Rustle just created a Patreon

Rustle just created a Patreon.

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i'm tempted to throw him 10 bucks a month but im afraid it'd come back to me

$1 or more per month
>You can belong to a secret base.

Something similar to Zangyaku-san's base then?

Is this the fbi list?

Is there beer and classic rock on the secret base

how do we know its from rustle, not someone pretending to be rustle? is there a link from his pixiv account or has he linked to the patreaon account anywhere?

"Rustle is creating.... tickets to jail:"

wasn't he dead or was that a ruse

will i be able to request floor tracings with the money?

Literally who?


Contents may increase or become a fantastic floor.
>become a fantastic floor
I love nice floors while I fap, donating.

Why haven't you moved to a free country yet?

We can fix his blindness if we all donate, right?

Please be bait.

God bless this man.

Sweet, now I can support my favourite floor artist.
Is what I WOULD say if I wasn't Australian.

>Loli artist with art that's everywhere on the net showing litle girls getting fucked.
>Trying to reach a western audience.

Dear god, this will not end well. Someone tell him to stop before this explodes. I legitimately fear for him.

Why is it a problem
Shadbase does it


Advertising is against the rules.

Into the trash he goes.
He was normalslime bait anyway.

>Contents may increase or become a fantastic floor.



Fuck off shill.

Do we know about the state of the disease that was driving him blind?

Are you stupid?

Feds don't prosecute for 2D loli because it's legal federally, you dumb faggot.

It's God's divine punishment.

you know that old wives tale about how masturbating too much makes you blind?

The FBI are really stepping up their game.

He already had Enty, but I guess japs are too smart to fall for this monthly payment scam.

How is it a scam if you get something from it?

>this is neo-Sup Forums
and it's NOT bait.

Unless you don't get what was advertised I don't see how it is a scam. It might be terrible value, but you should have known what you were getting going in.

Patreon bans loli artists if a couple sjws report it.

So basically you're donating money to be listed in some FBI/Interpol database?

Good luck with that, you sick fucks. everybody knows neesan is best porn

Is it FBI honeypot approved?

Shad is a sorry cunt in a marginal of degenerates.

what happened to the 2d market thing?

Which is why there are goddamn tons of people doing loli on Patreon.

>"I don't understand Federal US Laws"
2D Loli is literally not illegal on the Federal Level, why in the fuck would they set up a honeypot for something they can't make a case for

Good to know he's not blind yet.

Are there any other manga or doujin artists with patreons?

dont just file it under your tax returns


Will Patreon actually let people on that are indistinguishable from child pornographers to normies?

Yes. Don't go advertising your business on Facebook or other normalfag dens and Patreon will do nothing to you.



yeah, theres a list floating around somewhere for that kinda stuff

Wouldn't a simple "all the characters created are 18+" disclaimer be enough?

I'm reporting this sick fuck and I hope you do to. Child fuckers don't deserve free money.

Damn right, but you got the wrong board, let me help you
Report those degenerates to hell and back

>16% to next goal
>Contents may increase or become a fantastic floor.

theyre drawings user. they dont have birth certificates

>Sending non pedos to Sup Forums
I think your doing it wrong mate.

Is there a way to donate to him without being put on a list? Like a proxy way to donate? He does some good art doujins aside


Considering you need to use a credit card or similar, no.

Sounds like a FBI honeypot to me.

>fantastic floor
He clearly wants to expand his loli-rape dungeon.

what about visa gift cards?

Unless you're in a state or country where loli is actually illegal, I don't think anyone will put you on a list because they can't actually use that against you or use you to further any kind of career or department.

You're already on the lists user, all of them.

>this is what people believe

Might work.

It'd be easier for me if they took PayPal, but I guess Patreon doesn't want my money enough.

It's Paypal that refuses to deal with porn.

prepaid debit cards.



There's moralfags, but ultimately the kind of people who create lists of people to prosecute are first and foremost looking to further their own careers.

If they don't think they can prosecute you, they probably wont bother, even if they think 2D loli objectively the same as real child abuse.

People gravitate to jobs and positions like these first and foremost because of power, and you don't get power from doing good deeds, you get power by finding targets.

District Attorneys are infamous for their zeal, caring more for their statistics than serving the law and the people, it's not even rare for a DA to hound someone all the way until all the courts declare them not guilty.

Not quite true anymore, also there's an ocean of non-porn content on Patreon.

This can only mean more loli.
and nice floors.

Why is Sup Forums full of pedos?

Paypal, maybe?

>someone printed out rustles art and framed it
Look at his community page.

Old refu/b/ees

More quality furniture and paneling?
How exciting.

child stars keep getting sexier

see this is why pedos need to become a protected group.

Posting here puts you on a list pal.

Damn politicians and their lists!

>contents may increase or become a fantastic floor

so he knows about it?

Cute background image.

I'm honestly a little amused about how the patreon improves the robot's quality of life. The shoelace joke cracked a smile out of me.

Because of Dan "The Man with the Plan involving his Van" Schneider.

Is that the secret base?

Endless rape dungeon


I'd assume so. It seems Rustle is roleplaying the robot on twitter.

Go to his house and give him cash.

where are the rock cds

Goal #2

>I have a new feature implemented and I get a smile.

Fuck ;_;

What are you waiting for user?
For a mere few buckaroonies you can protect this smile, it's never been easier!

Yeah. As long as he doesn't post the porn on patreon itself, it's just a normal art patreon as far as they care, and the fact that he also makes porn is irrelevant to them.

this basically

he's just funding his dream of being a professional floor designer

774 is shit. People only like him for that one femdom doujin.

I like his art style.

I like his naked princessxgorillas doujins.

That's true, one dollar a month isn't a lot for you, but a lot of people giving a dollar a month each adds up on the receiving end.

Crowdfunding can be really good at enabling and cultivating content which otherwise you probably couldn't do to the same extent (or at all) back before the concept existed.

I mean try getting any kind of advertising or corporate funding for really niche interests such as loli porn, either it'll never happen, or the only ones who will support it are complete sleazebags who'll use or backstab you any moment or some corporation who wants to moderate or change your content in ways they see fit.

People will bring up panhandlers, but it's not like those don't exist in real life too, ignore them.

I kind of want to back just to see the cute robot have a happier life.

I know this is ridiculous, but I want to anyway.

Silly, that's what the Patreon is for, he ran out.