Teach me about the Israel/Palestine conflict. From what I know so far, I can tell both sides have done some fucked up shit to the other. But, it appears to me that Israel, a nation of only a little more 8 million has been been fighting off overwhelming numbers of muslims ever since they came to be.
Teach me about the Israel/Palestine conflict. From what I know so far...
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically this youtube.com
With support from (((America))) and (((Canada))). They have also been using jewish tactics like selling the Palestinians products that cause infertility. They have also started taking more and more and more and more land in a never ending territory grab, then fabricating news of Palestinian atrocities to garner sympathy and more guns and money from the west.
I can only hope the kikes and muzzies kill each other, their both fucked.
Everyone says that (((they))) ruin all societies that they're apart of, but they have their own nation-state, and it seems like it's going pretty well, considering the circumstances
Israel is slowly but surely genociding the Palestinian population and stealing their land.
>Israel starts building housing developments in Palestine
>declare the area Isreals land because they have a house there now
>Palestinians retaliate the only way they can with bottle rockets
>Israel claims terrorists fired bottle rockets from schools/hospitals
>Israel destroys local schools/hospitals
>Palestinians move further back
>Israel builds houses at site of former school/hospitals and claims it's Israeli territory
>Teach me about the Israel/Palestine conflict.
We somehow are supposed to see one side as being oppressive, violent and build on murders and to ignore that the other side is not better.
Truth is that it doesn't affect us in any way but moderate Muslims wage war against anyone who target any Muslims and you know about the Jews.
Diaspora is not Israeli, stupid fuck. Diaspora Jews are not responsible for running a nation-state, they are just parasites on someone else's nation.
if you want jews out of your country why don't we just expand israel so they all go there
So, Mohamed, you agree that Jerusalem is entirely Jewish?
>non amerifat calling someone muhamed
well this is new
Good. Fuck those muslims.
Imagine you have a cookie. Some jew comes up and grabs your cookie and says "oy vey, britain said this cookie belongs to me!" Then says "alright muslim goy, how about we split the cookie in half?" Then when you refuse, the jew starts munching on your cookie (building illegal settlements).
here you go
this is the most childish view of world politics and land disputes i have ever seen
Imagine having a cookie. Some fags come and take your cookie, and you have to go to some random places. Some goy with a weird mustache may or may not have killed 6 million of your people. The mustache goy dies and some other nigs give you your original cookie back, but it's infested with shitskins. You kick out the shitskins and everyone gets mad, so you give the shitskins some of the cookie, and instead of using it for living, they set up military camps and start suicide bombing your cookie.
Zionists from Eastern Europe invented their ethnic connection to historical Israelites and tricked everyone into creating Israel on Arab land.
As a response, Arabs living in historical Palestine invented Palestinian identity and started to terrorize everyone until they also got their State promised at Oslo.
Palestinian state was never a reality so we are stuck with this situation until next massive war.
I still have to see someone who is neither Mussie or Mussie lover to defend Palestine.
The Joos have been getting kicked out for centuries.
I'm pro israel just because it gives the US a military advantage, and it's funny seeing all these shitskins get mad
To understand what's happening, you have to notice one crucial fact about the whole thing:
Palestinians, and the neighboring arabs in general, do not have any claims to the holy land based on religion. They are purely nationalistic.
The reason why you see those arab nations accepting gifts left and right regardless of who is giving them, being backstabbed on a constant basis and Arabs in general having absolutely no end game nor strategy nor cohesion is because they've been neutralized the very moment they became secularized via nationalism.
We're talking about the Holy Land, and Israel is effectively and ultimately waging a religious and messianistic war, in which Palestine and every single other arab country has failed time and again to make any progress because they simply lack the ideological tools to do so. And so they either suffocate or are turned into puppet states. Instead, the bigger threats to Israel are:
Iran (Shi'a muslim theocratic state)
The Hezbollah (Shi'a muslim religious proxy)
And soon Russia (Christian Orthodoxy)
All of which not only may claim the Holy Land for their religion, but may as well ally to first BTFO the kikes first, then discuss on how to share the spoils of war.
Israel does not fear a nationalistic, secularized and balkanized Middle East. It fears Holy Crusades in the name of the Lord Almighty. And this is the only effective way to fight against them.
Israel isn't occupying Palestine. Palestine is not a country. It's an observing state with no official land. The only land Israel is occupying, is no-man's land, under the rule of the PLO.
The territory Israel occupied, was occupied for a reason. The Arabs 9now referred to, as Palestinians) attacked Israel twice, from those territories, which are key strategic points. Israel took control of those areas, after the second time, because they realized that those are the points from which the Arabs could have won the war. Israel will never move out of their,m so long as the PLO continue to threaten Israel's existence.
BTW There is no comparison between apartheid South Africa, and Israel.
>Palestinians, and the neighboring arabs in general, do not have any claims to the holy land based on religion.
>What is Hamas
Right here. The first thread I ever saw on Sup Forums was during one of the isreal/Gaza conflicts years ago. I don't give a shit what religion they are, they way Israel intentionally targets schools and hospitals is some of the most atrocious war crimes in modern times. Sure some sand nigger gangs do the same, but this is an organized government systematically mass murdering children.
Lol you have to be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.
also the shitskins put their terrorist bases under hospitals to make the kikes look bad
this thread proves that this place is overran with jews
im done, fuck this place, goodbye
Arabs conquered the middle east from Jews. They took Iraq, syria, lebanon, jordan and parts of saudi arabia from jews and other ethnicities by force and flooded the area.
Now israel took a tiny bit of the land back and they are all chimping out. Just like when spain and portugal took their land back a few hundred years ago.
We still need to conquer a lot of land from the arab invaders, even with the non-stop brainwahing you hear from the media.
> Arabs conquered the middle east from Jews.
> What is the Bizantine empire
A thief stole from a thief. Who cares.
We even deserve all of north africa because the berbers have been raped out of existance by the arabs and are now part of them.
The arabs deserve no mercy.
Let the autism flow through you.
>Kike shills
>JIDF thread
>(((PragerU))) video
hello, Mo
brits promised palestine to france and the rulers of mecca in 1915 and really created the whole mess over there if you think about it
The Hamas is as religious as the waves of drunk, pork eating, sex addict immigrants invading Europe, my faggotini.
Less Muslims is good in my book. Suck more Muslim cock you faggot.
Serious question, if this were a real image, wouldn't the jewish flag be supported by 2 fucking giant musclebound intimidating dudes, and one skinny manlet jumping up doing nothing. All the while palestine is about to fall over and is strapped with bombs running at a concrete wall between them and the jewish flag in a suicide run that will ultimately achieve nothing?
Sorry kid, not an argument
Die kike
>they intentionally group together their military assests with where the general public goes to heal their sick and educate future generations in one convenient target
>so they kikes look bad when destroy all 3 at once
If you believe that bullshit you have overdosed on blue pills.
> drunk, pork eating, sex addict
So are Israelis, never been there?
But Hamas surely claims to be an Islamic Resistance Movement and it is born as the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood
Israel only target terror-used building. Period.
When an hospital becomes a terror base to shoot missiles from into Israeli city, It’s no longer a hospital but Hamas terror base. Make sense?
BTW good to see you here muhammad.
How much of our taxes goes to that shithole country I owe nothing to? We didn't do the holocaust and we send billions of dollars to a country that has attacked us and has stolen top secret information and sold it to our enemies. Israel is the enemy of mankind and the only reason we don't think this is because the jewish media has been making us embrace "diversity" and demonizing people who criticize minorities. Plus you're pretty ignorant regarding the fact that the balfour declaration is the reason we as Americans were forced into ww1. Woodrow wilson promised to keep us out and he shilled for international jewry. Need any other reasons to dislike this nation that leeches on the economies of the entire world?
Sorry kid, not an argument. The ancestors of the Palestinians have been living in that land since even before Jews existed. All your arguments are just false logic and sophistry, trying to find loopholes to justify your kikery.
BTW Israel has been using human shields since its inception during the war in 1948 and even today. All those illegal settlers are basically human shields living in a zone that Israel itself declared as a military zone but on Palestinian land in the West Bank.
Hamas fires from populated areas because there is nowhere else to fire from in Gaza.
So basically kikes intentionally use human shields while Hamas does it unintentionally.
That's a thoroughly well thought-out and reasonable argument. I'm convinced.
Israelis wage their war on a very different level. The very reason why they strive for world domination by applying the methods found on the Talmud, not only against Palestine, but against humanity as a whole, and by a very tightly knit tribalistic network with blood lines and religious means to achieve messianistic goals should be enough comparison when you look over the fence: disorganized localized chimpouts.
I bet you think the Holocaust was a good thing too?
>the only country to use words to form instead of wars
that is not how land works. you fight for it. scared jews too scared to bleed for their country. coward jews
Fuck off with your lies kike
Hamas doesn't use hospitals to launch missiles. Israel just says they do as justification for bombing where Palestinians treat their sick/wounded.
Do you have any proof of hospitals being used a military bases? It's well documented that Israel bombs hospitals, we agree on that. Convince me it's justified with evidence.
And now imagine it never was your cookie, because it's still lying in the shop and you're a nigger and you just used to steal whatever you wanted.
Every ethnicity today with an inferiority complex calims to be jews (we wuz kangz). Afroniggers, muslims, heck, even poltards claim white people are the real jews. Stand in line achmed.
Arabs are from arabia. The arab invaders in israel speak arabic, they look arab. Most of them. The white ones you see on propaganda news are pushed on purpose in order to invoke sympathy from cuck europeans. The reality is the majority of them look shitskin. And the ones that don't are descendants of arab rapists. The few pure ones have adopted arab culture so may as well be arab. Genetics is a stupid argument. They dance dabke (arab dance), they eat arab food and they speak arabic. They all belong in ssaudi arabia.
Syria, lebanon, jordan, egypt and iraq all belong to israel too. Just wait, achmed, we'll kick all of your kind from the middle east back to saudi arabia. And don't act tough here because you are a pussy cuck who lives in canada instead of fighting with your brothers in the middle east,.
Jews were given Israel, "Palestinians" were forced to stay there and chimp out by neighboring Arab states while they tried to annihilate the jews. They're basically Israel's niggers.
Sir. You won the internet today.
>isreal intentionally targets schools and hospitals...
now hold on there partner, palastinian terrorists put their bases specifically under and inside of those institutions, even firing FROM them, in order to bring down strikes from israel and demonize them in the international community. And before you say "YOURE A KIKE JUDENNN!!" and claim that i'm just believing the jewish propaganda, let me submit to you this excerpt from Palestinian tv and you tell me whether or not a society that teaches this to children would be afraid to use them as human shields:
I agree on this. They also are much better educated and militarily trained than the Arabs.
So, this is fake?
Well with such a academic and reasonable argument can I even disagree?
>Every ethnicity today with an inferiority complex calims to be jews
Yeah exactly, so Israelis need to stop larping as Jews and go back to the countries where they came from.
>Arabs are from arabia.
Dumb kike, DNA proves that Palestinians are native to the land of Palestine and they are not even racially Arab.
>Genetics is a stupid argument.
Hurrr science is stupid.
>Syria, lebanon, jordan, egypt and iraq all belong to israel too. Just wait, achmed, we'll kick all of your kind from the middle east back to saudi arabia.
Israel will be annihilated soon kike and I'll be there raping and exterminating your family when it happens.
israel is the side that punches women and cripples and shoots children playing with a ball on a beach.
oh and also this
>defending yourself from IDF who terrorize civilians is terrorism
fuck off you neocuckservative christtard piece of filth.
>Dumb kike, DNA proves that Palestinians are native to the land of Palestine and they are not even racially Arab.
Source please
>firing FROM them, in order to bring down strikes from israel and demonize them in the international community.
So you're telling me that these people are intentionally getting themselves bombed in their local hospitals all so the Jews look evil? Aside from being completely useless as a military tactic, especially since the media doesn't cover Jews doing that as evil (made apparent by people like you saying it's justified) it just sounds retarded.
I know that such concrete proof makes you butthurt Chaim.
>Everyone who claims to be palestinian comes from Israel
Can you show me where they're on this list?
Also define native, do you mean indigenous? Because they're not indigenous to Israel.
these people are intentionally getting themselves bombed in their local hospitals all so the Jews look evil?
No, they do it because Israel won't bomb an hospital *every time* they do it, so terrorists have a better chance to survive
I love the way the JIDF (whatever it's now called) just LEAP for Israel threads.
Cookie analogy revised: Say you have a cookie, then someone shows up and says that it's their cookie because of some 2000+ year old document that they have, that PROVES that they own your cookie. They have guns, big BIG guns, and everyone else in the world is so goddamn sick of their having their own cookie getting pinched from by this one guy, that they are keen to let him take your cookie, 'cause hell you're small, and far away from them. They just want him to fuck off with his cookie swindles.
So he splits your cookie with you, at gunpoint, and then shows up every now and then to take more of your cookie, and kills a couple of your family when he does it - demanding you owe him cookie because of the blood he got all over himself.
On an unrelated note, Jewish girls are good with the BJs... just keep your cookies under lock and key, they might help themselves while you're distracted.
>if the mass media say so it must be true
nice try retard
Great arguments, achmed. You are basically saying stuff with nothing to back it up. Just switch "Jew" with "nigger" and yiou are now all niggers
lmao, in the last gaza war in 2014 i took great pleasure in killing your family while you were hiding like a cuck in canada. I personally killed a few.
In the next one, I'll take great pleasure in raping a few sandnigger muzzie girls. All in your honor. I might even record it and spread it all over the internet. Thanks for giving me the rape ideas. I had so many opportunities in the past. You made me decide to rape in the next war. Would be a waste otherwise.
I prefer lebanese gals, though. Gazans look nasty...I'll have to use a paper bag and imagine they are someone else..
I never realized how true "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" is. They have literally walled in and oppressed an entire country , even giving them daily calorie limits, and they act as if they are being kept down by Palestine.
No, it's not funny.
The founding of israel pissed off the arab world which caused radical groups to form and ultimately resulted in 9/11
anyone who says otherwise is a fucking moron
no it isn't.
>Terrorists are using hospitals as a base of operations
>Intentionally getting themselves bombed
Lol wut?
>It's another episode of "we are superior"
>a jew destroys all it touches
>a jew can't strive without rampant degeneracy
>a jew can't do a honest work even if his life depended on it
>a jew cannot liberate itself from base materialistic and hedonistic desires and is thus a prisoner of his own ego
>a jew is cursed and is therefore unable to reach to God
>a jew values everything based on its monetary worth
>a jew cannot hold on to ten commandments for a handful of days without worshipping a golden cow
>a jew becomes so jealous of any other people's achievements and works that he feels the compulsory need to destroy it at all costs
>a jew cannot even genetically identify as one, a yemeni has more jewish genes than him
Truly the superior ""race"".
>hides behind a meme flag
>calls others cucks and filth
Listen here you coward. The palastinian terrorists hate the jews because they lost to them in both wars and through trade. The jewish state of israel, which was given to them by God including the so called "palastinian lands" that the terrorist palastinian state occupies, has done everything it can to defend themselves against a force that uses women and children as shields so they can mount cowardly and terroristic rocket attacks against israel. They are lucky that israel hasn't just moved through with tanks and given them exactly what they want.... an enemy who does not give a single fuck and will drive them into the sea until not a single one of them still lives. Instead, israel mounts attacks with such precision that even though they have to, at times, fire at or near hospitals and schools, that the collateral damage is at a minimum.
if the civvies still stick around its for one of two reasons: 1) they're truly deluded enough to be human shields and die just to hurt israel or 2) they are being forced there by palastinian terrorists who refuse to let them escape.
considering the state of palastinian propaganda i cant say which is the truth desu.
so take your falsehoods elswhere you shill, israel is for the jewish people and has been since the foundations of the world according to God's own word.
they know that the international community can call it, as the shill above said 'war crimes' and they hope to cause the UN or the EU or whoever they can to act on their behalf and force the jews out of israel.
I don't need the mass media if i can see it for myself on their own palastinian tv and on military flir footage. nice try though shill.
thanks bruh
And now they are kicking back. Might does, in this case, make right. We should take note and follow their example here in America. Let's stop taking the hits
Is that a salvadoran flag on palestine-chan?
Let me lay that same scenario put in a different way and see if you still think it's justified:
>a bad guy takes a child hostage and shoots at police officers
>the police officers shoot through the child to subdue the bad guy, killing both of them
Do you think this is an acceptable way for law enforcement to conduct themselves or should they be held accountable for intentionally killing hostages to save themselves?
>punched women and cripples and shoots children playing with a ball on a beack
>posting wild antisemitic rumors
>...with a nazi flag
Hmmm really makes you think.
they both suck its rightful christian clay we should purge them all and retake Jerusalem DEUS VULT
Let me rephrase your scenario to make it more appropriate for the situation at hand
>bad guy with a bomb that will flatten a building full of innocent people uses a child as a human shield
>the child is willing and screams how the cops should fuck off and die
>the police officers are forced to shoot through the child to prevent the innocent hostages in the building around them, and themselves, from being killed.
sometimes there's no other way. sometimes the sniper doesn't have the shot. in either case its a sick mother fucker that tries to defend the bomber who is killing innocent men, women, and children simply because he's mad at his lot in life.
If you believe that my boy, you truly are naive.
>muh pallywood
>muh human shields
>palestinian terrorists
Buddy, look, everybody knows. It's not your fault, you didn't do it, you were raised with hebrew classes every damn Saturday where they just.. drilled.. it into your head that you're the best, and special, and persecuted because of jealousy. I get that you went on the trip to Israel and wore the t-shirts with Hillel or some shit on the pockets.
I get that it's not you. You don't have to defend this anymore. Everybody knows. This isn't a weak appeal-to-consensus fallacy, I'm being honest, even the normiest of normies can't abide by the horrors committed in name of Israel
Dammit man how many of your brothers are in Goa or some other island off of India, hooked on heroin/opium. How fucking many PTSD boys and girls that are supposed to be your relatives are just FUUuuucked in the head from this garbage real-estate dispute in the fucking desert ?
Who .. cares.. about the freshwater..
There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give up your gun, the oil, the freshwater, and the whole "State", and we'll spare your lives.
You know I'm right, everybody knows. It's sick.
>the police officers shoot through the child to subdue the bad guy, killing both of them
Americans do this all the time and call it "collateral damage"
>The child (here representing hospital patients) is willing
No. People sick on the hospital are not "willing". They are innocent bystanders getting illnesses treated. And I highly doubt the children in schools they bomb have any strong political opinions.
So it is clear, Not only that Israel has no interest in killing civilians from the ethical standpoint, it's obvious to Israeli leaders that dead Palestinian civilians are extremely bad PR for Israel. Make sense?
I'm for Israel in this fight! Maybe if they win and there will be more land to colonise they will take our shitty liberal journalists who are non stop bitching about lack of tolerance and anti-semitism everytime when we put some crook with hooked nose into jail.
>But, it appears to me that Israel, a nation of only a little more 8 million has been been fighting off overwhelming numbers of muslims ever since they came to be.
They keep starting the wars by pushing out into palestinian land. If they want to expand their territory, they should do it without our help.
Just walk away....
You forgot
>Palestinians help design the Holocaust
>Palestine declares war on Israel multiple times
>Palestinians go into Israel to slaughter innocent civilians
>Palestinians cheer on 9/11
Fuck off back to red.dit
They ruin countries by parasitizing them. Their country thrives because it's also a parasite.
>the official party line.
Your not Icelandic, you're on a VPN, everybody knows man.
You gotta stop this garbage, it's killing you. Fuck sandniggers, just be ... honest ... and live your life.
>You're on a VPN because you don't shill for sandniggers!
>Links to a fucking (((wikipedia))) article that lists Jews under Canaanite peoples
Cool story Chaim, I can tell that kikes wrote that shit and even following the multiple sources I can see that the scientific sources cited don't even back up the claims. Jewish deception at its greatest.
Its okay kike, I'll start by killing your tribe over here and eventually I'll make it over there to finish you off. You kikes are pussies, you can only fight when you are armed to the teeth by another power and even then you can only fight primitive militias. Palestinians have 10x bigger balls than you manlets.
If expanding Israel got all of them out of our countries and cut off their control over our politics, then it would be an acceptable trade off. There's no guarantee that it would do either of those things.
Get up from the desk and walk away ! You don't have to do this. Israel is a horror-show. They're using YOU too, can't you see ?