Just finished watching NGE for the first time. Is it worth watching this? Or should I just leave the series on Episode 26's note?
End of Evangelion
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yes. watch it.
Watch it, then don't bother with the redo movies unless you simply can't get enough.
go watch it, youre doing yourself a disservice by not
Watch it NOW.
Fucking watch it. Neither TV ending nor EoE is skip-able
End of Evangelion is probably the best anime movie ever made (counting only movies related to series).
End of Evangelion is the best part of Evangelion.
Watch it.
It's the peak of Anno's talent. You must watch it, hell, even people who doesn't like the series must watch it.
NGE is not as great as people make it to be.
Yes, it's a great bit of kino, albeit noticably darker in tone than the series (particularly not counting the DC)
First two rebuilds are good, don't watch 3.33 until 4.0 gets a release date
true, it's better.
If you don't watch it I'll find you and slap the shit outta you.
read the essay and debunk it.
Why the fuck do people ask this question? Are you not confused about NGE's ending? You don't want to see a movie called "End of Evangelion" that you hope with tie everything up? That was my first thought after finishing NGE, was that I HAD to watch EoE as soon as possible.
It's long, so I'm not gonna read it all, mull it over and respond it's points for this thread. But I enjoy reading long form stuff about Eva so I'm certainly gonna check it out and give it a fair read. If I ever see it reposted I might give my opinion on it.
The TV ending (or eva in general for that matter) is not as confusing as people make it out to be. It just leaves unfinished plot threads. But it can be a satisfying enough ending if you can get past that. But certainly watching EoE is obligatory.
Avoid Rebuild, they made everyone a case of the gay and certain others just exist as fan service.
Don't go expecting a dark lovecraftian story with biblical themes and gritty characters, like in NGE and End of Evangelion.
That board is for big guys though.
This dude is pretentious as fuck, holy shit.
>In the spirit of this essay’s central posit — or one of them, anyway — I’ve started out with 3 divergent, even duplicitous epigraphs
can this dude get his head out of his ass? If he's going to use big boy words, at least spell out the numerals first
in the first few paragraphs, he calls all the characters two-dimensional, the humour idiotic and the christian symbolism flaccid.
why does this fella even watch entertainment media? and what's the difference between plot and narrative driven fiction?
it's too much to comment on, jeez
This is one of those cases of someone going "I disliked this show, so now I will try to prove it in a way that seems credible" It's pretty blatantly obvious that there is an extremely shallow agenda hidden with complicated words. Which is hilarious, considering that was his own criticism. I mean one of his genuine arguments was that the characters are immature. So a real criticism, according to this guy, is that the characters act realistically to their age? Is he even trying? I appreciate at least that he didn't parrot the usual "The symbols were pointless!!!" or "Shinji is too whiny!!!" but other than that nothing really of substance. He repeats his one argument 20 times with different vocabulary to make it seem he has more to say.
Nah, you didnt even read everything of it. He made a lot of constructive points. If you watch Bergman's movie Persona it makes even more sense. Its not like he is saying NGE is shit, but its definitely overrated.
Moving past the extreme pretention he views the series in entirely the wrong light, as if a 26 episode anime is supposed to have the same structure as a 90 minute arthouse film
It's like saying the characters in the sproanos are overexplained because it's longer than goodfellas
google the difference, is not that hard. This are basic things.
complicated words? where? Are you 15 years old or what or is english not your first language? I didnt find any words he used to be complicated.
I was a bit confused about what the 'Human Instrumentality Project' thing actually was, but I'm kind of worried that EOE could ruin my concepts of how it ended...?
Why are you still here?
Why aren't you watching EoE yet?
You can still have concepts regardless.
Are you actually retarded?
Do you know what eschatological means without googling it? He used that one 4 times.
Go shave your neckbeard if you're not willing to explain it yourself.
I did search for it, with zero results. I know the difference between story and plot, that's not what he wrote.
EoE is the reason you watch Eva.
You should be watching EoE already, not posting in this thread. Come back when you're done, or at least give us a running commentary if you're gonna be posting.
>>In a way, then, Evangelion’s pretentiousness is a boon to the art-form, for if there’s been one thing missing from animation, it is not so much its unwillingness to experiment, but to experiment self-consciously.
Not complicated words, just unnecessary ones.
I wouldn't hope that he writes at a highschool level, but he can seriously drop the "I'm trying to impress my college professor" sentence structure.
Actually Legend of Heroes TitS was why I watched Eva, because for some reason I thought the MC in that game was Asuka and I didn't want to play the game. This was before TitS had an anime. I was retarded.
god, that suit hnnngggggg
25+26 outside of the very end are generally accepted to occur during the events of EoE, and it's pretty obvious where
Go watch the movie and provide running commentary like that other user said
absolutely watch EoE it's a masterpiece
sorry the show is 2deep4u pleb
First you said complicated now you said unnecessary. Pls decide what you want. Dont be like a girl.
So what if he writes nicely and looks like he wants to impress his college professor? Still better than writing like some hilly billy farm boy.
Watch it right now. Make sure to adhere to the rite of passage after you finish by making another thread asking what the fuck you just watched. Fucking lucky, I wish I could watch EoE for the first time again.
not expecting any less from NGE fans.
Dont take this comments too seriously. You know what is funny, most people who like NGE are actually very young. Edgy teens. Someday they will grow up too.
>So what if he writes nicely and looks like he wants to impress his college professor? Still better than writing like some hilly billy farm boy.
Not that user, but I agree with you. Ironically, the line that user quoted is actually good reasoning for the pretentiousness of the writing. Of course, blog write-ups aren't in dire need of self-consciousness, but it doesn't hurt, it could be worse.
It's a must see.
It's literally my favourite film of all time (out of both animated and live action films).
A serious question. Who is your favorite NGE girl and WHY? And dont reply something like "she is the cutest". I want some quality reply.
Watch it now, but watch Sephirotic's version, other releases have the old DVD's subs which have lots of translation errors
Did you happen to watch the episode preview at the end of episode 24?
Because if you did, you'll notice it doesn't show the events from 25 and 26. Instead it shows very simplistic animations from the End of Evangelion.
>Someday they will grow up too.
t. 17 year old who thinks they're smarter than everyone else
Agree, I'd rather someone just say "I thought it was kinda dumb, I don't like all the anime tropes and all the sex stuff was too much". That actually sounds like a much more honest reason.
Let's not start this.
Asuka has the most complex and well developed character background, but of course she would be a shitty waifu. Misato is second best, and best waifu material if you don't mind her being used goods, otherwise go for Maya, the sweetest girl of all.
dat trip - you must really be the devil to ask that.
I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but I thought EoE was mediocre.
Ep25/26 wasn't perfect, but I preferred them as an ending over EoE.
Call me crazy but I'd rather have the rebuilds vs not since we got a lot of the stuff from the original show but with modern animation and more specatcular fights.
I don't like one more than the other, I just love both. Too bad there is no blu ray version of the original outside of Japan. I don't like pirating stuff but I'm not about to pay some random $150 for fucking DVD's of a show when none of it will even go to Gainax or Anno at all.
Watch it, just make sure you got some comfort food with you.
Asuka is favorite since I can really relate to her, it's that simple.
I watched the Rebuild with low expectations, I was pretty sure it would never come close to the original and thanks to that I was able to enjoy it for the entertainment and animation too. My only problem with the rebuild was that 3.33 was awful, story-wise, and there are lots of people defending it.
Asuka has way to fit and firm ass for a 14 year old teen girl.... Doing her is not a sin.
Elaborate how do you relate to her. You like being choked and you like to go around and call people "ante baka" and be a tsundere about it?
Go to south america. it's legal to fuck a 14yo in most countries there.
God, what the fuck is this thread. Some teen posted a liberal arts dropout article, others argue about pretentiousness, as usual a newfag who've just watched the series asking stupid unnecessary questions. Why does Eva attract so many shitty people?
She has the ass of a boy
What made 3.33 so awful to you? I'm not here to defend it I'm just curious.
not for you.
Because it's baby's first serious good anime.
>using another's fag review as an argument proof
Neck yourself
You clearly didnt see her tight suit in the series or movie or the fanart.
This example is pretty shitty. Asuka has a nice tight ass.
skipped half of NGE's story as well as 15 years of further events and was instead a glorified episode 24 padded from 20 minutes up to 90 with gay pianos, floating whales and kitty evas.
how about you argue with some criticism of your own :^)
Nah, that was Akira for me my dude
what do you mean another's? its me.
oh my god. no time for loss
>shit rebuild artwork.
Nigga, please.
ironically most of arguments, be it positive or negative are the same reused circlejerk, so if someone is using someone's others review or opinion is not that big of a deal. Even the people who praise NGE use the same shit and buzzwords and all other people who praise it. So, literally all people are a bunch of sheeps and pretentious edgy teens.
When I was in high school, Rei was my favorite. Looking back, it was probably some wish-fulfillment thing. She's quiet, submissive, and cute, so perfect "waifu-material."
Years later, however, I find Asuka to be a more relatable and fun character to watch. I think her character design, in general, and especially color-wise, is more interesting, too. Pic related sold me on the design. Definitely not "waifu-material", though.
All in all though, I'll still identify as a Reifag till I die.
No, I think it's pretty obvious. I also hide my inner pain of misunderstanding and dishonesty under a "great guy" facade and don't try to reach out to people, only make myself necessary to them to stroke my self-worth. I also always pushed away girls, even when they showed interest, even made my childhood friend cry with my violent behavior, only because my friends saw it as "uncool" for a 17-year old boy to hang out with a 14-year old girl. Well, at least I was behaving like that.
>literally shilling his own review on Sup Forums and being a confirmed attention whore
You just made it worse, hurry up
My God, kill yourself my dude, you're embarrasing yourself
I enjoyed your article, but fuck man, you are still a retarded faggot for posting this all here.
Everyone can be anyone here. You are a sheep. Im a sheep. You are a child or a manchild. Cartoons for kids and teens. Choose now. Was a nice talk, but im going to sleep.
I just thought it had good animation and photography/camera work, as well as an engaging story and memorable characters. The only reason I watched it was because that cover photo for EoE piqued my interest.
I wasn't even that engaged the first couple episodes but then I got hooked. I don't watch a lot of shows and feel as engaged as I did with this one. Are there any others like it?
Her ass was flat and gross in both of them
kek, shitty fanart doesn't matter
The best part about Eva is the deep character development from episodes 20~26. 3.33 skips exactly that and completely ruins the Oedipan duality of Rei vs Kaworu.
Not to mention: Timeskip, shitty cgi, cheesy "hard matured" characters, retarded "Eva no jibaku" unaged Asuka and Makinami, nonsensical flying ships, exagerated pointless symbolism, "hey Shinji, it's not really your fault that the world almost went to shit but we still have hatred towards you even after 14 years for no good reasons beside giving an artificial premisse for your self guilty and attempt of redemption!".
>is it worth watching an acclaimed film
could you elaborate on what these arguments are or are you just making shit up as you go along?
Akira was such a mainstream movie that most people watched without even realizing it was a Japanese animation. Remember I also said GOOD.
Not an argument.
I actually found the gay pianos part very beautiful, the only part I liked
Probably because I'm a music fag
How so? You are literally a CHILD or a MANCHILD. Ofc its not an arguments, its a fact. You are watching CARTOONS for KIDS and TEENS. Why should this be an argument? It never was. Its just stating the obvious.
The stuff with Shinji being branded as a sinner and practically a criminal was kinda good to me though. I agree a lot of shit didn't make sense. I really don't understand why they decided to remove unit 01 from the picture since that's essentially THE Evangelion among Evangelions being Lilith's offpsring as well as the main protag's unit.
Maybe 3.0+1.0 will make it worthwhile, but who even fucking knows when that'll be out.
I agree that some more character development or back story would be nice. I can't even tell if it's supposed to be what happens after the original EoE or if it's supposed to be treated as a completely different thing. Like, do we just fill in the blanks on third impact and assume that what happened is pretty much identical to EoE or what?
Eva is not a show for kids
ill fuckin rek ya m8 swear on me mam
Not an argument. Weren't you going to sleep you big baby?
Not him, but I do see his point after reading the post myself. Leaving aside your random angst towards girls, the guy writes like a college freshman with a thesaurus and it reeks of overcompensation. I could write a whole essay breaking down different parts of his retarded blogpost, but I think the chief irony is that he criticizes EVA for being overly complex for no reason, when that is exactly how he writes as well. Taking 20 minutes to make a point that could be told in a single sentence.
Its funny actually. Every single time some pseudointellectual steps up to try and rip on EVA for not being deep enough for them, as if its some sort of profound discovery to say its philosophical message isnt actually that complex. And they're right, EVA isnt some deep philosophical treatise, its actually a fairly simple idea. The irony is that despite this, it still ends up being 2deep4them because they missed the point.
The guy is a hack writer who got his english degree from a City university in New York and whose lifes work amounted to an ebook on Woody Allen, half of which was plagirized dialouge from an internet forum.
SHOCKER, a Woody Allen fanboy with a degree in English doesnt think anime lives up to his intellectual prowess!! How could cartoons ever be considered to be great when Woody Allen movies exist?? Classic Sup Forums or /lit/ faggot who is so desperate to be taken seriously, he gets triggered when people discuss anime as an actual artform.
Ok dude, whatever you say. EVA is baby shit and Woody Allen films are true art. I wish him luck in his writing career, maybe he will actually create something one day instead of just consuming art and tacking on his opinion.
Like everything else is was beautiful looking and had great music, but story-wise it was so hollow. Their bath and bedroom talk in NGE was so much better, probably because Anno has gone on record he had such conversations so they were coming from an honest place, the magic piano was ridiculous, pretty but ridiculous
You were shilling your shit, got called out and started projecting about people being manchildren. Not an argument.
Yes it is, actually.