Dragon Ball Super

Is this Brolina's regular SSJ form?

Is Ayy lmao a manlet?

Other urls found in this thread:


you don't need a question mark, broly regular ssj had pupils normal as well

so it is her regular form


What's his endgame?

Who hyped for Buu's fight tomorrow?

Making more furries, and ending U7's game with furries.

> some gay ass twitter meme follower opens the thread
We are in a good start

Jerez best GoD


Guys I have confession

I want to pilot Iwan.

My dick says otherwise

what's his name again?

I'm actually really excited to see Buu fight again and to see the overall quality of the fight.
I hope BoG-FTrunks is retrospectively viewed as the warm-up and now with more thought and coordination the US Arc indicates a step up.

Multiversal banking clan.

The great jobberman

Filthy ningen

I thought Sup Forums was cancer but youtube is pure comedy gold.
>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon
> this is gt all over again. Toryiama is giving up on the series again
> I knew female broly was not toryiama's doing

don't you mean the Great Saiyajobber

Leave Vegeta to m-oh he lost already


>>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon
Which video?

Is this official?

fatass lorax/zootopia reject

>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon

This is correct, though.

That comment was on

>Is Ayy lmao a manlet?
His feet are clearly going lower than Brolina's, so no. It's just different pieces of concept art put together on the same page.

You literally just described Sup Forums


He's as tall as Goku, so not really. It's just that Colli's tall as shit, just like Broli was. Even in regular form was taller then Piccolo and he's like 7 foot.

But all of this comments are technically correct

>those Donkey Kong arms

No wonder he's being scouted to become the next haikaishin.

>>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon

>not realizing this is the most intelligent way to write off DBS as fanfiction


>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon

>DB youtubers are toeishills going full damage control

Reported. Stop fucking spamming this shit dumbass.

Also why would the angel (presumably) want someone on a heroic team with a strong sense of justice to become a planet destroyer as his job?


wtf I love db youtubers now

At least Gohan doesn't have his retard eyes anymore.

that anime character looks like aids/ugly as shit. fuck off

>Toei properly representing Cabba as the shit-tier character he is

Based Toei putting Cuckbba in his place.


Ongoing degeneracy waifu / husbando poll

> Toyotaro will give every god of destruction muscles
> more then half is made by him
user why have you forsaken me? You promised it was toei's doing turns out they are indeed all skinny and unfit besides fishman

>announcing a report

Friendly reminder toeishills call this man "toeichad" because he sucks Toei's dick just like them

No one and I mean no one on Sup Forums rates this fat bald ass spic.

proof that is him?

The Great Cuckman

>hey Toyo do you wanna pitch a few designs for the upcoming tournament? I think it would be a great learning experience
>(raffs nervously)





Blackenfist and zeon snitched him out long time ago. Your youtube god is a bald homeless unhygienic fatfuck permavirgin autistic nu-male wanker

All those anime youtubers are retarded. They all happen to look like genuine basement dwellers too. I remember clicking on a link to one of these videos only to be met by some fat deformed monstrosity.

But their comments section somehow manages to be worse.

do you have a deep disdain for this man?

>a bald homeless unhygienic fatfuck permavirgin autistic nu-male wanker

>calling out a fat autistic spic
>somehow manage to have more 'tism

I hold onto hope that daddy Seth and the cuck himself are well-adjusted attractive white males.

He's named after Moscow mules.

Someone post the video about this brony getting assblasted because "muh female broly ruined super"

>Toeicucks voting against Manga Posters because they keep losing

wew lad


> he rates headcanon seth and the cuck
My days I rather have geekdom fags here then this cancer

That's not the one I saw, but he sure reaffirms my suspicions. The one I saw was fat as fuck and was even uglier than the guy you posted.

post Rhymestyle

I keked.

>daddy Seth
Unironically kill yourself

>bald homeless unhygienic fatfuck permavirgin autistic nu-male wanker
Holy fucking shit, this thread is full of cancer.

>he doesn't subscribe to papa Seth to hear him blow lesser cucktubers out

The man literally uses Sup Forums lingo and gets heat in the comments section for railing on people too hard with his boy

T. CuckingStockMedia

you prolly are thinking of fornever world


>tfw I was completely right
Feels good.

"Anime vs Manga" posters, you illiterate faggot.

>Sup Forums lingo
So? He is still a huge faggot. Everything he says comes out of his ass. Also no youtubeshills alowed on here
this is where you belong you cuck

More like Bergano-votes
More like Bergaymo

>T. CuckingStockMedia
What? The fuck does that even mean? I want youtubefags to leave.

>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon

Holy shit poor toeishills, they're going insane

is girl brolly attrative?

>Everything he says comes out of his ass

Unsurprising you don't like him considering you're so used to the opposite treatment.

i don't care for literally whos

> he hahas any kind of social media
Fuck off you underage reddit crossbrowser

Leave everyone to us

>>Toyotaro did half of the designs therefore half of them are not canon
>> this is gt all over again. Toryiama is giving up on the series again

Youtubers confirmed for functioning on a higher plane of intelligence.

Youtube fucks need to stfu or talk about dragon ball or shill
In with your z-celebs

The fuck is Robotnic doing in DBS?

This fuck uploaded the video claiming those wrong names as legit. I am choked he is spreading misinformation and doesnt have the balls to correct himself.

> wasted trips


what would their fusion look like?


oh yeab bb



This. Were are the mods to delete all of this youtuber shit?

>Leave Cabba's virginity to me!


> celebrating mystic gohan
Fuck even trunks is stronger now.

Thats true, hopefully Gohan improves a bit.



No he isn't, stop spreading misinformation you got from a speculation spic image

she knows her stuff

Only way for him to improve is by unlocking god ki. Full potential is his max limit as a mortal.