>There's discussion to revive Kemono Friends the game, Nijiyome is supposedly in talk with Kadokawa
Looks like the anime may actually save Japari Park after all.
>There's discussion to revive Kemono Friends the game, Nijiyome is supposedly in talk with Kadokawa
Looks like the anime may actually save Japari Park after all.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw shitty human friend
God I fucking hope they have a brain to NOT make a R18 version out of this.
English version when? Never. Thanks.
You should be able to handle it without N1. N2 or N3 would be enough.
So friends, I'm rewatching the series and there are some things I noticed.
It seems possible that Friends can't be hurt except by Ceruleans. Serval fell from the top of a mountain and survived. If we are to understand this scene has a purpose, it's that Friends can't be harmed. Additionally, Friends never seem worried about each other except for trivial reasons. Friends probably don't need to eat either, although food still tastes good.
What keeps Friends from being harmed and not needing to eat? Sandstar magic. There are particle effects that activate when Serval jumps down the cliff in Episode 1. Friends might even be completely composed of sandstar magic, which is what we see in the end credits.
Where shit gets real is when Kaban-chan slides down the cliff on her ass. Sandstar magic particles all over the place. These particles are might be what happens when Sandstar protects something, or else when something made of Sandstar goo is abraded or damaged. So it seems like Kaban-chan is a human Friend, not a human.
They eat Japari Buns though those things raise a few more questions.
Alpaca suri's laments about opening a cafe and not getting any visitors struck me as a metaphor for the game. Kaban-chan solves her problem with advertising--possibly, the anime itself. The game must've been on the rocks for months before closure, so obviously that informed the script.
The real question is whether or not if Sandstar is basically Tiberium and the planet's biome was supposed to be terraformed to adapt to Cerulean biology. The friends still subsist on water though, even if they can accept Japari bun as their staple.
Magic in the Clarke sense.
I like beegfoot.
Serval also survived getting run over by Boss.
Is Giant penguin a member of the PPP in game or just a fan?
Is the previous game company that retarded that they can't see the absurd popularity?
>not wanting to help repopulate extinct/endangered Friends
ty family
The kemonos are much stronger as friends than they were as animals.
Lion talks about being worried about Friends getting hurt in their battles, though. That may just be her not realizing Friends are safe from harm or something like Friends are able to hurt other Friends, though.
It's Nexon. That should answer everything.
It's Nexon, so yes
typical filthy ____ comment
Sugoi~! So you're actually a Friend who's good at operating! Wa~i
She's trying her best.
Which one of you did this?
>cutting a hole in your hat just for accuracy
What a dedicated friend.
>caring about twitter shit
>There's discussion to revive Kemono Friends the game
They should just create an entirely new game, maybe something along the lines of Neptunia or Toei Warriors.
>Are you... a human?
Do you think I should put Yasashii or Kind or maybe Sweet?
>Finally an anime I can enjoy with my imouto
True, but Lion is a dummy. The fact is that if two groups fight each other 51 times, the real shocking thing is that no one was ever hurt.
lion friend is too fat to play with us!
It did more than just save the game. It saved it from Nexon
That's prairie dog behavior. Don't read too much into it.
Shit is going to get real very fast
>mspaint mane on a fat tiger
>calls it a lion
I only go there to follow favorite artists but I can't help but run into these retweets at times.
Tiger, tiger, youre so fat
You look like a spoiled cat
Tiger, tiger youre so thicc
Fat and orange as a spic
Tiger, tiger show me who
Gave too much food to you
Tiger, tiger, tell me true
This can't be a normal zoo
Tiger, tiger, what can i do
To save you from these poo in loos
What does Bossu remind me of? The way Bossu walks is REALLY familiar.
A furby?
you weren't there last thread
Creepy Serval is creepy.
Why do I find the Yuudachi cosplayer to be just as amusing?
I honestly think the game wont capture the same magic as the anime unless the anime director himself works with the game staff to make a new setting and background. The mobage by nexon literally sounds like generic gacha trash
I would rather have a comfy adventure console game
If i took the armour off, would she die?
Oddly appropriate art after reading this posts.
>Cast Off. Rhino
>tfw have an AR and don't operate it
How did I get memed into buying this thing... it might as well be a bowflex.
It would be extremely bashful.
They better not add forced drama halfway into this. I just want cute animal girls doing cute things.
>forced drama
There's drama brewing even in episode 1 about this.
what if the real serval actually died and the current serval is actually a shapeshifting ceuleans?!!!!
It's not a tiger, it's clearly a lion
Are we getting her in the show?
So, the doujins are gonna be going to Japari Park fucking everything MC sees, huh?
There's actually a Cerulean who took the shape of Serval in the game. She ended up becoming a friend and Serval gave her the name of Cerval.
Honestly? These games are mostly shit and they are "good" only in the sense that they print money. I hope that Kemono Friends is able to come up with a good business model that doesn't consist of creating a gacha hell game.
Do you not have any nearby shooting ranges? Or is it the airsoft kind?
The doujins would all break from lore where it states that you become female upon sandstar exposure.
Now let's just hope Nexon stays far, far away from this franchise.
As long as it has the Friends being cute I'll be happy. Mine Yoshizaki should be at least somewhat involved, and he's the one who seems to really be behind the whole setting.
Granted I'm a mobagefag who enjoys other trashy gacha games just because they have cute girls.
Awww that's really fucking creepy
what the actual fuck
that shit was a joke
but i guess it IS possible that the current serval can be a fake serval
Flipflip got drama because of Coco's lesbian insecurities . I don't think Bag and Serval are into that. At most Bag will go full Charlton Heston.
I think putting a single adjective as a title is weird. Maybe adding her name, like "Sweet Serval" would be better. But then I'm ESL so surely another user will know better.
> Voiced by Ai Nonaka
Cute as fuck.
Just to remind you, Sandstar turns even inorganic beings into friends. Tachikoma got turned to friends for example.
>I wonder why did the game die so fast
>pubisher nexon
It's not about organic versus inorganic but about sentience, iirc, hence why both tachikomas as well as Beast bots can be transformed.
Just take it down to the range and plink some targets, its fun.
There are other options to stay in lore, but besides that it's not like doujinshika are above breaking lore in order to have faceless men dick cute girls.
Just show her pictures of prairie dogs afterwards user.
I do. I'm going to go shoot it tomorrow. I think my problem isn't that I don't want to shoot it, it's that I really hate ranges. Ultimately I'd like to get some land innawoods and set up a range.
I don't Mobage, what's the problem with this "Nexon"?
Nexon's a blight that's worse than Bethesda, Activision or EA.
How many Nexon mobages can you list
>beast bots
Tachikoma AI being at that point is fine with me, but the beasts really are mindless drones.
(At least they aren't friends in the game. They are NPC even after having been sandstar'd)
I want Giant Penguin and Little Penguin to make an idol duo.
Maple Story.
Counter-strike online.
You sure you want me to continue?
The clothes aren't part of their bodies so don't worry, but please at least be willing to commit to any Friends you fall in love with.
>bag-chan becomes futa
>serval fugs her
I can totally see it happening.
Maybe some sfw beaver/prairie doujins too. Can't wait.
you underestimated Kemono Friends
I think it's okay. It's not hard to understand it's referencing Serval I think. Anyway, I did it like this.
Would fuck.
I tried to imagine my pets as Friends to see how they would be. 3 cats and 3 dogs.
Two of them chihuhuas
Chihuhuas have the tendency of licking each others eyes to keep them clean. They also do it with people/animals they like.
Things would be weird fast.
Mobage you blind blind man