Does Sup Forums unironically disagree with pic related?

does Sup Forums unironically disagree with pic related?
>INB4: violence is sometimes necessary
that doesn't mean it isn't a bad thing

She turned two blind eyes to rape and sexual abuse in her industry though.

Fuck these people.

ad hominem
I agree she's a stupid whore but do you agree or disagree with her overall statement?

Violence and racism are the true default of life.
They aren't inherently bad.

There is little point in joining violence and racism as they are in two different moral categories (one is an action, the other is a belief), and one replace either with something different or can add any number of other things to the joint statement, so long as they can be shown in some manner to be bad. I.e. "Putting pineapples on pizza and believing OP to be heterosexual is bad. Whenever they occur they are to be condemned and we should not turn a blind eye to them."
The statement in the quote basically amounts to "bad things are bad".

No, namely because the definitions of these words have been diluted through dishonest use. You've got retards who think speech itself is violence.

Also "racism" just means "boo white people i'm a tosser" so get rekt son

Sure I do, violence and racism are good, while they should be channeled to something productive you can't get anywhere without them.

This statement is obviously absurd and something only a woman would say. Violence is required to defend ourselves from violence, there's no way around it. Racism is the natural state of affairs. While it should be better understood and refined, it should not be eliminated as it serves a purpose, and that is to protect your in-group.

I agree with the statement. But the left is diluting the terms "racism" and "violence" to the point that you can't differentiate wether a person claiming either has actually experienced violence or racism or is he/she lying.

We dropped two nukes on Japan over violence and racism. Violence is the answer to everything.