Of course it makes perfect sense that a desert culture created a religion based on the worshiping of tree life.

>not all paganism
It's all the same shit you dolt, worship the sun? Worship the earth? Worship the moon? If you don't worship the true and living God Jesus Christ then you're a pagan

Jesus Christ is the tree of life, read your bible friend

I guess you're a muslim then as it's the same god as Christianity.

The tree of life is placenta worship Ie ritualistic jewish sex magic from Babylon you fool
All Germanic/Hellenic/Norse/Slavic/Roman/Balkan/Vedic/Iranic Paganism comes from the same jewish root

I haven't say other wise.

No because they don't believe that Jesus Christ is God, therefore they know not the true way, neither do the Jewish for they are still waiting, not knowing that the Christ came as a lamb first then will come as a lion, all whom Christ has chosen to be His know the full revelation

Yes because Christianity did a great job uniting Europe. There were no splits, divisions, or wars between Christians. Marvelous! Not like Europe was ever united under paganism anyways ...like with the roman empire.

The big problem with you Christ cucks though is that you are cool with Somalis coming to your country and replacing you so long as they are 'true believers.'

This, by far, is the most idiotic post I have seen on this board.

I am astonished that OP is able to use a computer.


You fool

Not so, all Christians should respect God's will that the tower of babylon not be built. All this multicultural bullshit is done by those who serve the devil.

You're probably turning out canned anti-Christian responses to keep ppl away from the gospel.


I've seen more idiotic posts. Do you just want Christian posts to go unnoticed? Do you fear Jesus' return?


pagans are utter shit

>be me
>reads bible
>random swedcuckistani tells me about paganism and (((other))) things

Imagine my shock

it's hilarious when anybody today calls themself a pagan. Worst type of LARPing

Ishtar is the mother of harlots. She was the goddess of the temple prostitutes. I have seen no evidence that freyja was seen as the same. Comparative religion is not a science. There are cognates, but the idea that all pagan religions are the same is a false concept. Pic related is 35,000-40,000 years old and was found in Deutschland. It was likely an anthropomorphization of the principle of femininity. It was likely for the purpose of veneration of the feminine. I'm not saying your theory is wrong, and I appreciate your zeal, but let us not pretend as if we can make such declarative statements before all the evidence is in.

No that is a complete lie
Even king of the pagan larp:s Varg vikerness admints that Paganism all comes from the same root

And that little statue is not a religion it's just a figurine

Fuck off.

>Jews invented every religion save for the jewish one

>Its not one belief system
Sure Sven. Whatever you say pal. Fucking pagans just make it up as they go along. Thats why Sven has no actual rebuttal and is just repeating memepoints he hears.

>Its one belief system

Thats nice but it IS still the same god.

Nice rebuttal

Pagan is a Latin word and referred to rural, insular people who weren't up-to-date on the practices and beliefs of the day, you uneducated buffoon.

Its not one belief system

Yeah, pegan pantheons are simular no shit, that doesnt make them one and the same.

Very good picture I have been looking for something like that!
Paganism does not mean an indigenous European religion you fool, it is refered to the Norse/Greek/Roman/x/x Mythology

Are you trying to samefag?

discord gg/qA64Tj

come in for a chat

Wars were in a lesser number and were less barbaric, some weapons were bans in wars involving Christians only. Pure unification is impossible, it's a spectrum and Christianity is nearer than paganism in unification.
Plus the Vatican IS Rome and Rome attempt to keep Europe unified.

No Christians are not ethnomasochists,Europe must remain white

Here's the ACTUAL reason why non Jewish religions are so similar. Sumerian, Persian, Hindi, and every European language come from the Aryan language group or "Indo-European".

All non African religions on Earth originally came from the Ancient Stone Age European Religion. When civilization came, it allowed for stupid/weak men to survive, and therefore lose the true nature of their religion. The pre-Jewish Middle Eastern religions are misinterpretations of the European religions.

>Rome attempt to keep Europe unified.
Yeah, that was some altruistic shit, so nice of them.

Wrong, it comes from the jews/semites in the middleeast

You are confused because you do not understand what paganism is. You have made a subset of Paganism define the whole set. Pagan beliefs are found all over the world.

>the jews invented every religion ever and the god of the OP is a jew himself

Except you can't prove that and never will because you're a fucking retard. Even Judaism comes from the European Religion. It's just that because the Jews were such inferior people, they had to twist and pervert it so much it became a disgusting death cult. Being a Christian basicly makes you as bad as a Jew.

Not an argument kid

Nice argument, you should publish this thread.

>No Christians are not ethnomasochists,Europe must remain white
lol. explain the pope please

Cry more Hans!

Remember that the christians took you over
The orthodox are less corrupt

>Op worships a jew
>from a jewish religion started by jews
>which is a derivative of the religion of the ancient and modern jews
>Not being enough judaism for him, he explores ancient religions
>all them by jews
>including people who have beliefs based on experiences that they had and that nobody ever had

And now you're desperately trying once again to make your retarded kike worship slightly make sense. It does not, sadly. Free yourself from the shackles of Judaism.

You are such a sad retard, if all you can do is state a claim and then whine instead of delivering arguments for your claim. You might as well stay silent.

>The swede is back with his DeviantArt tier fanfiction

Can you please just fuck off already? You're becomming the Sup Forums version of Kraut and tea.



Pagans aren't really interested in empathy nor human rights. :/

I'm totally down w/Ancient Rome/Greece but, very glad I don't live in their societies.

>Even king of the pagan larp:s Varg vikerness admints that Paganism all comes from the same root
That's just one opinion. It's an over simplification.
>And that little statue is not a religion it's just a figurine
It's the externalization of a principle embedded in a form, likely for the purpose of veneration. It's the same thing as the cross being a representation of principles embedded in form. I'm not saying that it is a religion in itself. It is however evidence that the veneration of a goddess, or or the principle of femininity, was taking place millennia before ishtar was a thing.
>Anthropologists from Victoria University of Wellington have suggested that such figurines were not depictions of beauty, but represented "hope for survival and longevity, within well-nourished and reproductively successful communities
So this guy is saying it is an anthropomorphization of the principles of hope for survival and longevity, within well-nourished and reproductively successful communities.

Behold! A jewish god

Why do you use our names for the days of the week you filthy protestant?

Jewish lies all of you
Go pray to Nimrod you fucking subhuman kikes

I somehow suspect that you don't entirely know what paganism means.

Modern paganism is jewy as fuck and is just a way for larpy atheists to get back at their parents for forcing them to go to church.

I suspect you havent read the thread!

For Paganism does not mean an indigenous European religion you fool, it is refered to the Norse/Greek/Roman/x/x Mythology

>Christian English scribe creating the names of the days of the week
>paganism so dead he can't even think of 7 gods to name so he had to borrow from Roman ones

I think it's safe to say you're dumb "theory" has been utterly destroyed.

Saturday was originally "Lagardagaz" which literally means laundry day. Europeans, unlike Jews, actually bathed themselves

>When you call half the thread stupid to save face.
Go home, there is nothing here for you.


I hope God has mercy on you fedora fags
Go home to mommy!'

Paganism is literally just a christian slur for non abrahamic religions.
Also, Norse, Greek and Roman religions were indigenous European religions.

No they were not read the thread you illiterate swine!

This is so sad.

Look at this retard.

For The nordic mythology was collected by Nordic wise men in Iceland at the year 1000!
Well far into our campaign into the jewish heartland and middleeastern conquest!

Then go cry somewhere else
And you to Hans!
I can beat all of your asses

Get your ass on discord if you dare

Thanks Luther and Calvin for fucking it up...
Although I can agree with both of them on certain topics, without the Vatican Europe would have been in a absolute state of war and decadence, Islam would have conquer it in no time.
The Vatican is a human organization and thus not perfect, but the Catholic and Orthodox world remain more unites than protestants

Fuck pope Francis and fuck the Vatican as it is right now, but all hail tobthe eternal Church

Your quiet now huh
Fucking cucks

Are you playing retarded on purpose to make christians look bad?

Do you think Jesus was nice when he threw out the jews from the temple!

These pagan jews worship the same god!

Jews aren't even pagans. Judaism is an abrahamic religion.

So OP, what you are saying is that the jews invented every religion ever?

The Ancient Semitic Religion associated their Gods with planets.
Sin (Moon)
Shamash (Sun)
Marduk (Jupiter)
Ishtar (Venus)
Ninurta (Saturn)
Nabu (Mercury)
Nergal (Mars)

For the jews only father is Satan and their ways of worshipping him as shifted from paganism to Talmudism!
Inte ett argument pojk!
There is nothing new under the sun

Christianity & old testament was written by hebrews though not jews

I'm a Christian and I can't stand the larpagans on this board but you're fucking retarded if you actually believe that European Paganism was created by jews.

then neither is christianity

>I posted it again!

What about baltic paganism? The last kind of paganism to survive in europe?

Hebrews are jews, the jews descend from hebrews too

Then read the fucking thread you dimwit!
Hebrews are not jews, hebrews come from Sinai the jews come from Caucasus pic related

Also, "pagan" literally means "someone who doesn't follow Abrahamic religion", are you saying the jews invented every Pagan religion in the world?

>Hebrews are not jews
Yes they are, the jews descend from hebrews, israelites and so on

Probably just the same as slavic/nordic mythology which all comes from the same judaic root

The modern day jew is an askenazi jew
it is an ethnicity

hebrews and askenazis are not the same

>N-no, my j-jewish religion where I worship the king of the jews is not jewish

lmao pagan larpers GET A LIFE.

not an argument kid

The bear cult existed before any of these and started in Europe.