I know you guys like to pick and choose ;-)
Hey traditionalists, should women go back to covering their hair?
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Idk, some women can make it work.
Loose shawls and what not is great.
yes my grandmother wore something like that.
But we're not disgusting fucking muslims and women have freedom of choice retard
>go back to
>implying the based women at my mass ever stopped
Im Mennonite so this is normal and yes if the women chose to they can but dont have to.
Women weren't forced to cover their hair and they didn't always do so.
Work on your bait threads, shit lib.
They could do that in church, as the bible tells so and it would be nice, would so respect and order.
The bible says a woman's natural cover is her hair. Imbecile.
They can choose to or not, that's the beauty of not being in the vile islamic death cult :^)