Defend this

Defend this

this is not even a shill, this is just a retard

God please have mercy on all of us, having to exist in the same reality as OP, I know its a test for us, but please, no more....

please op, save us from your stupidity, kill yourself

Meatcunts KNOW their position is indefensible. They just don't care. The mistake vegans make is that, like most people, they believe (incorrectly), that the problem is just ignorance.

It's not. It's evil.

fuck pigs and dogs, and also cats.
it's ok if you want to eat them but I personally prefer eating only pigs and cows because I eat them since I was kid

Killing non-humans is not inherently bad or evil


show yourself yuropoor

Farming kills plenty of animals and displaces more. If killing to eat is evil I expect you to stop completely

Thanks for reminding me I share this flag with Chinese people.
Dogs and cats have more utility than as just a food source.

Killing is inherently evil. The best you can do is try to justify it for some loftier goal. "I like how it tastes." isn't it.

Actually, I'm in favor of less humans period, so my position not only trumps yours, but in spades. Now think you're creative with "Hurr y not u kill selv hurrrrrrr"

Animal life only has value when humans grant it to them. Killing worthless animals like pit bulls or communists is fine.