There is no redhead that is both cuter and sexier than Rias Gremory.
If you disagree, please provide evidence to the contrary. (post an image)
There is no redhead that is both cuter and sexier than Rias Gremory.
If you disagree, please provide evidence to the contrary. (post an image)
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Just gonna leave this here, don't mind me
Rias is neither the cutest nor sexiest girl in her own series though.
Rias body is so generic, you can't consider her "sexy" not even while being nude because that studio sucks at making nipples. And she can't be cute because her entire character is forced to be erotic.
Akeno on the other side is cute, she has a generic personality but at least is better than Rias. Koneko is also cute but her body is not sexy enough (I understand the public that thinks otherwise) Asia is plain boring, no reason to defend her and from the other girls the only one that's both sexy and cute is Xenovia. She's the only redeeming character from that horrible show.
Neither here nor there. But it's an valid opinion, in a series with so many high tier level girls.
Stuck up, man hating, dyke looking, generic "cool" loner character from a Kyoani butchered novel adaptation.
Also, no Amane yet? What's wrong with you guys?
Agreed. Only seen season 1, but Raynare is my fave.
Ravel Phenex is best girl in DxD. Ojou's that want to bred are the best.
Looks like an ugly man
That ED is one of the greatest in anime history. At least top 20.
See that was made thousands of years ago back then people didn't know that men were women and women were men, but they felt it. So sometimes they made ugly girls out of confusion. Thank god for the current year.
Le Fey is best girl in the series. I can't wait for us to see her kid(s).
Can we just make his a DxD thread? It has a lot of under represented girls. Like a certain local wife fox girl.
I feel like I've seen a sexy and slutty gif of this girl somewhere. Can anyone satisfy my curiosity?
She is the sexiest though, and also the best girl.
Lies and it is literally a crime how little fan art there is of her.
wut is this?
God, I hate DxD's anime designs.
Is she an actual slut or just another "pure" slut?
Thanks user
And winner.
Rias is sexy but she also tries hard to be, even though it's done so inadvertently due to being from an ecchi show. Kyouko is sexy simply by existing.
Nope, you lost that place before Rias even existed.
Funny that you mention Tamaki. Same VA as Akeno.
I'm aware.
Tamaki is by far one of the greatest redheads in the medium.
Fuck off.
>not the gif
OP is a piece of shit.
What makes Akeno so perfect? Let's discuss it, anons of my taste.
This. You could argue Rias is sexier but Maki absolutely has her beat in terms of cuteness.
sorry what?
All good choices
Actual contenders.
Kallen maybe, the others not so much
Mai waifu.
Rias is a close second, though.
>that glimpse of nopan
nobody posted Stella yet?
Could we all agree that redheads are always best girls of their respective series?
YO where my shinmai fans at? i prefer Chisato though :)
>Shinmaifags in one post
Mai waifu says fuck you pleb.
muh waifu
But Rias is in the top too
>tfw no Touko gf
Every thread
Also, Rossweisse is the best girl
>op has a fetish for redheads and made this thread to look up future faping content for himself
absolute madman
Too many people are posting cuter/more beautiful ones, but what OP was on about was the full combo of sexy+cute I think.
The only real contender is
It's alright buddy, we all know you're right.
Tamaki is way better
Does Ignis count?
We have a winner
Useless sexy meat
Can she get redder?
That's not a way to start fire thread.
>Series also includes a red-headed high school tomboy who looks just like the principal
>They're not related in any way
How the fuck is that red hair
>High School DxD always gets threads on Sup Forums almost weekly
>Decide to try it out by reading the first two LNs
>They're fucking garbage
I wasn't expecting Tolstoy, but at the very least I was hoping for something somewhat tolerable. Instead I get needlessly long chess metaphors and Issei needlessly explaining everything in first-person.
Watch more anime.
also valid responses
my waifu.
What about Irina?
She's not even the best red-haired demon
Amane from the Grisaia series
Where did you find this picture of me?
Submissive Slut who "loves" a completely Idiot Jerk Pervert Inveterate
Your waifu is only an overrated bag of shit and semen without personality
Slutella, Shit Taste
m8 that is some fine taste. Here is some auburn for your trouble.
dirty red
Go to bed, Asia.
she can release my pressure limits any time she wants if you guys catch my meaning
This. The only counter argument could be that she isn't a redhead
pic related
also these
Asia is a submissive slut
I am not falling for your tricks.