
Other urls found in this thread:

noties.nl/v/get.php?a=peil.nl&s=weekpoll&f=2017-12-17 djw.pdf

Go zo door, knul. Hoop wel dat hij zich aan zijn idealen blijft houden en niet zijn ziel zal verkopen aan (((onze grootste bondgenoot))), onder andere.

Jammer genoeg heeft FvD ook zulke trekjes , maar zeker minder dan PVV.

Het lijkt mij voornamelijk een pragmatische zet, een die ik volledig snap. Men moet zich begeven binnen de grenzen van het discours om wat te kunnen bereiken, ongeacht potentiële onwenselijkheden.

Kan je een statistiekje droppen

Er was een Rechtse Britse politicus die verteld hoe Zioniste contact zoekt met rechtse partijen. Dit is hoe (((ze))) beide kanten van het debat beheersen.

> "Opvallend", zegt politiek comentator Frits Wester. "Ze zijn bijna nooit aanwezig in de kamer."
pic related. fake news?

Klopt. Dit is het nieuwe populaire truukje om Baudet meer onderuit te halen wat ongelovelijk nutteloos is.

Het is ook 10 keer moeilijker voor een kleine partij om 100% aanwezig te zijn dan een partij met 15-20 zetels.

Good. Geert was extremely low energy last election round. Sadly both Geert and Thierry are kosher in their presentation, although Thierry has mentioned the (((Frankfurter Schule))) and spoken out against (((modern architecture))) and (((atonal music)))

Survey by De Hond (17-12-2017)
PVV 14/150
FvD 15/150

FvD is now on a tie for 3rd place with PvdA (labour) which lost big in the last elections

noties.nl/v/get.php?a=peil.nl&s=weekpoll&f=2017-12-17 djw.pdf

And the municipal elections are coming up on March 21.

6 grootste partijen hier

Je hoort het nu ook vaker op twitter e.d.

Typisch Frits, altijd passief aggressief vis-à-vis FvD. Gelukkig niet uitermate effectief, deels vanwege FvD's sociale media-aanwezigheid.

Dat klopt spijtig genoeg ook.

Bewijst ook maar weer hoe Frits Wester met een VVD buttplug rondloopt.

Geert Wilders is just drained after all these years and doesn't have big support among the higher educated audience anymore. They all went to FvD. However, he does have a hardcore base and I think he'll still fulfill a role in the coalition. Just not as Minister-President, that'll be Thierry Baudet.

In navolging van FvD's succes, als de huidige D66/VVD/GL kliek door blijft gaan met het land te verneuken, zal er meer nodig zijn dan FvD nu zegt te willen doen. Dan komen we uit bij een opvolger: de nationaal socialistische partij.

>de Hond
Die vent heeft nog nooit correct een verkiezing gepolld.

Geniet, maar escaleer met mate.

Oeps, miemvlag niet uitgezet

Non-dutch here. Why is FvD better than PVV?

Because flavour of the month.

True, PVV is still the party for the white cab drivers and pitbull owners.

What happened to Wilders party?

Stop met die EU vlag, landverrader

Biggest thing about him is that he isn't making people only hate islam, nonwhites, etc., he's also getting rid of the selfhate (cultural marxism) that whites have. We never really had that kind of person in politics. He's very effective at it as you can see by the poll numbers. With the rise of Baudet, Wilders began to talk about demographic replacement too.

Also big thing is that he called most ruling parties members of the 'partycartel', all these parties that try to appear different but they mostly agree with eachother, and the 'job carroussel' where politicians that retire magically get a job as mayor or some big business, which means they still keep a lot of power.

He did have to backtrack though when he got criticized for very normal things on race, such as "I want Europe to remain dominantly white and culture we have. We'll see if in the future the culture shifts from white shame to white pride and if he will talk about race as well, but even if he doesn't he has paved the way for those thoughts to rise.

Different reasons. Mostly invisibility, a cordon sanitaire by other parties and the rise of FvD. People can't be associated with PVV, because it has been so demonized by the left over the years.

The final drop for me was the vote against banning of kosher butchering because of jewish pressure/influence.

Does anything ever get done in your government?

I wonder why Wilders doesn't push Bosma more, he seems to be a very solid politician on his own, and one of the few politicians in Europe who stand up for the Boers.

it's basically neo-libs and christcucks, slowly bringing our country to destruction.

PVV is largely known as the anti-muslim party because of their prime desire to expel criminal muslims, so most people, unaware of the very real dangers of islamification, see it as an extremist party. And although Geert's heart seems to be in the right place, he more than occasionally makes a dumb statement or decision he has to immediately retract again.

FvD however is a wholesome anti-degeneracy party who've made as their main point the removal of political nepotism, EU worshipping and leftist thought, with their criminal muslim removal policy put on a side pitch. This not only makes them way more palatable to most people, since they're harder to accuse of racism or xenophobia, but their proposed solutions to popular problems are way more thought out than the PVV's as well, who usually resorts to kebab removal as a panacea to everything.

Naar de gaskamers met jou!

>Efficient and functioning parliament

Haha, that's like believing in fairies and gnomes.

It also helps that Thierry Baudet is young, energetic, smart, well spoken and holds and Doctorate in Law. His 'sidekick' Theo Hiddema is a heavyweight veteran and celebrity lawyer, who's even more eloquent and respectable.

People want to associate with them. Not with Wilders and friends.

All governments operate terribly, but compared to US politics it's a breeze. We don't have a dysfunctional congress and we don't (well, hardly) filibuster here.

Exactly this. People definitely care about who they're associating with, not just the ideas of the party in question. It's why there's such a celebrity culture surrounding most of the major party members.

Remember when SP and PVV tried to filibuster but they didnt even have enough knowledge about the subject matter to fill 1/5th of the time they slotted. ecks-dee.

There is nothing weird about it, if I'm going to be nationalist, I'm not going to follow some fat ugly dude who talks about superiority. This makes me think a slow removal of Wilders (not necessarily PVV, someone can take over) would be good.

Dit, de PVV is oud nieuws, "zij" hebben een nieuwe jongen nodig voor het klootjes volk

Deze knappe blank man vernietig het partijkartel.

stoot voor mijn poldervrienden



With some luck, I can see the FvD becoming the biggest party during the next election cycle. Best would be if the current coalition falls apart because of VVD fuckups and we have to have reelections.

Certainly! They have been most effective in giving away sovereignty to the EU. They also have been very effective in producing laws of extremely cheap and poor quality. I am not even talking about the political goals of the laws, I mean that the quality of the wording is so horrendously vague that the laws are nearly useless for their goals. For examples see the: Wet werk en zekerheid (WWZ), de Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties (DBA) and Nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv).

And dont get me started about the Wiv.

cijfers liegen niet

fvd is het partijkartel, binnenkort in ieder geval. feelsbadman.

Nee zeker niet!


What's going on??

Kek is that you?

Say this to his face, not online, see what happens

Neuk ja!

Gecontroleerd ook!

Alle deze mooie cijfers vandaag

Just scrolled back a little, check it out!

Is Thierry going to be the next leader in NL?

Holy schijt, nice snag Anoniem!

>Is Thierry going to be the next leader in NL?
If we miem it hard enough :^)

>going to be the next leader

He's already the leader in Dutch politics, he just has to be elected - a formality.
Thierry posts something on twitter > lying press and party cartelists go beserk for days. He has the same thing Trump has: living rent-free in his opponents heads.
I especially liked when he got on the offensive against leftist educators.

Nah, FvD won't become the biggest party next elections. I hope, though. But established parties such as VVD somehow continue to be the biggest, most of the population is either blind or retarded.

I don't want reelections now.

FvD is growing naturally , we don't want to rush it. Let him develop his politics and give him time.

>Forum voor Democratie in peiling groter dan PVV
>Forum for Democracy is polling greater than PVV
Why does your language sound like English spoken by a retard? And you say "Afrikaans" is a dumbed down version of this? Holy shit, it must be literal gibberish.

fvd definitely needs to refine and get more people on board, but we also don't want to wait 3.5 years while we could have 5x the number of seats.

Because both are Germanic languages that share the same root, dumbass
I thought shitty American education was just a meme

Lads, this seems like a massive, massive growth. Hopefully the upcoming Referendum and Municipal Elections give Baudet a chance to debate some more, which can only raise his profile. Tied second is incredible for a new party.

>American opinions

If we get a little international meme help :)

what is going on why is everyone speaking foreign

Exactly, genuinely organic.


Dit is aas. Nee (jij) voor jij, dikke kut.

I will ceertainly continue giving my help...vrijheid voor Nederland!

Latest peil.nl Poll Analysis: Euroscepticism

Hard Eurosceptic:
FvD - 15 seats
PVV - 14 seats
TOTAL - 29 seats (19.3%)

Soft Eurosceptic:
SP - 14 seats
PvdD - 7 seats
CU - 5 seats
SGP - 3 seats
TOTAL - 29 seats (19.3%)

The English translation of
>Forum voor Democratie in peiling groter dan PVV


>Forum for Democracy in poll larger/bigger than PVV

Not what your retarded ass made of it.

Stoot met miemen

oh schijt, het is de pannenkoekenrevolutie!

>Nee (jij) voor jij

Geen (jij) voor jou :^)
I kan goed begrijpen hoe je de mist ingegaan bent als je engels als moedertaal heb. Toch een goede poging. I wish I could explain why it is like that though. Geen feels like the absence of a thing or object, while nee, altough a negative, is something I feel like is more proper as a response.


Where exactly can I find the information in the picture?

I'm not sure I'll ever get the grammar right, but I will keep on trying...dankjewel for the correction!

Mijn pannenkoekenrevolutiebroer :^)


new staatsgezinde partij when?


excuse me third worlders but this is an english only board speak english or die

>a-am I punk yet mom?


t. Amerimut


I'd like to remind you that we were one of your first settlers. begone you unrooted shitbush

Please show me where it says that in the rules

The time is nigh, brethren.

We care not for the opinions of an Ameridikke, focus mijn heren!

Niet sinds jullie je net neutraliteit hebben afgeschaft, ha.
Dus lik mijn bloemballen.


>years before another election

any of you lot going to the 20 januari protest against racism against the dutch?
organized by the pvv, so there'll probably be a shlomo flag or two.

That sounds like cringe. Racism is good, do you really think this country is just as much of black people as it is of Dutch people?

i would have an ethnostate if i could have it. Wilders organized this because he feels minorities are being racist/dsciminatory against the dutch.

or rather, the state is doing more for foreigners than for the dutch

opdonderen, jij ahistorische cultuurbarbaar

>muh honeypot protests

Do you want to be treated equally? Or do you want your own country.

Equal treatment is how you end up like america.

guess i'm not going either then.
I just want a military party rather than all this "muh democracy" shit.


whos the bitch?

FvD is not going to be that, but FvD has a mission that must be completed before we can have that: bring back a feeling of pride to be dutch/white. No one has done that, not even PVV, so everyone was either civic nationalist or cultural marxist. That's changing now, people are becoming more aware of ethnocultural identity. Once that is established for a large group of people, we can take the next step. But you can't rush this, because you need to remember that people have been indoctrinated to hate whites/europeans because of history.

Dat was die knul van britain first, werd benaderd in het gevang. Als ie alleen op moslims ging kankeren en niet meer over de grote banken ging praten mocht ie uit de jihadi wing.

>FvD has a mission that must be completed before we can have that: bring back a feeling of pride to be dutch/white
Je projecteert nu je eigen missie op het FvD

Yup cringe. Def not going.
Let the tokkies fight it out

Je ziet toch wat ze aan het doen zijn:
verzet tegen moderne kunst / muziek / architectuur, beetje identitair, maar niet racistisch.