Answer this, Sup Forums

Answer this, Sup Forums

Why isn't there a maximum wage?
Why are people allowed to make billions by exploiting millions of other people?

Communism and socialism may not work, but capitalism sure as hell isn't perfect either.

Capitalism is perfect it just hasn't been tried

For the nth time, what we have had for the last 100 years or more is crony capitalism. The super wealthy just use the gummint as a way to STAY wealthy and get more wealthy. Start prosecuting these criminals instead of letting the media and the politicians protect them and things will smooth out nicely. In short, prosecute corruption.

Was she just too lazy to finish her sign?

The government is atrocious at managing capital. Capital should flow to those who the market deems most worthy. Unfortunately our market is so gummed up with interference from the state that it becomes insanely distorted.

In a free society, capital would go to those that can use it best. To put a cap on that would be to once again distort and create an inefficient market. Enough distortion and inefficiancy leads to death and starvation.

Bottomline, commies get the rope.

Just look up Huey long. That’s my opinion.

>by exploiting millions of other people?

Implying implicit implications

why do you want to control how much people have?

live your life

how did bill gates exploit anyone?

>Why isn't there a maximum wage?
it can't be enforced

Do you think the super rich get paid in wages?

The difference between Capitalism and Communism is one of the system's exploitation doesn't result in mass starvation, secret police, concentration camps and execution of dissidents, the other is Capitalism.

>raise minimum wage to 1000$/hour
>the price for 1 cafe now is 600$
there you go faggot.

Be good at job, benefit society via invisible hand= get more money and be happier.

Be a shithead and not get job and be leach on society= no money, shitty life.

Want more money? Get a better job. Or work harder at your current job to get a raise.

Wanna live off of welfare your entire life? KYS.

Welfare should only be for those who are physically unable to work.

You answered your own question.
>Communism and socialism may not work
>capitalism sure as hell isn't perfect either.
Because I'd rather have an imperfect system (all systems are imperfect anyway) than a system that doesn't work at all, has never worked and in fact has been proven to not work many times over.

>rich people

Because extreme wealth isn't drawn from wages dumbass. Rents and investments are more important.


sheeple are too stupid to look beyond their cage

>inb4 that wasn't real communism

Wait, so if you're assuming that someone making more money for less is wrong then why is there a minimum wage?

everyone needs to be equal

low wage -> up
high wage -> down


>everyone needs to be equal.
No. As someone who spent years in college, I really don't wanna be seen as equal to a serial killer

government intrusion into the economy is tyranny.

the implementation of regulations is tyranny hiding behind the desire to do good. I believe there is one part that is dumb, that supports it, the other malicious.

kys retard
google it

Nah, shaneqa shouldn't be making as much a james but, because of minimum wage James is losing out on extra money. That's just staff when including imvestors and management well you want bouku do what needs to be done to gain capital to invest or make yourself appealing to be upper management. The poor in the west are obese it's ok for now.

Because no one has the right to decide how productive and wealthy any other person should become. In fact, how much money someone makes is NO ONE ELSE'S business. No reason anyone should tell the government how much they make. Do you also believe that you should determine how much people should eat, where they should live, what they read, and what they think? You speak the words of parasites. Go fuck yourself, you piece of garbage.

Minimium wage is like printing money to pay debt, you just CAN'T make money out of the blue.