I'm really starting to rethink socialism...

I'm really starting to rethink socialism, it was that Sam Hyde vid about that mum who lives of welfare because she has a lot of kids that got me, I always knew that shit went on but I just went along with the socialist mindset but now I know it just cant work.

Its a real nice idea and would be lovely if people wouldn't fuck around, pull their weight and play fair but thats just not a reality, there will always be barn animals of people spitting out kids, there will always be benefit scroungers squandering their money they need to survive on drugs and alcohol, its the cold truth of it, of course there are some people that would actually use it properly but if we weren't in this state they wouldn't need benefits in the first place.

Sorry Sup Forums I'm just venting my thoughts here, pretty sure the loses contribute to the gains though, like how when a lion hunts a gazzele they get the weakest and slowest of the group so the rest of the herd are left with good genes, thats my mindset right now.

Also I once said, "maybe if we fix the problems in there country the imergrants could go back" and my friend said "wow, are you alt-right now?" geez man, its hard to be honest about your opinions sometimes.

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>try for a 5th

Bravo. There's hope yet for the world.

socialism is extremely dysgenic
should be erradicated from the Earth


cocialism is a trap , it promises justice for all and gives freedom for none

The point of socialism is that those kids of the single mother would then become productive citizens. For your other point there is a reason why countries like the ussr were so nationalist and conservative.

PS as a result of these policies socialist countries had far greater fertility rates than capitalist ones.

I can get that, I want them to be productive members of society to, but will they, or will they be lazy slopes like their mothers that do exactly the same thing meaning we need to give out more in the future, I just cant see it working.


I think our fertility rates would still be fine.

welcome to Sup Forums and enjoy your stay
>you're here forever

>"maybe if we fix the problems in the country the immigrants could go back"
Lmao that's not gonna happen, first the immigrants being there are one of the main sources of problems, removing them is key.
If you try to improve your country and make it better but don't implement tough immigration laws the only thing you're gonna do is make your country an immigration magnet and attract way more migrants than before, not to count the ones already there would have even less desires to leave, the ones already there wouldn't want to leave.

First step is kicking out migrants and strengthening your migratory laws.
Then you focus on the rest.

women don't belong in the workforce so giving them a little for food is a good deal because then they will find a man who can give them more, socializing their entire lives leads to ruin and final destruction ie sweden

I meant their country, still reading your post btw.

In proper socialist countries like ussr people had to work, so that was not a problem. The issue that you described only really happens in liberal socialist countries like mine. Israel actually uses it as an advantage, because neets can produce many children.

Western european countries have plummeting birth rates. This actually creates a problem for capitalism because there aren’t enough consumers.

How is it advantageous over there?

In my opinion the best system is national capitalism, a free-market economy + strong social conservatism.
Like Pinochet's Chile, Spain during Franco, America in the 50's. All had good economies + high fertility rate.

Israel’s birth rate is about 3. Far higher than in europe.

Is that true? How do we have plummeting birth rates? And how does letting degenerates spread there bad genes around make things better? I mean unless we can put them to work.

if people played fair and pulled their weight they wouldn't need socialism to begin with

Conservatism + capitalism = liberalism + capitalism. Pinochet’s reign was a disaster and spain was state capitalist with technocratic elements.


Western european women have only about one child on average. Poor people will always have children, so cutting welfare wouldn’t solve that at all. In fact, welfare such as good access to birth control can even act as quasi eugenics.

Chile was the fastest growing economy in South America during the 80's by far. Even if you count the 82-83 crisis. Average was 4% when every other south american country was growing 1 or 2 % on average.
Plus a lot of the growth in the 90's (not all but a lot of it) was due to his policies and also the new constitution at the time.

Put would it be better to have people with high IQ procreate?

the fuck are you talking about

Five generations of people who have never seen a paycheck are too many. Time to end it.

Having average growth of around 4 % doesn’t matter when it all melts away during two crisisses. The chilean actual gdp per capita has always been higher than south american average, except during pinochet.

Socialism is also usefull for that. Because high iq people go to college not burdening them with loans and giving them financial support is very effective.

Look up the stats from the world bank.

Socailism (those who control it) is like an open purse
Capitalism (those who control it) is like a closed purse

Which way do you think the money is going to go?

That is why National Socialism existed. They needed a social structure and a market unmolested.

With all due respect, what are you talking about? Student loans are fucking heavy and most people who graduate from uni go into small time jobs like working in hotels or carehomes.

Ie. If people can go to college for free they can afford to have families.

So you're saying that either way one class is going to screw the other over, I can see that happening.

Our benefit system is why we suffer from so many migrant cunts. I had a relative who worked at the DWP and the sheer numbers of cases of people who speak no bloody English at all claiming benefits is huge.

But you cant go to college for free, at least now here, and once you hit uni you got to get a loan which you will be carrying for the rest of your life, if the education did not get you a great paying job (which it probably wont due to the competition) you are stuck with that.

Also I dont think college education = high iq, I think that just trains you to do specific things for a specific career set so I think we got a bit off the original topic of wanting people with better genetics to procreate.

Outside of colleges socialist policies like parental leave also increase fertility rates accros the board.

But how does that help, it encourages procreation yes but that of the lazy, unless they go back to work or look after the house when the other parent goes to work (if they stay together).

Bringing it back to those who use their womb for welfare, how is this a good thing, unless they want idiots to run a muck of the country, on the possitive side they could become the working class but still I dont see it being a good thing, also tax payers money should have to pay for sloth.


hundreds of years of socialist theory BTFO by one pimply MDE fan

Why not just get rid of the people who weigh down society? I'll gladly admit to being a collectivist, but a society needs a suitable social contract to make it work.
>Also I once said, "maybe if we fix the problems in there country the imergrants could go back"
That just means more people will have money to pay human traffickers, this line of thought doesn't work in reality.

Post link to video

What I mean't by that was we fix all the problems with their countries, I didn't continue what I said to my friend but I'll tell you my idea here.

We go over there, stop them from being huge cunts by force, meaning getting rid of all the nasty things like human traffiking too and then send the immigrants back.

Of course this will not work at all for many reasons, some being that it would be to convenient to fuck them over once we take their country so of course they wont want that.

Maybe if the polite societies of europe got together and tried to go at it, but there would be too much in fighting, I think I'm starting to talk about things I dont know a lot about here though.



The face he pulls when she says "its hard" is the face of justified rage and I love it.

Thanks lad

The existence of real life trolls is basically why we have governments. Libertarianism and Communism are great exercises in idealism and what might be possible if everyone was altruistic and gave a shit about everything.

Eventually you need community-approved violence. The question is, who approves it?
Is it...
...the king?
...the people's representatives?
...the richest people?
...the military brass?
...the disaffected and apathetic?
...the family men?
...the Jews?

Think about it. We lionize democracy but it's not a system of government, it's a factory for them. What system did you actually get?

Mate half the reason I stopped being a socialist was that I found I couldn't have honest discussions with those on the left. Mention immigrants and you get abuse thrown at you as you said.

The final nail for me being socialist was rotherham and all the news articles making out it was class and misogyny responsible, not pakistani muslims. When I tried talking to left wing people and they kept pushing the identity of the gangs under the rug, I knew I had at that point nothing in common with those people.

The biggest problem with left wing ideology is the constant need to change and reinvent itself. If you hold the same views you do now, in 10 years you'll be said to be like us, nazis and bigots just for wanting a stable and decent, prosperous society.

>We go over there, stop them from being huge cunts by force...

It doesn't work that way. One never gets involved with a country unless it's a net benefit to the individuals country. The best line of action, in my mind, is to block all mass immigration, and pull out of these middle eastern countries in hopes that they can stabilize themselves. Leading by example seems to be the only way.

But of course there's money on the line. Moral issues will suddenly bubble up and someone will have to take a bite. If the population just educated themselves and didn't have such a shortsighted quick fix logic, maybe the damn world wouldn't be so invested in corporate interests.

You're heart is in the right place. It's easy for the liberals to tout how great these foreign states are, but if you suggest fixing them which would be a greater good for all, they'll only see you as a racist. No reasoning with stupid, short sighted people. They think they have a right to tell you what to think because you've researched things more, and it's a threat to their lack of reason. Easier to just call you racist, and remain on the high ground. People need to call these types out more and more, and ridicule the moral high ground.

>constant need to change and reinvent itself
Realize that the entire shift towards feminism and faggotry was to enable people buying and selling identities. You aren't locked into being what you were born as. You can buy your new, cool, sexy, and oh-so-expensive identity directly from the Jew! We can change the color of your skin, eyes, and hair. We can swap your dick for a cunt. We can give or take away tits, ass, muscles, and even create brand new glorified eunuch identities. Which ideology would you like to consume? Don't like any of the choices? Pay the Jew to push yours!

Anarcho-capitalism doesn't work either but I can at least point out their lack of pretense in openly caring only about themselves. The Libertarians and Communists cloak it in liberty and altruism respectively.

Are you talking about that child abuse scandal? I'm afriad I missed that one, but yeah, you cant hint at it being a foreigners fault without being called a racist, its quite sad.

I agree.

>>Also I once said, "maybe if we fix the problems in there country the imergrants could go back" and my friend said "wow, are you alt-right now?" geez man, its hard to be honest about your opinions sometimes.

The argument I use is Brain Drain. They like to talk about all the doctors, engineers, etc. that we're welcoming as refugees.

Well, that's one less doctor and engineer in a desperate, impoverished country. Every professional that leaves reduces the capability of the country to ever improve.

That way you're not calling the refugees worthless. You're pointing out they're worth more at home. So we should help them in their home countries.

Yeah I know the deal, remember that cosmetics guy who came on Sup Forums and talked about how the shift for LBGT was to market cosmetics at them and engage with them with advertising.

It was revealed in 2014.

You know if you're posting here you're not going to remain a socialist for long. Those pictures talking of people coming here for the lols but seeing the truth aren't a meme. When you realise that you can talk openly here but not to your socialist friends and you have more in common with people here than elsewhere, it won't take long for you to be right wing.

Sup Forums is full of shit 95% of the time due to reposting, low IQ posters and trolling. Yet your views won't be buried like on reddit or shouted down in the same way you will get shouted down IRL.

Here's a fun one for you, realise that most of the mines shut down by Thatcher were unprofitable and subsidised by government expenditure. Point this out to an older socialist like your mother or father and see the reaction. See if they even accept it.

It also encourages people training to be doctors in our country to go and be doctors in other countries where they will get paid more, which might be okay but double that up with your point it will bring their country down meaning we will need to bring in the other refugees, causing a long term problem.

Tbh honest I didn't really have much of a political opinion until recently, might be the MDE vids that helped with it, but yeah I dont normally talk politics with my friends cause they're your typical socialists.

Yeah I know this board can be full of shit sometimes but it also hides the diamond in the rough now and then.

I haven't thought about Thatcher in a while, I remember researching that she did some shady shit with coal mines years ago, thanks for the refresher, I got the get back into that.

Also heard she did a speach with a bullet wound to her leg, tough woman if thats true.


Mate I'll leave you with this vid, its like 7 minutes long and sums up right wing thought, especially towards the end. Have a watch of it.


Alright pal thanks, will watch it a little later.