Which Kyoani girl would be the best girlfriend?

Which Kyoani girl would be the best girlfriend?


Touka or Mai


Midori or Chitanda, although is a good answer.



A rich marshmallow with a good upbringing

No contest




she's so dense she wouldn't even know you're dating.

but she would still love you and give you mochi

Didn't you watch Tamako love story? Tamako ain't dense she's a smart, just doesn't know how to romance

That one semen demon fairy.

This little baka.

Why would Sup Forumsnon want a lesbian as your girlfriend?



best girl is best choice

Reina is also god tier, but I don't think she would like me.

pic related no contest
how would Kumiko be a top tire gf she can't even handle herself, she's so easily influenceable, she can hardly understand how others feel

This. And Ritsu would be the best boyfriend.

Probably this or Mai.

I would be the best girlfriend.
Here's a picture of literally me.

My nigga. No Kyoani girl can tops Mugi softness & fluffiness.

>all these pleb answers
Tomoyo is the correct answer.

OP said girlfriend, not boyfriend.

>Picking ugly girl
Feel bad for you, user kun.

The Clannads are to abstract to waifu. Tomoyo literally beats up punks for fun.

I'm not even kidding.

Why'd you post a picture of a turd?

the choice is clear

I wouldn't date a retard.

definitely not washboard shits like kumiko

She'll get there soon, you'll see!

Who needs boobs when you have thighs like these

I'll take a road less travelled today

Is that guy still making Yukiko doujins?



I feel like she would only be a good girlfriend if you were literally Kyon.

I agree with you user. But I think she'd be a better wife.

Honestly these two.

I sure hope so, for his fan's sake.

Now who would be the worst?

Your favorite.


A superb girlfriend isn't just a doormat.

Kill yourself. Tomoyo is a strong independant womyn.


It was a hard choice between her and Kanna (Tamako Market) but I pick Mai.

This. There won't be a single boring moment with her.

Mio, without a doubt. Too precious and cute for this world, and being a fujoshit means her interest in other guys while you're together will dwindle to just wondering about you kissing them. I'd kiss another dude if it got Mio to date me


nobody could handle Mai.

The Mai I picked is different from your Mai. You're not wrong though.

Pathetic Miserable Unhappy
Stupid Idiot Retarded
Ignorant Hypocrite
Hater Faggot with a Horrible Shit Taste

Tamako because she's the most normal one. Mayaka though, is probably the best mix between adventurous and normal without getting into anything dangerous so Mayaka is my girlfriend starting today.

I chose haruhi because I like the idea of an energetic gf that wants to do lots of stuff.

Mugi of course. How is that even up for debate?

She has nothing on Chitanda

I think so too, Chitanda might be dense but Mugi is even worse, also Chitanda is more stronk than Mugi.

Playing the bari sax is an immediate red flag.

Take your pick

Ritsu, Tamako, Reina or Chitanda

>tamako has bigger cheeks and rounder chin

Came here to post this. She would be the most fun girlfriend.

Do people unironically think Reina is a good person?

How is she a bad person?

pick one

Fuck it, I'll bite.
Other than that they have literally the same eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth placement, facial structure in general, even the same expression.
How is it not sameface because of a very minor difference?




Yuki at 10? Stupidity. Utter stupidity.

esl waddup


>Deko 39
>Ui 40
>Shichimiya third
Worst taste I've had the displeasure of seeing in a while.



But she's gay though.

Mugi's gay, Kobayashi is maidsexual.




Pic related or

while that's an understandable and overall respectable opinion, I'd like you to know you're wrong

good choice



>not wife

>My nigga

>getting married
>not just keeping her desperate and loyal by stringing her along on the potential for marriage

Low maitenance. All you gotta do is feed her and she thinks you're amazing.
Easy to bully/manipulate into doing sexy things.

Pretty sure a girl needs to actually be sexy in order to do sexy things.

she is a perfect angel

>I see a man of very fine taste

>my nigga

>waahhh stop telling me my favorite Keion got blacked even though all her fans type like literal niggers for some reason

Marrying a girl who is still in highschool, it's probably legal in Japan but you should wait for her to be 18 if your 10 years older than her.

>All you gotta do is feed her and she thinks you're amazing
She would complain on tumblr about you being such a cheap boyfriend.

Must be awful having your taste buds.