Itt nips being afraid of black people
Itt nips being afraid of black people
Other urls found in this thread:
Jessica is very cute!
i'd fuck that
Why wouldn't anyone be afraid of violent vicious beats that chimp out when things don't go their way?
>fit black women
In what universe?
Are you kidding?
Sprinter, long distance runners, etc.
Check practically any female track and field competition. They'll be the ones on the podium.
This one.
what series?
>negro lips
>slightly negroid nose
>caucasian skull shape
yes yes, very african, yes
>Smaller than me
>Also heavier
>from africa
That's like saying
>she's from Eurasia
180cm is like twice the height of the average jap so I can see why they'd be worried
Easy. My Olympicfu
>Skull shape meaning anything in a manga
Weak bait.
Man, I don't even remember this. It's a shame the scans are so slow.
Why do white people feel so threatened by this?
Why are japs so tiny and inferior?
Because they're white.
Not all white people. Just the sort of white people that hang out on Sup Forums.
t. burger
the ones you see aren't fat because they're black they're fat because they're ameriburgers
It ended a while ago too. I think the scans just picked up again.
Is this you?
What gave it away?
Why is this Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums?
The only people who are even the slightest bit interested in manga discussion are the sauce fags.
Mods, please do your job.
wow, a black person who doesn't look like a racist carricature from the 1920's
what a day to be alive
since when is Sup Forums posting wrong? This is anime related Sup Forums it belongs here, if you can't handle it go back to pleddit.
>samefag in under a minute
this paranoia
Don't get too impressed. This one was recent too.
Eyeshield 21.
>Why can't I beat him, Shin?
>He's black.
Just had a good lol at this mental image: imagine a black weeb goes to japan and scores a job as a VA but keeps getting typecast as "Bubba" type jail rapist characters
Hang yourself
>under a minute
Negros use to be slim skeletons until whitey gave them lots of food that fattened them up, the average female african is very skinny despite the hippos in black America.
That's just a demon wearing a black nanny skinsuit, it makes sense for her to look like a stereotype because that's what the character is all about.
MadThad style black pedo weeb making rage posts on Sup Forums about racist nips making every black character he voices a rapist. Pretty funny mental picture imo
black people actually have a higher BMI on average even in yurostan
She's human though.
Yes Eurostan, in Africa they are very skinny, most african male niggers look like aliens compared to black american males.
How doe we prevent blacks from infiltrating anime?
Anime is a white mans thing.
BLACK PEDO WEEB: "God, why do elevens have to be such racists?! It's like they think every single black man is going to rape them. It's insane. Anyway, loli thread?"
CASHIER: "Sir, this is a McDonalds drive-thru."
I guess my point is, when given the opportunity, african women will be fat
Chances of being shot or having their homes being broken into. Monkeys are spooky man.
Alright new chapter
>Anime is a white mans thing.
>made by japanese
of what? what series is this? reverse image search gives nothing
Japanese aren't really afraid of blacks. They view them as one would view an exotic animal in a zoo. They are distrustful of them though as blacks in Japan are usually either the shady ones form Africa or US servicemen who tend to act like complete dumbasses when they go out.
They also don't bend over backwards for blacks like America seems to like doing where every action towards a black person is put under extreme scrutiny. Nor should they. Yes you have a fucked up history with America, but most of the rest of the world doesn't owe you shit. So fuck off with that guilt tripping bullshit I'm sick of it.
Who are not afraid of nigger?
Why are you responding to bait?
irregular-squarer mawaru
Oh really? How far along are we? I need more Maki in my life.
Why do you masterbait?
All rounder monigatari
because, out of every Sup Forums tier post here this is the one that got to me.
That's pretty light for 180cm
Still a good chunk left to go. I don't know the release schedule.
If you want spoilers considering the ending, MC confesses to Maki and they start going out. Maki's friends even try to give her sex tips much to her annoyance.
Is it like Teppu?