There is something weird about this

There is something weird about this.

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Yes, Mary worship is idolatry rooted in Paganism

Thou shall place no other gods before me.

Amen, it is idolatry.

Well Mary is the most important female person in the holy Qu'ran.

I mean, considering that the spread of early Christianity was due to adapting to pagan traditions...

Pretty much.
Mary is basically Gaia

its called mariolatry

Seventy times she's mentioned in the qur'an. Guess how many times she appears in the New Testament.

GOD worship is rooted in Paganism. Paganism is rooted in the human desire to explain things it doesn't yer understand. Publicly taking pics with Mary when you're a muslim is an appeal to contemporary secularism and a show of good faith, no pun intended.

>mistress of the universe
Kinda hot

Like 5?

The Christian bible is older than any surviving pagan group

its way more than 5. gotta be like 17 or something

>also jewish

not hot at all

jews are right

''''virgin'''' mary was a whore

I take it
Mary = Inanna or something?

>older than any surviving pagan group
So is Islam.

>Not liking cosmic khazar milkers
Her breasts are so big and full it encompasses reality lol

This checks out. Islam does believe in the Virgin birth of Christ by Mary, and they believe that Christ was a prophet. But they reject the Crucifixion, believing instead that he was whisked away by angels before he could be killed.

'Idolatry' is anything which occupies your mind more than God! Stop thinking so simplistically!

And their six year old wives are doormats.

What if Jesus was just a normal human who just happened to discover Kundalini?
Natural birth and death, unnatural after-life.
Everything else is heresy and here say.

Just a theory

Paganism was rampant at the time of Christ, 6 centuries prior to Muhammad

About 16 times. If I'm remembering correctly Jezebel has more mentions.

Newsflash faggot, she’s the most important woman in the Bible too.

How do you figure?

Did you ever consider reading the bible?

>he fell for the kike/evangelical propaganda

Ummmm! NO!
The Catholic Church was the one who made the pagan gods into christian saints to make then okay to venerate. The real Christian church was persecuted, by the Catholics as being heretics for denouncing the Church of Rome's pagan practices. This was way before Luther.


So you're saying that all of Christianity is actually pagan then I presume?

lol Mother Mary is Imam's waifu.


>reading comprehension

You do know that she is not relevant to the faith beyond being Jesus' mother. The central tenant of faith is salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that he was resurrected on the third day.
But then Mohammed was only worried about banging first graders on the playground.

>understanding church history

Mary is semiramis an ancient babylonian queen that was ruthless.

you fell for the shill meme that Jesus was a kike perpetrated by the jidf you degenerate memeflag pathetic faggot.

Christianity was the most hated and feared religion throughout history, its followers persecuted like no other. It's not a coincidence it's a threat to teh satanic cabal ruling the planet you fucking man child.

>Mother of Jesus
Theotokos, not Christotokos, okay? Kyrie eleison.

>this thread
protties, not even once

So all the pagan groups just gave up and stopped practicing child ritual sacrifice and became mainstream Christians? That's not how beliefs, religions, or tribalism works.

Paganism is underground. Now they perform mass-sacrifice rituals.

>not a kike
pick one

Paganism is the only thing based of Christinsanity. Without it, it's just Judaism with another name.

Good thing no Christian worships Mary.

Agreed, catholics aren't Christian

Born and raised Catholic here (fucking organized religion) anyway, Roman Catholics do not worship Mary like Jesus (God). She did however give birth to Jesus. When the Wise Men/Magi found Jesus, they found Him in Mary's arms and kneeled to HIM. Mary is more of a gateway for prayer. She was saved by God.

I could go on, but religious rambles are typically pointless. Roman Catholics don't offer Mary cakes.

You do not understand words much do you?
Here is the crayon&puppet version.
Catholic Church=pagan church kills real Christians.
Christians=Those who only believe in Jesus, and denounce paganism.
Islam=First church of pedophilia, goat mating, intolerance, and car bombings.

>recommending Know Your Enemy
Here is another giant redpill

>The Christian bible is older than any surviving pagan group
Of course, because the Christinsane murdered or forced converted all "pagans." Because Christinsanity is the most violent hate filled mind fucked lunacy the world has ever seen. Nothing good has come from it.

Bullshit, people have worshipped shit thousands of years before the bible

Yep, Catholics constantly shit on the worth of God by doing the complete opposite. Jesus criticized the greed of organized religion? Let's build a city of gold!

I do as does apparently. Again the Catholic Church is more Islam than Christian.

Not even true. We have Hindu texts from the original indo-aryans who far outdate kikestianity.

The Bible begins with creation, not Christmas

>What is Islam
U r fukn dum if you actually believe what you posted, brainlet.

How is Catholicism more Islam

You misunderstood him, he's showing a Muslim soldier protecting a church and saying it's kike propaganda what they tell us about Syria.

The funny thing is you probably believe you are correct and you know for a fact jesus was a jew and not a judean.

Even if he was a jew, jews back then may not have worshiped satan and sacrificed christian children in his name on their holy days and whenever they feel like it.

I'll have to check that out. Thanks

Couldn't have said it better.

jews are space aliens lost on our planet. Don't judge

Maybe they are reptilians after all.

As a Christian, this bothers me.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The position of pope is also blasphemy. No matter how you wanna spin it Catholicism is not Christianity.

>Roman Catholics do not worship Mary like Jesus.
I too was raised Catholic, and was educated in a Catholic school. While we are taught that Jesus is the Savior, we were also taught that Mary smoothed things over with Jesus, since he was also a judge. Hence all of the Hail Mary prayer garbage. Also the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was without sin in order to be able to bear Jesus. Clearly this is against actual Biblical teaching, since Jesus is the only one that ever was able to live without sinning, and thereby fulfil the law.

>Semiramis restored ancient Babylon and protected it with a high brick wall that completely surrounded the city.

Just read that at wikipedia
weird person

As far as following the Bible, and Christianity. Both are pretty much Antichrist religions as are the Mormons, who also get lumped in with true Christians.

Do the research she was a satanic piece of shit that did horrible unspeakable things.

They'd have orgies then some of the babies that were born they'd throw into a fire as a direct sacrifice to moloch.

The elites worship the same demons and satan just as she did. Sacrifice continues to this day on unfathomable levels most would never accept.

I agree that Catholicism is not Christianity, and that's fine. People doing their own thing is fine. I just don't understand how they read what's in the Bible and think that praying to Mary is ok, that confessing to person is ok, that whatever the pope is supposed to be is ok.

Matthew 23:9
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Nothing wrong with venerating Mary and the Saints.

Romans 3:23
>For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

I don't see any exclusion of Mary in that. All means ALL.

It's a very interesting part of history most have no clue about. That series I linked videos to has a ton of info about her.

one of most disgusting things in catholicism, worshiping beings and things other than God.

Their religion was the babylonian mystery religion which continues to this day. Roman catholicism is the mysteries veiled in Christianity.

I was raised roman catholic and it was hard for me to accept that it was a false religion, but there are way too many direct comparisons to rituals and special dates that were founded by the babylonian mysteries.

We were never taught to read the bible in its entirety if we were we'd have found the truth for ourselves.

>le catlicks worship Mary meme
lmao brainlet

We don't worship them though, just hold them in very high regard.

holy shit you're so deluded

it's like listening to a feminist

>that whatever the pope is supposed to be is ok.
The bodily incarnation of God on Earth. The "Vicar of Christ" (so inscribed on his little hat). Literally taking Christ Jesus' place. He is often called the "Holy Father."

That is not okay.

First of all you are larpers. Second catholics do worship Mary. They pray to her and say she can give Jesus orders etc.

I wasn't aware it was that bad. Thanks.

Papists are basically atheistic muslims.

No we don't.

That is why l was no longer a Catholic when l was old enough to choose.
And the priests as well, since they supposedly can forgive sins.

He is falling for the christian pill. Let it happen

Roman Catholics=/=Catholics
Furthermore, as i'd said Mary was SAVED, that is why she is called the "Blessed Virgin Mary"

Hail Mary, full of grace, the LORD is with thee; BLESSED art thou amongst women, and BLESSED is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, PRAY for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

We could go into The Assumption as well...

Yeah. Their little wafer is also serious idolatry. They removed the second commandment for a reason (changing God's law, another grave offense).

Mary is dead, in the dirt, like all of us when we die. Only those who died in Christ are resurrected when Jesus returns. If we all went to heaven or hell when we died there would be no point of Christ's return.

Catholic here. We venerate Mary, but don't worship her.

Really so you do not do the Hail Mary prayers?
Unless they have changed their dogma it is the SOP prayer in times of trouble. Like praying to the saints for other problems. Paganism at its finest praying to multiple gods, and the mother goddess.

So I guess we're pretending that Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and Confucianism doesn't exist? Got it.

Roman Catholics pray to Mary if they so choose. They do not WORSHIP her like they worship The Holy Trinity. If you are uncomfortable praying through Mary to Jesus, then just pray to Jesus.

>They do not WORSHIP her like they worship The Holy Trinity
No they worship her more. Not in name but this is an empty distinction. Catholics speak more prayers TO Mary than anybody else. Not about Mary. To her.

With the intention she pass them up the chain of command.

What? Mary is the holyest wome in Quran

>what is Hinduism?

prayer is a form of worship

On Mexico we have an enormous cathedral just for her

No Catholic = First Church of the Antichrist. That prayer is proof of that. Praying to anyone butthe Father in heaven through Jesus is pure unadulterated blasphemy. That is the reality of it.

Not really. Islam venerates Jesus and Mary as prophets.

Down. Some prayers include her commanding Jesus to forgive sins because God has to obey her.
If you weren't just a larper you'd know that of course.
Not that intermediates are biblically christian either but I know you don't care.

She BIRTHED Jesus. Smdh