Chapters out.
Fairy Tail 522 and 523
So now we have:
Natsu, Gray and Lucy vs Zeref
Gildarts and Cana vs August
Erza and Wendy vs Acnologia.
Which fight will be the most disappointing?
Best character is back, is he the only character in the manga strong enough to kill Plotza and loli?
aaaaand nothing happened.
No one is, and he'll be igneel'd by natsu at the end. Bleed out and die like the friendless looser he actually is.
RIP Acno.Choosing to go anywhere near Erza was a mistake.
I'm mostly likely looking forward for natsu, gray and Lucy vs zeref
If Acnologia won't one shot Erza and Wendy this one.
Wonder if this is going to happen now
One of two things will happen:
a) Irene's corpse enchants the damage Acnologia does to Wendy into it
b) Acnologia isn't interested in any of them despite trying to kill all the dragon slayers
No one will ever translate this is can't fap with nip runes :(
Acnologia will sure attack Wendy.
He is searching the dragonslayers from the beginning of the war.
Please don't kill Zeref off Mashima, give him a happy ending
Why doesn't mashima draw porn already
Remember when Elfman is among of the main characters?
Hey, he somehow beat a spriggan offscreen.
Good thing Gray will seal Zeref next chapter and Fairy Tail will come to end.
I want Zeref to win
I want Acnologia to kill everyone at Fairy Tail.
Seeing him killing Erza and Wendy would be enough for me.
>Natsu, who holds the key to everything
But the one holding the keys is Lucy.
Oh shit, Doesn't this pretty much confirm this is the final arc?
it's been the final arc for a long time now, user
I mean, I know we were all pretty sure about this being the final arc but I don't think there was any sort of formal, Or even informal, announcement.
>Lucy: Descendant of my friend, Anna
Huh? When was this first mentioned?
>2 chapters at one
How did he keep doing it?
I don't even remember who Anna fucking is.
Gotta feel bad for Elfman, He's fallen so far behind Wendy is seen as a bigger threat.
When brandish and lucy took that bath together and Aquarius came out.
Here is a reminder.
>tfw feel bad that I think the lost attribute magic sounds cool
Celestial wizard that helped zeref and the dragons with by opening the eclipse gate so the dragon slayers can go to the future.
This part honestly kinda had me, I think its one of the first times Natsu has really shown any emotion other than
>Lovable goofy hungry MC
>Angry, Edgy MC
Fucking Mashima, Putting a plot point in the middle of a bath scene where no would notice.
What did August mean with this statement?
that he's literally going to RAPE cana while forcing her pops to watch
This... This still isn't ringing any bells.
I wonder if I missed a chapter or something, Did she make a one off appearance?
I guessed from context it was Lucy's mum but I do not recognise her at all.
It's Lucy's ancestor, a friend of Zeref.
My bad it actually happened after brandish was saved from being killed by Marin.
So zeref, dragon boy and august are the final trio? Thought Irene would be there instead of August
Why is Acnologia randomly picking on a near death erza and battered wendy anyways?
Acnologia wants to kill all the dragon slayers.
Ah that makes more sense, She looks pretty pristine, Would be kinda odd if she married Lucys dad.
Well fuck I think I might have missed a few chapters, I'll look up on the wiki and go read the ones I might have missed.
Just read it, it's worth it.
He doesn, for top dollar.
No he doesn't
What does this say, something about love scene?
No, it just says the movie is in production and Mashima-sensei released some rough drawings since he's also working on the movie
For Zeref death IS a happy ending.
What scans are these?
Ah. I misread "rafu" as "rabu"
Not scans, official digital releases of the tankobon.
August probably had a daughter that use to fight with him on the battlefield
What's the most madman thing Mashima's ever gotten away with?
That is one nice high res butt.
He killed Lucy XD
absolute madman HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sucks crunchy doesn't give the chapters out for free anymore.
why dont these retards turn power of friendship into some lost magic and defeat the bad man
Pointing how who's a virgin and who isn't with that orgasm magic a few chapters ago
here is another one.
The hottest character in the whole manga and he just had to turn her into an old shit.
>Take art
>Do a worse job at coloring and shading it.
Why are western artists such fags? The fucking gall to watermark it with your name too.
Pretty sure he just saved it and posted.
At least this arc had Brandish and Dimaria and she came back for a little bit. Where the hell is Flare though.
Reviving Juvia the next chapter after she 'died' and had Gray saying "She's dead, she'll never come back again" in the very chapter she's revived.
>and had Gray saying "She's dead, she'll never come back again" in the very chapter she's revived.
After she came back even.
Flare x Lucy and Brandish x Dimaria are the superior ships.
We need Mashima to actually deliver this arc
Healing Mira's heart after was shot by a beam simply closing the hole with Brandish's magic.
I want to marry Natsu.
We know lucy, now fuck off or him I should say
Why doesn't anyone draw fanart of Levy?
Rboz draws some damn good gajeel x levy
Well I meant aside from them. But yes.
Gave it a try at tweaking a bit this shot, removed the background too.
Acnologia and August hype is unparalleled. Fuck! August just manhandled Gildarts and soloed all of CS. What the fuck does Cana hope to do? August needs a better opponent.
There's some others but not as top tier as that or zippi.
Like who?
He's also on on the same level as Rakheid and Irene that went out like bitches.
Maybe a bunch of strong guys? Or probably he can stall Acnologia. After all, August is said to be better than Zeref.
Rakheid claimed that August, Irene and himself were "special" not that they were on the same level. Clearly August and Irene are stronger than him.
If he dies, natsu dies. The only way to give him a happy ending is destroying that curse and is obvious that means fighting a god.
Who cares since Irene got destroyed by only Erza and Wendy. August' hype just doesn't works when you know those two were enough to beat his equal.
No one dies in this series for good?
A serious Acno would murk him, and a team battle wouldn't really work when your opponent has a counter to everything. When was it stated he was better then zeref? Besides him knowing more magic types.
They never did beat her she committed suicide after she realized how much she actually loved erza. August is just overpowered and broken he's that one kid who has the power to have all the powers
Bad guys does.
Yet he'll still get trashed like the rest of the Spriggan. And I'm pretty sure Mashiam forgot he's supposed to know other magics than his super nigga form.
>2017 and STILL no Brandish/Dimaria doujinshi
Hope he does I honestly don't care about any of them besides brandish and dimaria.
Does even Ultear or Flare have a doujin? FT barely gets any jap fanart.
They don't or at least I haven't found any.