You might not like this show but you cannot deny the impact it has had on the industry.
You might not like this show but you cannot deny the impact it has had on the industry
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean literally none whatsoever? I've never seen this garbage discussed outside of Sup Forums and with good reason.
It hasn't even been two months since the show aired. How are you saying there's been some noticeable intact yet?
>impact on the industry
It hasn't done shit except trigger Sup Forums, fuck off you delusional NTR fag.
>Kuzu no Honkai
>Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni...
>Netsuzou TRap
>Koi to Uso
2017 is the year of love!
The future is good.
>you cannot deny the impact it has had on the industry
Shit bait, you made it to obvious
>You might not like this show but you cannot deny the impact it has had on the industry.
Is this a new meme? A new way to bait people into replying?
This show has the BEST bait threads, the BEST.
How dare you said that.
This is going to get animated, right?
The only impact this has had is a flood of bait posts trying to trigger Sup Forumsutists.
I heard ropes are cheap, even you should be able to afford one, autistic manchildren.
Not a single person in this thread has said anything even close to that. Take your own advice and off yourself faggot.
>We're going to get an animated Lilina
This guy is like Mugi, except he's more honest.
Where are the purityfags? Did they kill themselves?
This is pretty obviously a show for girls, but it's oddly refreshing how realistic the characters are.
It's not anime of the season material, bu t I can't say I dislike it.
this blatant bait thread is 4 hours old, for what reason do you bump it?
Someone is mad
I like this show.
Yes, they cannot handle reality and 3d women in their escapist media.
i like the anime and now i'm looking for romance/drama mangas
i read himegoto juukyuusai no seifuku already and liked it
t. boy (male)
>20:39 when they begin trying to fuck
>20:19 when she leaves
What an oversight.
>23 hours and 40 minutes of foreplay
>bitch STILL isn't ready and backs out
Fucking women.
Fucking kek. Mugi had a lot of stamina.
>ntr shock factor
>impact on the industry
The worst people in honktai threads are those who think it being realistic means it is normal.
Yes, the characters act like people instead of perfect idoru geisha dolls. But, it's not a normal situation. Anime about normal situations are called slice of life. It's an intriguing situation with problems and conflict.
This "honktai is the reality of wimminz u betas canth andle it" nonsense is some advanced 2d>3d, mixed in with a little masochism on the part of losers who want to be seen as "ascended" for wanting 3d to be super shit 3: ten gates release: modern warfare 3: baitkai supreme double decker deep dish chicago style with extra cheddar. Stick to the reality of people just being disgusting and shallow. The majority aren't that dysfunctional. If they were, we would have all been laid by now for one reason or another and none of us would be here.
This show has the worst fanbase of the season, and I honestly wasn't expecting that.
The fuck are you talking about.
it's the show that's inspired the most shitposting of the season at least
but most of it is meta shitposting-about-shitposting, so there's no real way to tell if the shitposters actually watched it/ are part of the "fanbase"
Why did they have to make the main girl so cute?
I don't even like this show but I can't stop watching it because the faces she makes are just adorable.
Teenagers that love teenage drama shows like Euphonium will love this show, because it's also about teenage drama.
The age where teenagers finally can stop having to pretend to be adults and just enjoy and shitpost about teenage drama at each another begins now.
Sup Forums's little kids pretending to be adults and adults pretending to be little girls-population will submit to their new teenage overlads and -lasses.
And there's nothing they can do about it.
I want to cum inside this slut.
dem eyes
the show's art is really good
but you can't cum inside unless your name is Kanai-sensei
Mugi can.
For a slut she's keeping her legs very close together so good luck trying.
Impact on the industry? None whatsoever. It's been written since 2012 and only animated this year.
The year of melodramatic NTR.
No she isn't. Mugi is just too nice.
What did she mean by this
You are exaggerating.
The same thing every woman means by this. Complete and utter bullshit.
What did /r9k/ mean by this
Women above 15 can't be virgins. But rhey know it is a desirable feature for many so they lie about it.
ok wtf I watched the first episode yesterday and i really liked it, but i looked at stalker threads and it's not even listed. how is this show flopping, it's good quality and the story is great.
Mugi is going to take your virginity soon, bitch.
>how is this show flopping
The girls aren't pure.
Sluts are shit.
the fuck you talking about lol
Sluts are hot.
>impact it has had on the industry.
Show him the sales numbers.
Everything sell like shit nowadays, and no I'm not defending this shit show.
>Koi to Uso
dios mio it got an adaptation to?
Yeah. Summer 2017. Here's the preview:
>it's realistic, suck it purityfags
It's literally a pessimistic view on human relationships, that people are broken, selfish hedonist trying in futility to fill the gaps in their hearts. Of course it would disgust purityfags because it directly opposes their sensibilities, but normal people wouldn't take well to it either outside of any entertainment value they could derive from it.
Purityfags and anti-purityfags are not so different, but at least purityfags are about ideals and aren't calling shit like this mature and realistic for having sex in it.
I'm a purityfag and this is realistic in the sense that highschool students have sex.
By that logic almost everything is realistic.
Is this the official shitposting show of the season?
Maybe if you try to force this meme harder
We have discussion and screenshots threads the days this show airs, but most of time it's shitposting, yeah, sad.
How far are we willing to force this meme Sup Forums?
What a time to be alive.
Yes high school students have sex (the average Japanese apparently loses their virginity at 17), but it doesn't validate the whole thing. My problem is how some anti-purityfags will normalize the worst of things just because it's not 'pure'. That doesn't make them realists, just lovers of depravity. People cheat in real life but it's not a normal thing. It's generally despised.
Not even all purityfags are the same. Sex isn't necessarily bad, just under certain conditions. It's about the nature of the characters and the relationship. Now it can get silly with the idealism (like having heroines never move on from MC-sama), but you don't combat it with something more scummy but something more authentic and commonplace. I have a feeling a normal relationship would not be captivating to most viewers though.
That two lesbians can have sex without stopping being virgins.
But Hanabi likes dick.
Lesbian (het)
>It's generally despised.
As is promiscuity. Human beings are jealous creatures. "Free love" and all those experiments can't be normalized.
All the way this year
Both things are not mutually exclusive.
What impact? Nips don't give a fuck about this 2DPD garbage, even faggots on ice is better than this shit.
You must not get around much then.
The """lesbian""" too
I've seen the first 3 or 4 episodes and I don't see any scum in it. The title is edgy.
How CAN Sup Forums even survive after these lul
It can't, Sup Forums will implode before the end of the year.
But purityfags already normalized "purity" some time ago, how is this much different?
Both purityfags and anti-purityfags are opposites sides of the same shitty coin.
You're the first person in this shithole to have a normal opinion about this anime. Congratulations my friend, you're correct.
>You will see Sup Forums dies in your life time.
Don't confuse the industry with how this board feels you fucking retard.
What impact? What's the source, your ass? Get the fuck outta here, faggot
I was talking about normalizing in reality there. Purityfags have normalized 'purity' in FICTION. They both have warped views of reality. But while purityfags repudiate reality in favor of ideals, some anti-purityfags have a habit of championing depravity under the delusion that is the normal state of affairs in reality. That's ridiculous, in fact some purityfags believe that about reality too. So yeah, they aren't so different. They complement each other.
I don't have a problems with purity or impurity in 2d because there's a place for everything, just being people being dumb about it. Many viewers prefer purity to non-purity, but characters can be non-pure without being impure like they are in this series.
>how is this show flopping
anime otakus dont care about drama
What impact?being the worst selling anime this season?
hana is scum
mugi is scum
akane is scum
ecchan is scum
the only nonscum characters are kanai and moka
>impact on the industry.
This has to be bait.
Because it's shit.
The only influence this show will have on the industry is that slut wish fulfillment anime simply don't sell.
I'm still here.
Having something remind me why I hate sluts isn't so bad.
Only sensei is scum, the other ones are confused horny teens being confused horny teens. Akane is the one who lives to shit on other people.
Well, it has more of an impact than meme dragon flop, that's for sure.
I mean yes they all have reasons for what they're doing but they're also all selfish and thinking only of themselves.
Fucking kill everybody in this show goddamn.
Why Most Cutest Angel cry ;_;
Lack of morals is scumish, no? And Sensei is pretty much a whore.
>this weak entry level bait garbage thread will reach bump limit in neo-Sup Forums era