Little Witch Academia

Post rare pictures

Other urls found in this thread:

Can we please have a normal fun thread this time

Post only your best aswangs and mushrooms.


All you need is Hard Work and Guts!

not until we see sucys left eye

Leave the clean up duty to me


>You will never sew Hannah and Barbera's bodies into one, making them into a dual headed marvel
>You will never see them tearfully try to adjust to their strange new bidy

I really wish Sucy takes over Akko's body so that she can pass some test

I really like that image.

Which witch would bang which animal, pair them with creature they would breed with!

(Witches consorting with animals is traditional canon.)


A rare Diana.

Only the most valuable, goyim.

no survivors

Post yfw Akko becomes the Wicked Witch of the East.


Fuck, I feel so dumb not noticing this till now

akko is for intellect

>You'll never team up with Hannah and Barbara to solve mystery's around the world with a talking animal

Here's my rarest Amanda

>solving mysteries with a pathetic user

get a load of this fag

>Not saying, "they're just traveling around with you to solve the mystery of your existence"

Too bad there's not more about Avery. That's another reference.

So, are Hannah and Barbara just a direct reference to Hanna-Barbera?

something low tier like a cute dog. she would probably cry after.
large fish or a sea serpent.
only fucks the strangest or most menacing of monsters; slavic ala, typhon, demons, they're all on her list.
boars or bangers.
golems and other animated constructs only.
lizards and worms.



Touch fluffy Akko

I wanna grab those ears.


This picture is inaccurate, Akko goes nopan.

the entire academy is nopan


Diana "Slicker than your average nigger killer" Cavendish

This thread


>Not with a wolf

Good post

>Every thread


Trigger really are the biggest bros

>tfw haven't seen any jas posters in ages besides that one feeder guy

I need more Jas in my life.

Sunday - Monday = Prime LWA discussion

Tues - Sat = Shitposting central

believing in these posts is your magic user!

official LWA thread poster ranking

>tfw LWA is literally Gunbuster without mechas

Here you go. Have fun.

Allow me to contribute

Shopping that on my cock r/n

It was always -fags.

>without mechas
We'll see about that next episode

My mistake

1. Bullyfags
2. Yurifags
3. Weird shit-fags

waifufags are the one of the lowest tier shits in anything

just look at the weekend waifu drawthreads

do one nude

Now it's even better, fantastic job user.

>ten minutes after the episode aired = actual discussion
>the rest = shitposting central
>golden age = Tattun shows up
You know it's truth.

>LWA is literally Gunbuster without mechas and really shitty

Fixed that for you.


>Without mechas

Constanze will fix that, even if just for a moment.

Gunbuster is really shitty though

0. Drawfriends

*blocks your path*

>>golden age = Tattun shows up
Golden age or not, it's mostly "notice me senpai"-time.

Put goreposters at 1 and yurishits at 4 and you're good

Accurate 40k proportions

Gunbuster has some really shitty episodes tho.



Screen cap of episode 25 at 7:43


Yeah I just want to get a massive sack full of assorted snacks and sneak up behind her then surprise her by dumping it all over her.

But at least it's still fun. Waifuwars can be fun when everyone is just doing it for said fun and nobody actually has a problem with anyones waifu. But there some really buthurt people out there.

>Still has the black eye after like 10 years

>akko, lotte, and sucy are all chaos cultists
>akko follows tzeentch so she can be a great witch, lotte follows slaanesh to follow her passion for literature, and sucy follows nurgle because muh fungus

Define "normal".

luluco is normal!

luluco is for sucy


39 hours until next episode

>But at least it's still fun.
That's definitely true. And when we're not talking off-topic, we get cool information occasionally.
It probably is the best time in these threads. Let's hope Tattun watches ep 7 live with us.

Akko stop become a witch and get marry

I wanna rub akko's legs

Why does he always look like he's about to cry?

He became one of us

Didn't he say basically everyone at work bullies him?
In response to the question whether the women there (all of whom are taller than him and have broader shoulders) bully him, if I remember correctly.

I guess that's why they introduced Andrew. Akko finds out she doesn't have enough magic to become a witch so she lets Diana be the next Chariot and she marries Andrew.

28839. Lotte Fags

>Sucy in Akko's body acting all creepy
>Akko in Sucy's body YAYing and being genki

I believe it

You can't counter this picture with ANY argument!

I honestly agree with this

You forgot to put Sucymom 9 spaces below Ursula.

Ah, the cancer is spreading.


This is benign cancer at worse user it could be so much worse


a reminder that akko is a Special girl, and needs to be protected from the evils of the world


What the fuck is this?

The threads have reached the next stage,

Meme posting