>new chapter is out
>previous post had them but inmediatly reached page 10
I'm dissapointed.
Anyways, Monster Musume thread to discuss new chapter and wait for new pics
Monster Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up and die. We won't get a new chapter until fucking May, that's three goddamn months from now! As for the chapter itself nothing happened! It ended right when Papi got Kyuri to stop being an edgelord
she looks cool and very badass
totally another person
For some reason that I don't even remember, I stopped reading (and never watched the anime at rape vision. Should I pick it up? It was fun at the time.
Pic related, it's the last thing I remember.
why did you stopped?
also, some Lala
she looks serious but it might be my impression
new and last OAD preview
I'm liking it
it now has more actual plot than PLOT, but I still find it funny to read
I don't remember. I think I enlisted around that time (so lack of time) but I'm not sure. I sure do want to restart if it's good. so is reassuring.
Also, Rachnee a qtπ
then do it
it's something nice to pass on the time
also, seems that this chapter has more yuri than usual
Do you have the one with Suu also?
yes, sorry
I was eating
So Suu was the target all along
the dangerous girls were sent to chase darling so the whole group was distracted
Nice, thanks user.
Wow, the Lalafags can never seem to escape being shafted by the anime
They must hate her thighs
who's talking wiht her? darling?
seems that the one who's shocked can barely talk
they did increased her bust size
looks like the animation studio can't into nice thighs
at least in a standing position
You just couldn't wait until the summary user started dumping. Now we have to deal with all the shitposting.
Didn't the anime staff say that they wanted to bully Lala the most?
no we don't have to
just keep the posting very slow and that's just it
it will keep the shitposting to a minimum
also Crabman is taking 2 months "free" because he has to prepare vol 12 of monmusu and vol 5 of 12 beasto
and maybe the OAD release has something to do too
Let's go then. Is the anime worth it? If the animation is shit, it's not even worth bothering with rachnee and mia, but I want to believe.
they didn't said a thing about it
but their actions makes it looks like that
also, manga staff and editor san did that too
the animation has nice quality, at least in the last episode
and if you start to watching it, I recommend to watch the webshorts too, they're very cute
wait till they come around. Whatever, that wait's gonna suck, hopefully we have the OAD coming "soonish"
So I've restarted reading it and I reached the credits. Is translator-fag still around?
No, she left cause threads were and to some extent still are shit.
Damn. What a waste.
form time to time she appears in a thread (like once a month or even two months)
but of course, shitposters starts attacking her immediately
No she left because she couldn't stand how everyone in the series had such nice boobs while she had nothing
People have no shame.
On another subject, holy shit what a dumbass I was to drop the manga during the mothers arc.
She was a good translator, but she also spent most of her time here shitposting about traps and other fujobait on the side.
a mix between Mero, Zombina and because of the flatness, Draco
dude, that's the first part of the would-be 2nd season
expect some nice moments
The eyes, and little bit of ear pocking out make her look alot more sexy. She has a very nice face, simple, but still looks good.
Why did I ever drop this? Hot damn, I can't stop laughing at this image.
>Turns into fierce vampire
>Immediately starts to lewd on the Birb
I like.
Whats with the last panel of second post? Is the saliva dissolving Papi's neck strap?
on one side we have the very bullyable and weak Coolie
and on the other side we have the badass, semen demon Kyurii
I love how Lala's chest looks here. The corset forcing the breasts up, and roll to the side, stretching her shirt so tight in the middle. Gives the look of large heavy breasts, yet perky, and without the look of sitting lower on the body.
That dress looks like its great for side boob and accidental nip slips. I kinda want to see one of the big girls wearing something like that.
>white suit
>black shoes
lack of taste/10
Source on pic? There's no colored 12Beast pages around this point that I know of.
>Tio in that getup
Muh dick
Tio and Cathyl would be bursting at the seams for their tits to plop out, even if it was scaled up to match them.
Crabman's twitter
it's for the background of the cover for the tankobon
he actually does some nice work doing those panoramic shots, his previous work probably was beign a background assistant
I'm at Wonfes today so I'll post pictures of any monmusu figs I come across if I get the chance.
Cool. I wonder who will be on the cover. The MC always is. Flake already got Vol4, so my guess is the Golem girl.
Could be Mermaid girl, but I'm not sure she is part of the group.
Nah I doubt the mermaid girl will ever turn up again
will you get any if you got the chance?
most probably the golem girl
Why is she wearing Draco's pants?
Probably not, unless a Polt fig comes out of nowhere. I don't have the cash for anyone else. Though the Bina fig does look really nice.
Please do! Especially if there is a Rachnera one.
good luck finding any Polt related
I thought that the Zombina figure wasn't finished yet
If I could go there I'd go for pic related
Maybe once this arc is over and done with we'll get more Tio and Cathyl fanservice, Crab does prefer the bigger tits after all
Jesus H. Christ did they actually sculpt the little thigh crease onto the model?
I'm hoping OAD2 will have Tio and Centorea comparing chests for...reasons, and its gratuitous.
yeahm the guy did an amazing job with the skindentation
Hard to tell, but it does look like its disappearing
What if Papi replaces Suu with Kyurii?
Looks like she found a better lesbo
I didn't realize that's a new Lala clothe design. And where the hell are they? Lala's house or darling's house?
she kinda have perky tits
Would Lala be better as a side character instead of being part of the main haram?
>implying the main harem aren't basically side characters at this point in the story.
Any focus on Tio's Tios will have me diamonds instantly
isn't she already?
she has MON status
she actually is getting more and more popularity tho
still, more related to the manga and anime than the previous threads
Seeing Tio letting it all hang out is nice, but I'm hoping for Manakos' bitty beauties. We've been waiting since 2013, for crying out loud.
This chapter was dogshit.
Well I'll be damned. The guy didnt go "time for the daily shitposting thread" after all.
I wonder how long he'll keep it up.
But maybe this time they'll animate Tio with more detail
Manako's guaranteed to be good because there was nothing to draw in the first place
Quality post. We're proud of you.
you didn't even saw all the pics or even read the summary
and if you didn't bump the thread it would have been reached page 10
you're a fucking idiot
someone is trying to do it
I saw the pictures you mong. It was dogshit and there's a 3 month break in between.
This shitty arc is far from over.
Learn proper capitalization before posting.
Is Mero becoming a new hate meme?
you still don't have excuses, you autist kun
or do you think that the manga has only 6 pages?
damn you're so dumb, I'm surprised that you can even turn on a computer just to write shit
Why do you still care about his stupid strawpoll?
Her shtick is awful
She's simply not interesting.
Your ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Goddamn. What a waste of space you are.
Kill yourself.
I just can't believe there is that much dislike towards her. When so much of these threads devolve into, I'm not going to say it as to avoid it happening, then Mero tops the list, its a little baffling.
Is it seriously on hiatus until May?
Again, why do you care? Mero's always been disliked. Such is life, let those who dont like her not like her and let those who do do.
If it makes you feel better she wasn't always top. Only in recent days did she get a surge enough to put her on top. Probably one triggered horsefags doing.
would you a little bit of fuzz on your snek?
holy shit, was not expecting Cerea to get that much hate.
Reminder that the manga will never be lewd again.
The panty adhesive would suck with that much.
Good pic though.
yes, at least we'll get the 12th volume and the OAD
I hope that the TL team get to release some HQ scans
>Frilly bra
>Frilly pantsu
what did they do to her delicious thighs
And now we understand why sneks keep it smooth
Absolutely shafted
Crabman has good taste
clearly the animation studio sucks at doing thighs
>varying degrees of want.
I'll never understand why a social autist such as Lala would wear such frilly pantsu that no one but her would ever see because she can't talk to strangers
because she's a very femenine girl who tries to looks dark and edgy but I bet that she likes girly things
waifu bias dictates I believe Lala has the sexiest panties not just because they're hot as fuck but because the gap moe created from a girl with a dark and foreboding personality wearing those frilly black panties intended solely to be lewd and sexual in nature, as though created only to be pulled down her thick thighs or pulled aside to make way for a fat dick about to slam the dripping wet pussy of the wearer like no tomorrow, is irresistibly hot and enticing. Doubly so when you're aware of what a shy, pure girl she is putting on an act to cope with social anxiety and is likely wearing them because she finds them mature or appropriately gothic for her persona, not realizing just how incredibly lewd they are.
Because she likes to feel sexy?
Dont you ever dress up in a suit and go yeah, I fucking rock this shit? Pretty much the same thing for girls.
>Coffee spooder animated
Yea every day because I'm not an unemployed NEET. It's not the same