What is the answer to the privacy problem?

What is the answer to the privacy problem?
> Technology becoming more and more personalized
> Three letter agencies and large corporations desperate to have more and more information about their subjects
> Sheep willingly volunteer their information to anyone who offers them a plaything
> The botnet expands without limits, placing us all at the mercy of algorithms backed up by super computing and surveillance

Is decentralization the answer? What is the balance between specialization and self-sufficiency? If you want to achieve power in the current paradigm, it is necessary to 'plug in'. Whether that means having a LinkedIn, using Facebook and Twitter for your business, using a smartphone to communicate with customers/employees, offshoring jobs to compete with mega corporations, purchasing products that are produced via a globalized supply chain, or smiling and nodding at the diversity officer, we are forced to accept 'the system' if we are to gain any power or status or quality of life beyond bare subsistence. One option is to drop out and be a NEET/vagabond like Varg, another option is to try to work within the system to try to change the system, and violent rebellion and overthrow is another. Are there any other options? Are we doomed to create the one world order?

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>Reverse-engineer every device that has camera and speaker function, remove it

>Quit social media

>Are we doomed to create the one world order?
No not yet, but you can't co-excist with people who wanted to kill you. only option is to man-up and solve this colossal problem that the previous ancestors left.

I have been gnawing on this problem for quite some time, and it occurred to me that one is never truly free of all systems. Even if one were to live inna woods, you would be within the 'system' of natural law. Hunger, cold and thirst would impel you to act in certain ways, or perish. Our current 'system' has been very effective at pushing back against the night, pushing back against the cruelties of nature, and now we are dependent upon the system. Any crack in the dam would wipe us all out. What would you do if the food trucks stopped rolling in to your local grocery store? What would you do if the power company suddenly shut off the electricity? Our systems are a towering house of cards. Just look at Puerto Rico, or any of the areas that had to cope with the aftermath of a natural disaster. People without food or water or power for days, sometimes weeks.

Is the answer to become more self sufficient? Should we all return to tilling the land and collecting firewood? Our current quality of life is the result of specialization, networks, and systems that we cannot see. Even if we were to set up decentralized power grids, decentralized financial systems, decentralized communications networks, we would still be dependent upon manufacturers to provide us with the tools to be "self-sufficient". Sure, you set up a meshnet with you and a couple of your buddies so that you don't have to pay a mobile carrier $60/month just to text someone on the other side of town, but you are still reliant upon a manufacturer 1000 miles away to ship you the router. You're still dependent upon the postal service to deliver it to you. Etc etc.
Thanks user, but the problem still remains. Businesses will continue to use social media to promote their products and services, even if regular people stop volunteering their information. There is big, big money in helping to build the botnet. Decentralized, peer to peer, anonymous and encrypted networks do not.

Decentralization will not work, please refer to Tesla's work it was never allowed to created to be free, everything should be under their Gorvernment system.

In my country my other house is off the grid and were harvesting from the farmlands but i fear the west will lose this ability soon because of fracking and HAARP ( i can't just prove it yet but coincidences are uncanny most of the typhoons leave farmers devastated unable to produce Non-GMO foods)

Organize while your still the majority in your country, diffuse some of the populations to the east home-school them and instill white identity.

Even Jewish Zionist are also afraid of it. i don't think everyone of them welcomes it. Please refer to Zuckerberg's comment about A.I.

Don't worry yet about botnet worry about preserving white genes this should be the first since your already outnumbered worldwide.
Masses, Business of ordinary individuals will just swing like bamboo and will follow the current which ever pulled them, we must seek to control the current itself dictate the history.

Yes, preserving white identity is important. But how shall we preserve it? Within a totalitarian system that chokes the life and freedom out from its citizens? I am very concerned about globalization and automation/internet/machine learning creating a set of systems that enriches the 0.01% at the expense of everyone else.

Just take a look at manufacturing. 150 years ago you would have to employ tens of thousands of people to create a company worth a billion dollars. Now you can do it with a few dozen. But while GDP may increase, real wages remain flat, even as productivity skyrockets. The rich get richer because they own the systems and platforms that the rest of us use. Whether that is real estate, mobile phones, the financial system, automobiles, the electrical grid, or digital platforms. We need to distribute the means of production in order to empower every person to live a fulfilling life rather than becoming a cog in a globalist machine. NAFTA and its ilk exist to benefit the 0.01%, not the everyday man. We get cheaper TVs from China, sure. But at what cost? We are chained to this globalized economy, and the middle class has almost completely hollowed out. The smart, awake and competent ones will enter the upper class, while the rest are dragged down to the underclass. Why pay for a dozen engineers when two engineers and a handful of software systems can do the same job?

I guess we should just increase privacy as much as we can and make it easier for others to do so. We should just do whatever pays off the most compared to costs, and see where that gets us.

You have to kinda strike a balance. I do have a smartphone but not with a standard version of Android. I'm also thinking of switching to Replicant (100% foss) but that could be a bit too much. I use Signal to communicate with all my friends who are a bit privacy-aware. But of course some people don't want to switch for whatever reason and so I still talk to them on Whatsapp instead. I'm on Linux almost always but I do have a Windows installation for a few games that I can't get to work under Wine, etc. Because all my friends are on Signal or Whatsapp I don't feel like I need Facebook to be social so I don't have that at all.

I also think we should vote with our money. Don't get an iPhone, don't pay for Windows, try buying a laptop without Windows pre-installed if you don't absolutely need one that does have it, don't get a botnet CPU, etc.

>Preserving white identity, Already said it
Diffuse some of them to the Eastern Hemisphere with selected countries like Japan, South Korea, Myanmar (Arguably)
We'll use Eugenics Method and Surrogacy (since CRISPR isn't fully researched yet)

We shall preserve blonde, redheads, blue eyed and green eyed.

>Just take a look at manufacturing. 150 years ago...
I feel you, but you can't save everybody in the west not while they're not angry yet and most of them are in demoralized state.

>One good option is to weaponize the immigrants, organize separate groups.

>Crash the society, currency
This needs alot of preparation and immense organized group to take the power to the former power

>Also i'm actually researching and formulating theories on how we should approach this problem and i can't exactly type it all here.

>Also please do watch out on the term "Cashless Society" this is scarier actually since if you control the food, you control the human being itself,
Please research keyword Sweden Cashless society, Amazon Cashless society.

This>>> brave.com/brave-expands-basic-attention-token-platform-to-youtube/

Hi would you be so kind to answer several questions regarding every original white sub races in Europe?

I'm researching actually but i can't search it on just google, this will save me some time and maybe i don't have to go to Europe and i also don't want to (No offense).

Yes, consumer education is huge, and voting with our wallets. If there is a market for peer to peer, encrypted, decentralized and anonymous communication, we should capitalize on that. White people don't control almost any of the infrastructure in the West. The Jews control Hollywood, a handful of ISPs control internet access, socialists/communists control the education system, pedophiles control the upper echelons of government, Mexicans control the drug trade, and the Catholic Church isn't really something that can be controlled by a particular race. What are our other options? White people predominate in the skilled trades and IT, but those are being flooded by illegals and H1Bs. We have internet bunkers and platforms like Sup Forums, but we need to be able to go and organize in the real world.

do you have the time for short questions?
>Stupid me, i tagged myself

>The botnet expands without limits
Nearly all the bots on Sup Forums are PutinBots

You are never free of all systems, but you shouldn't voluntarily become part of systems with negative net-benefit. Buying food in a store instead of farming it myself has a net-benefit for me. However, I think that using Linux over Windows is something that hurts me so little that the privacy-advantage makes it worth it for me. Facebook also doesn't have a net-benefit imo.

And also, we should be trying to create alternative systems that are better than the current ones. Now that we have Signal (the messaging app) you don't have to choose between privacy and staying in touch with friends anymore. You can ditch the old network for something better. We should do that for as much as we can. Possibly we can create a social network that is profitable without needing to sell user data; possibly we can create systems in the spirit of TOR that allow you to use the internet more privately, possibly we can create a usable Phone-OS without exploiting our users, etc. etc.

You miss the point entirely. Surveillance, predictive algorithms, data collection, and everything being backdoor'd is the problem.
This user seems to get it. However, with the current attention economy model of ads + data instead of paying for access to platforms and information, how do we create a viable alternative that isn't dependent on creating a dystopian future? From what I remember, all computer/mobile hardware is backdoor'd from the get-go by 3 letter agencies. To truly offer a private service, we would have to build from the ground up. Transistors, memory cards, GUIs, everything.

Can anyone answer this short questions of mine

>What are the original White sub-races of each countries on Western Europe, Eastern Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Greenland, Iceland.

>Like Nordics for Norway, Slavics are from Russia

>Give the Original and Current estimated percentage you think in every country

I tried researching it on google but it gives vague answers and i don't trust it.

>I do plan to conduct more professional research than this one.

No idea m8.

Another problem is that while free and open software is ideal for transparency, it doesn't make white people rich. Proprietary software, proprietary hardware, brand name, exclusives, these are things that make money. It is absolutely Jewish, and here we enter into a dynamic inner tension. White people are reluctant to play the Jew game. But what is the alternative?

We can vote with our wallets, and vote with our feet. Just look at the NFL. But where can we go? Everyone is flooding into crypto right now, but already we are seeing the same problems of centralization and desire for control. Proprietary blockchains, private blockchains, wanting people to pay to enter the walled garden. Gah. There is no competitive advantage to open source.

Well I'm not an expert on any of this but some things come to mind. Firstly the importance of FOSS isn't actually that well-known in most circles, and people really know less about how much they get fucked than you might think, so don't underestimate the importance of educating people on this; the more people that are interested in this the more it creates a market for better products.

As far as payment models go, I don't think ads by themselves are necessarily bad, we just give ad-companies too much of our data. Part of the problem is in our browsers, that provide websites with big amounts of Data. Something that could help is to maybe mod some existing browser to give a bunch of fake info when this can't hurt. Something as simple as setting your user agent to the most common thing could already help a bit.
If more people get interested in privacy maybe we can get more people to pay for things instead of requiring ads as well. Maybe some cryptocurrency can be used to make micro-payments for all kinds of services, I don't know; most probably my ideas won't be what fixes the problem, but I'd wager a lot of different options will be tried out, and some of them may stick. And of course, the bigger the market for privacy, the easier any of them will stick.

I don't think all hardware is backdoor-ed at the moment. Some of it is, and it is becoming somewhat of a trend these days, but there are still CPU's you can get that can do enough but aren't too bad; I think pre-Ryzen (I don't know about Ryzen, I'm not saying it's good or bad) AMD-stuff is not that bad for the most part.
The internet itself is certainly a problem, because it is not built with privacy in mind. However, just like with ads we could experiment with systems, some of them on top of the internet. You can't make two computers communicate on the internet without anyone knowing, but you could maybe build a service where the this communication tells you so little that it doesn't really matter.

I'd wager you can't find it because the research hasn't really been done and the concept of race and subrace isn't that well-defined. I'm not saying races don't exist but their definition varies based on context (wikipedia gives Chromosomal race, Geographical race and Physiological race for example), and in addition to this most universities are full of people who are against this research, and people who don't have a problem with it but fear the people who are against it. So they are naturally a bit nervous of researching this stuff.

Also, please make your own thread; maybe link it here and leave it at that

Could we build a new internet? What if we could build a network with the following characteristics built in from day one?
> Default anonymity (user can sell data for $$ if they wish, not unlike taking part in market research)
> Default end to end encryption
> ??
Just throwing ideas out there. From what I understand, the internet is nothing more than a collection of servers, connected together via protocols and communicating via towers and cables.

Thanks, actually i'll be flying on plane soon so i can't make another thread (Sorry for hijacking this)

I did make a thread but it got archived immediately, no one bothered to answer everybody is obsessed right now with Left vs Alt-Right personalities.

But i'll do my best to find these out but not this Christmas season don't want to get killed in Europe this current month.

cover your cameras and don't do anything illegal. those three letter agencies aren't nearly as interested in the porn you watch as you may think.

Lel, my cameras are already covered. And they may not be interested in people's porn, but they would be very interested in squashing any attempt by white nationalists to organize irl, no? Same for commies, agorists, etc. The most secure method of communication right now is probably hand written, hand delivered letters. There is always the risk of someone betraying you, but I don't think we can avoid that. Humans are always the weakest link in secure communications.

Literally it starts with you not posting bait or even posting anything at all. Thanks bye

Well, default anonymity is more of a problem concerning browsers and websites. If you build a browser that doesn't give certain info and a website that doesn't require that same info, then there is no problem. So stop using sites that you know to be malicious, and don't give any info that you don't need to. (Of course a problem is that for some of these sites there is no alternative except not using them, so the only option is development of alternatives) HTTPS is quite a good start for encryption, so we are also quite far with that.

A fundamental problem though (for which I don't know of a practical solution), is that when two computers communicate, the fact that they communicate is quite public. When you look up a website over HTTPS, as long as the website's owner doesn't get hacked or intentionally gives away the information, the content of this communication should be private. However, the fact of it is not. So people may not see what embarrassing-content.com shows you, but some DNS server just got asked by your IP to please give the IP of embarrassing-content.com, and everyone can see that you then talked to embarrassing-content.com.

TOR tries to fix this. It does it well but it is still flawed because by having a big part of the network you can still know what people do online. Also, you can find patterns in TOR communication that can reveal what you're doing.

One really impractical way to do it would be by using a blockchain. It would be incredibly slow and it would have the drawback that everyone is downloading the communication of everyone else, but if done well I think it would be 100% private.

Maybe at some point someone will find a solution that fixes both problems, who knows? Let's first try to get as much privacy as we can in all the easy ways, and then let's see if we can do something about this. Even if such a perfectly private way of using the internet exists, it doesn't help if you use it to give all your info to facebook.

The answer is just to surrender your privacy because you can't stop this shit.

The best way to be anonymous is to create many identities and flit between them and slowly create multiple identities for different things. This makes it much much harder for anyone to track. Each of them should be relatively the same, but with key differences that are falsified to ensure that they can't be pinned as the real information or source. anonymity by obfuscation.