>The bad guy explains his entire plan
The bad guy explains his entire plan
>but he already completed the plan
>but he was lying the entire time
>somebody else gives a long winded explanation of what they think the villain is trying to do
>turns out they were totally wrong
Fucking kamachi.
>he completed it 35 minutes ago
Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Bad guy explains the only way to survive his attack without any reason
Is the "bad guy gets caught on purpose and escapes, serving literally no purpose at all" trope a thing in anime?
>bad guy needs to explain his power for it to work
I liked genthru fuck you.
>user posts a Sup Forums image on Sup Forums
>posts breast girl with her breasts covered
>Implying Sup Forums isn't vietmanese cartoons
if youve read/watched the series up to that point, then you have no one to blame but your self to not noticing the shit writing that allows that to be passable.
>Getting triggered by pixels
>teacher gives lecture of advanced algebra in class
>there are chemistry classes with a bunch of flames and equipment and liquids
>students value high scores and compete
>they have cooking classes with ovens
Why anime always has to remind me how much of a shit third world country i am my school run out of water almost every week and every cealing vent was bent bc the monkeys from the night classes though it was funny to hang from them
Based on this context i have to ask if you mean actual monkeys.
>bad guy passes the torch to his son, the protagonist, to fix everything before dying
>i guess he wasnt that evil for a masskiller
>lol jk that was part of my plan too
>turns into a god
Of courshe
>Bad guy explains his plan.
>It takes away the heroes' raison d'être
>tfw you will never relive the live threads
>Magical soul bound artifacts are passed on only when the previous owners die
>Everybody who is shown owning one is young or even a child
grim implications
>The good guys are so fucking annoying, bland and perfect
>The bad guy is great because he has amazing art design or a backstory way better than the heroes´
>You want the bad guy to win SO FUCKING BAD but you know he has to lose because the author is a hack that invested all his effort in the wrong fucking place
Its from an animated show not from Sup Forums
>a character lists pi digits to indicate that he's smart
They were dark skinned for the most part and made weird sounds so i think you can interpret it that way
>plan is crashing the plane with no survivors
>High school
>Math class
>Basic fractions
>"anime is not cartoons!!! >:("
>main character/villain has daddy issues
Dont remind me
>anime tries to cross modern warfare with medieval magic
I mean I liked Yoshikage Kira too, but that doesn't mean I like Diet version.
the most unrealistic part of gate is japan not being a little bitch to the US
>Villain is cheaply written as unlikable as humanly possible so that you'll root when he gets his comeuppance
>Villain dies on his own terms in a completely unsatisfying way
>Villian is defeated but still alive
>dies shortly after accidently, so the heros technically didn't kill him