What to do about the homeless problem

The number of bums is increasing every day. They shit and piss in the gutter. They leave their trash all down the street. They take over the sidewalks. They harass you as you pass by. You can no longer take your children for walks around the block. How can we as a society get rid of this scourge? Pic related snapped this morning in my neighborhood

Try taking care of the entirety of your people and/or getting rid of a part of it.

I have enough on my plate taking care of my family. What exactly are you suggesting? Too vague

Shrink the labor pool so work and the right thing to do is appealing. I get the whole be more responsible and plan for your future but the reality is underachievers exist. Now when the labor pool for deadend jobs is high they can afford to treat employees like shit not just at work but outside as well. I hear horror stories of employees being canned as line/short order Cooks for drinking after work on work days. Being canned for not letting an employer search your apartment etc. The poor can't afford to sit around and wait for a case to make it through the court system or just plain don't want to be that guy.

Burn the tents down

>t. leftard snowflake, who is now going to pretend otherwise

why are you leftards so cold and inhuman?

Chase them!

Chase them, chase them, chase them!

Immigration causes poverty and joblessness for the citizens. Stop immigration and these people will have affordable housing and livable wages.

Its a shame that De Blasio is now bussing homeless back into the city
It's only a matter of time before NYC reverts back to what it looked like in the 80s

Give them free drugs so they overdose. Or better yet, hot-shots with battery acid in them.

>Ehh knew Yaaarkkaarr
>"I'm a big Tuffy from Naw York"
>"Us Now Yarkars stick tugutha"
>Yeh I'm Italian, now pass the Gabba ghool ya schmuck

I would never tell anyone I was from New York mate.

Kill the non-whites and deeply mentally ill.

Re-enlist the veterans, put those too old in retirement homes.

Force the others to do simple, menial work in exchange for food, basic supplies, a place to stay, basic education and help to job and home search. Give incentives to employers to give a chance to these people. And I do mean A chance, not two, not three.

I do charity stuff with my parish, among other things distributing food and supplies to homeless people. A lot ot them could get out, but simply chose not to. They’ll find all the excuses in the world to not get themselves together. I was pretty compassionate when I started this, but you can only go through human trash complaining that the food isn’t good enough, haram, or about the fact that we didn’t serve alcohol or give money, so many times before you lose all empathy. Sometimes they get aggressive too, and since I’m the only young guy I have to deal with them.

>Too stupid to realize that you are homeless yourself

Yt has been evicted and expelled. You are all homeless yet too dumb to realize this. It will only be a matter of time until you join the rest of your white homeless brothers and sisters

Not everyone from NY is from the city, you kangaroonigger. And only nycfags and longisland niggers talk like that.

You are one immigrant away from being homeless

>Kill the non-whites and deeply mentally ill.
Coming from a French faggot who has twice the homeless including refugees. Let start with France first.

Most homeless people got bummed by life. Can happen to anyone. Stop being so shitty.

This see Germany has got it right and they have some old hag ruining their country daily. For example everyone will hit rock bottom once in their life. Like when Hitler died that's when Germany hit rock bottom.

>who has twice the homeless including refugees. Let start with France first.

No idea what you mean. But honestly, ""refugees"" get cleaned up pretty well and shipped off to migrant center nowadays. Hardly a real concern anymore. There's still some, of course, but when the migrant crisis started we'd get flooded with the meanest, most entitled fucks we had ever seen. They're worse than regular homeless, and we'd get the bleeding hearts housewives of the parish that insisted we still helped them. Until some of them got groped and insulted, that calmed them down quick.

Actual refugees can be decent, though. We had three Iraqi Christian families and one Syrian that lived either with the priest or with people that volunteered, they were great. And guess what, we gave them a place to stay, helped to do administrative stuff, helped them learn French, they were always thankful and understanding, and now almost all the kids have started going to school, almost all the parents found work, they still come every Sunday and help out with charity works.

In first world countries, they get tons of opportunities to get out of the streets. Associations, support groups, state run or not. If they're still in the street after some time, they're not really trying.

over the last few decades whites have been systematically replaced by foreign workforce army. millions of formerly productive whites have been expelled from the workforce due to fabricated economic crisis that was designed to import millions of foreigners in their place.

companies have been downsizing whites while importing foreigners, this is the cause of homelessness.
this isnt genocide of old times, they got sophisticated methods these days.

utilizing the hidden forces of economy as a proxy for genocide is one of the cleanest methods.

>millions of destitute whites keeps growing daily
>betrayed and replaced by a race replacement globalist dictatorship
>forced to die and disappear
>not even giving a fight

if the homeless arent starting an uprising, the future looks grim for you autists

millions of whites starved to death during the ((great depression)). whites are docile and would just die instead of rioting and eliminating the elite that created the economic genocide.

same thing happened after the fall of USSR. do this to blacks on the other hand, and the whole country will be up in flames like in SA.

Leave them alone, it could be you someday. What would Jesus do? Help them is what Jesus would do.

>on a japanese white homeland enforcement board
>wants to exterminate millions of homeless whites