Do you think anime would be better off without fan service?
Do you think anime would be better off without fan service?
Without Yoko TTGL is forgettable mecha.
I think some anime would be better without fanservice.
Fuck off.
Yoko literally made TTGL
I think it'd be better off without autistic feminists.
Are you gay or something?
Yes times 1000
you mean better
No, but I prefer better stories and characters over unnecessary sexualisation of women.
YES actually, I hate when sexual content is just forced in for the neckbeards. It's what ruined high school of the dead for me. It's trying too hard.
Read children's books then.
99% of the time absolutely not.
See, this is the kind of degeneracy I'm talking about.
I agree. Not all of us are autistic pedophiles that get no female interaction so we need over the top sexual shit that's just trying too hard.
I don't see anything wrong with it, those are kid's undies and not sexually stimulating in any way. The purpose of this scene was to advance the plot only. If kid's underwear makes your palms sweaty you're a pedophile and need to turn yourself in
If the underwear of a prepubescent girl makes you uncomfortable you might be an actual autistic pedophile
That screenshot is from one of the best written and directed anime of all time though.
it would make them write more
>power point the animation
>good directed
What other reason would they show up a little girl's skirt?.... for the pedophile neckbeards. It's not art, it's not adding anything to the show, it's just unnecessary fan service to pedos. Btw not saying anime shouldn't have sexual content. I'm okay with it if it's not just shoved in for no reason other than fan service to losers.
Only tumblrinas and nu-males indoctrinated with radical feminism dislike fanservice.
>What other reason would they show up a little girl's skirt?
To get you to cry about it, and it really works!
Fanservice is great. Not because I actually fap to the shows, it does get distracting. Better to fap to actual h doujins. However, it's a great normalfag deterrent, so I don't mind it at all.
Why else would you watch anime?
inb4 muh deep plot and thoughts you forget 20 minutes later
It's okay to admit that you don't get it but saying shit like that will just give people the impression that you are a neanderthalic retard who can't into nuance
Not an argument
>links meme boards
w-woah, nice argument user
>Do you think anime would be better off without fan service?
No, as in I don't think it affects the series. Unless you're a puritan or get horny with everything.
You can have anime with or without.
But what truly bothers me is when studios either decide to add fanservice where it didn't exist to get more viewer OR (and this bothers me even more) when they decide to scrap the existing fanservice in order to make it "more legit" or "friendly".
Like, fuck you Kyoani, why would you take Mio's pantsu shot out of k-on?
Or the fucking magic skirts everywhere.
I don't mind the fog in bath scenes, or towels or anything, but it's just uncomfortable when there are lightrays at night, or total darkness under clothes, or skirts made out of iron, etc.
Also this, not because "muh secret club", but I just absolutely hate talking with weebs irl.
>ahhaha xD not an argument lol BTFO
>spouting Sup Forums nonsense on Sup Forums
please leave, or spout it one of our tumblr generals instead
Obviously fan service is a cancer on the anime industry and why people who like anime will always be alienated from others.
Evangelion Rebuild 3.33
Eva is at its best when its focusing on dark lovecraftian themes and gritty thought provoking characters. Its like Anno doesn't care anymore and just wants to milk Yuri On Ice audience.
The world would be worse off without an international sanctuary that's out of reach of political correctness.
In direct response to your question, not really. It doesn't do anything to hurt the writing staff's ability to write a good story. Its only "negative" quality is that it triggers prudes, misandrists, and normies.
>But what about all of those terrible shows that exist to do nothing but cash in on sex appeal?
They'd just cash in on something else and be just as terrible. Actually, they'd be worse, because at least things that cash in on sex appeal have sex appeal.
It's not a shitpost if it's true. Tell me, who else is so sensitive and emotionally immature that they get worked up over panty shots?
still waiting on that argument tho
Since most nips are only into anime for the fan service it likely wouldn't survive without it.
What kind of bubble are you stuck in?
Anime is mainstream as fuck
OP's question is politically charged.
What problems would people have with something that humans tend to like being present in our stories? The answer always comes back to an authoritarian ideology, whether it be religion or Marxist victim narratives.
For some shows fanservice would just ruin a perfectly good show with cringey unnecessary shit. For other shows, they know their audience and provide them with what they want.
Kuzu is probably popular with these types. Proving that sex is only okay as long as everyone is miserable.
No. Yoko's ass is a miracle of the universes.
>that they get worked up over panty shots
It's not a question of getting worked up, but it's something unnecessary, all the effort put into fan service could be directed somewhere else.
You're just spewing buzzwords and calling it an argument.
Would Japan be better off without the Japanese?
It's not like fanservice is replacing good writing.
Doubt there have been times in the writers room where they've though "man this is a good development, but lets put this fanservice here instead).
>but it's something unnecessary
That's not your call to make.
If you're gonna break it down to whats "necessary," you're left with almost nothing
>man this is a good development, but lets put this fanservice here instead
Really makes you think.
I don't mind fan service, as long as it is used for only for comedic moments and isn't used too often. But I literally drop series that flash T&A in my face 24/7 just to keep my attention.
Fan service in a serious or dramatic moment is a complete mood killer and just leaves me feeling like I wasted my time getting invested.
Though I think overall it would be better without, at least if your trying to tell an actual story.
Maybe you should try leaving the house once or twice.
Not in general, but a show should make up it's mind if it fits the story.
Pic related got too explicit at times, TTGL and similar coming of age storys work better with it.
You're complaining about a problem that doesn't exist.
And to expand upon this idea that "it's not your call to make," I could very well make the argument that openings and endings are unnecessary. They don't advance the story at all and take up a minute or two of time that could be better spent showing more of the story. I could put forth this argument but it doesn't matter, it's not my call to make. A lot of people like watching openings and endings.
No, but it would be better off it was used more appropriately rather than just being thrown randomly into scenes because they can't think of anything better to keep viewers interested.
>I don't mind fan service, as long as it is used for only for comedic moments and isn't used too often
/thread closed
>avoiding the question like avoiding outside
Thats not very manly
>Yes please try to take seriously the characters running around in tight skimpy outfits that cover like 5% of their body. Why are you laughing!? This is meant to be serious!
It's the 21st century, you moron. Nudity and sex is nothing to be embarrassed about anymore.
I think it helps with the charm, especially if you want the attention of young teens to adults. Gives us all some candies.
The "effort could be directed to something better" argument can be used for almost anything. And fanservice might be unnecessary and bad for you but for many it adds value to the anime.
That's like, your opinion
That usually isn't supposed to be funny. Get your head checked.
You literally didn't get my point if you think I'm complaining about its explicity.
I'm talking about thematic backlash. Wrong place wrong time.
I want normalfags to leave
Name 3 series where that happened.
Yes it isn't. My exact fucking point. Jesus.
I don't think it makes that big of an impact all to be a hindrance.
Just give me feet and I'm happy.
If its some generic moeblob series and theres some bath scene with no actual nudity to check a box "fanservice ;DD" then yes fanservice adds nothing.
No, because sex and the pursuit of sex are part of being alive.
The attempt to censor or declare that a beautiful male or female body or certain parts of the male or female anatomy as "wrong" or "immature" is a war that's been waged by people trying to control what others think and how they act for years.
It use to be seen as obscene in the eyes of God, not people say it's immature or regressive or misogynistic.These are people who want to own you thought and soul. Pay them no mind. A creator gets to decide what they wish to present and the consumer gets to decide how much of that they want.
My point is you're a retard for finding those scenes funny.
Feet is a harmless but disgusting kind of fan service.
Sword art online (say what you will it's one of the most popular)
No game no life
Aldnoah zero
Yes. I refuse to watch TTGL and Wan Piss because of the fanservice.
Animu will always be seen as something for morbidly obese permavirgins, thanks to you waifufags who defend these shitty animu.
When the show wants me to take them seriously, yes it's fucking hilarious because I can't. Are you autistic?
>judging another person's feetish
What are you, an asshole?
That's nice. I could refuse to eat bananas because of the shape but it isn't the banana who's missing out.
Could've been toned back a bit.
If it bothers you that much you might be autistic.
Even with Yoko it's forgettable mecha.
Why is it wrong to look at a picture of an ass?
Why is it wrong to look at a picture of boobs?
Why is it wrong to respond to a call to courtship?
Even animals are able to do this and if the courtship is unwanted they chase off their potential partner.
Yet Humans are too stupid to even manage that half the time, instead crying or blaming everyone else for their own actions or because they don't like something.
There's a difference between portraying sexual themes and purposefully trying to arouse the viewer through fanservice.
You have yet to make a point, asshat.
Horrible analogy, kill yourself.
>giving two fucks about shitty shows
fanservice only gave some relief to those awful series, if anything it improved them
>purposefully trying to arouse the viewer through fanservice.
I wish they did that, the way tv anime fanservice scenes usually work out arent erotic in the slightest. Just annoying.
Toning it back would add nothing. It's a coming-of-age story for teenage boys. I guarantee you that teenage boys aren't getting buttflustered over Yoko's tits and ass.
My point is that your opinion makes you sound like a judgmental, no-fun allowed autist who thinks too much about the tone of some ridiculous scene that nobody else has a problem with.
>No game no life
Fanservice was literally one of the main pillars of NGNL, not sure how you can think any fanservice there was out of place.
It's an analogy so apt that you're actually mad.
My point is their some of the most popular that try to be serious whilst shoving fanservice in your face.
Does it irritate you that much that I just think fanservice shouldn't be in a serious scene?
>instead crying or blaming everyone else for their own actions
You are missing your own point, being shitty to each-other is part of our human courting ritual.
>I refuse to watch TTGL and Wan Piss because of the fanservice
That's funny, I refuse to watch them because they're shit.
What's with all the normalfags in this thread?