This is on their main article right now and it's fake news. In Europe even the most "immigrant free" countries are forced to raise the retirement age or risk their welfare system collapsing. Why? Because the population is getting older and the active workforce is thus shrinking - What does this mean? Less money being payed in to the state treasury. What happens then? The pension system collapses.
I hate to break it to ya, but you brought this on yourselves. Migrant workforce is actually helping sustain the treasury. In simpler terms: Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension.
How is Ahmed paying for future generations while the vast, undeniable majority of them are just freeloading off of government handouts? They are apart of the problem, not the solution. Lol you are laughable OP that’s good shit.
Zachary Collins
Maybe you would have more money for the elderly if you didn't waste money on mudslimes looking for gibs.
Anthony Howard
Isaiah Martin
Welfare system is collapsing because close to 0% of immigrants work
Asher Reed
>Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. Nope. They were brought in solely to burden, destabilize, and possibly destroy the country. Same as every other white country being invaded by non-whites. There is NO benefit to it whatsoever.
>Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. How can he do that when they literally can't be integrated into the workforce?
Connor Flores
>using breitbart as your source >Breitbart is FAKE NEWS
Elijah Rodriguez
One Ahmed cost more than one retired Svensson. Even employing that Ahmed will cost more than one retired Svensson.
Kevin Morales
Sorry fucko, Muhammad Ackbar Akmed Has a 95% likelyhood of going on welfare and never learning the native language.
Enjoy living in Iraq 2.0 sandnigger.
Colton Moore
Levi Mitchell
this and only this
Justin Collins
>I hate to break it to ya, but you brought this on yourselves. Migrant workforce is actually helping sustain the treasury. In simpler terms: Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension.
Yeah, that was the trick faggot. Stop listening to economists. They tell people for 40 years to have less kids for every reason under the sun. So they do, and now mysteriously we need 3rd worlders to fill in our labor gaps. And then a few years from now those people will be unemployed too as ever more omnipresent automation takes over.
Think of your country's culture first and foremost. They've been doing a helluva job destroying mine.
Christopher Hill
Ahmeds are a drain on taxes and society, you dumb retard.
Ryan Williams
sweden yes
Benjamin Wright
state funded pensions should be ended
Gavin Cox
Asher Robinson
Ahmed doesn't work, he takes all the welfare and entitlements he can.
Fuck off and die in a free helicopter ride.
Jaxson Phillips
Aiden Kelly
Unemployment among migrants in Sweden is less than that of locals so this makes no sense
Camden Thompson
Wyatt Turner
>claim something is fake news >offer no proof for your argument >expect people to simply accept your bullshit reasoning
Lincoln Taylor
Liam Sanchez
He just 1postbythisID'd your ass
Aiden Powell
The thing is that (((they))) told Europeans that immigrants would solve this problem by bringing in young, working age people who would pay taxes to keep the social system going.
It turns out that immigrants coming in aren't working, aren't paying taxes, and costing the government money through gibs and criminal activity.
Nathan Ramirez
HAHA you stupid fucking commie none of these black assholes work they freeload of welfare.
Nolan Jones
We need all these immigrants to pay for old peoples pensions
You cant retire, we need you to keep working to pay for all these immigrants who dont work
Joshua Hernandez
Citation needed. Unemployment among migrants is lower than the general population as much as you all refuse to believe it.
Isaac Walker
>Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. See pic related. It's the opposite.
Carter Ross
Joshua Howard
Must have had a hot pussy
Michael Morgan
It's obviously a contributing factor you dumb bastard.
They don't work in their own countries so why should they work where they pay them to do nothing?
Jose Morris
Much like CNN
Lucas Lopez
God, I wish all commies would just commit mass suicide. If the answer to the crisis in the pension system is bringing in 100,000+ Mohammed shitskins and havung them breed, and possibly overpopulate the white Christian population, then that is not an answer. Not even mentioning that migrants don't fucking work. They don't want to work because they can't work because they're braindead. They leech off of state welfare. They're a parasite. You must kill parasites.
Sebastian Reed
Real Socialism has never been tri...
Nathaniel Nguyen
>My blood has reached boiling point now You no what that means, time to tweet harsh words
Jose Stewart
All these statistics ignore the dependent population which is what is relevent in this context. Employment among 18-65 year olds is lower but the overall migration of a relatively youthful population is lowering the number of dependents.
Easton Hernandez
meh i played around with lighter fluid as a kid, doesn't really burn.
Christopher James
Wow mate take a chill pill just because no one wants your shit DNA doesn't mean you should have an anurisin.
Andrew Richardson >In this paper, we draw together a number of pieces of evidence on crime and immigration for two large waves of immigration that occurred in the UK over the past decade. The first of these was the late 1990s/early 2000s wave of asylum seekers (the “asylum wave”), whilst the second the large inflow of workers from EU accession countries (the “A8 wave”). > >Our evidence supports this notion. The only place where we find crime increasing from immigration flows is in the case of property crime for the asylum wave. The A8 wave sees no such effects, and there is no observable impact on violent crime for either wave. Evidence from victimization data also suggests that changes in crime rates that occurred during the immigrant waves cannot be ascribed to crimes against immigrants, whilst data on incarceration corroborates the view that any immigrant related crime effect is associated only with the first wave of immigrants.
Also see pg. 17-20
Brody Moore
Pic related
Xavier Anderson
do you really believe that yourself?
Luke Morgan
> Migrant workforce is actually Except the people imported are not part of the workforce, and will never be part of it. > In simpler terms: Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. Wrong. What happens is those who are now young will have to pay for both Grandads pension AS WELL AS AHMED'S WELFARE, you organic waste of space. Work unwilling migrants leeching on social welfare will multiply at much higher rates than the native population. Each of their descendants in turn has a low probability of being willed to integrate and work, which means that they will keep leeching of the state as well. And while the huge amount of old people (compared to the native younger ones) WILL die off at some point, which would normalize the situation after a few years of financial strains, Ahmed and his children will procreate exponentially, and introduce a welfare drain that cannot be supported by the native population.
Camden Lee
What about Ahment's Grandad, who will pay his pension?
Cooper Bennett
Most of the migrants don't even work you retard. They are only making the problem far worse
Luis Powell
Uhh did you read pg. 144-145? It addresses exactly that.
Here's another great excerpt: >By way of comparison, in the United States, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) estimated that the net fiscal drain (taxes paid minus services used) from immigrant households in 1997 was $11 to $20 billion a year. Against a US GDP of $14 trillion, this represents less than .1 percent of GDP. So Muslim immigrants in Germany and Denmark are ten times as large a drain on the state as immigrants in the United States
Gavin Taylor
Europe would literally collapse overnight without these young immigrants.
There's a reason they're compensated so well with social services.
Adrian Bennett
Well finally someone reads the Sandvik report.
Colton Sullivan
>Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. If Ahmed had a job, sure. Most don't though.
Camden Cox
>While she was being raped, the rapists poured lighter fluid in her vagina and set it on fire. How does that even work? Surely they stopped raping her to pour the lighter fluid. Either it was after or between rapes, not while she was being raped.
Jose White
>Muslim immigrants >paying taxes Oh I'm laffing. You have to work to pay taxes and those who do perform work where they don't pay taxes. Much like the Chinks. Non-White immigration is a net drain on society.
Brody Long
Ah yes, Sweden's delusional cucked nanny state continues to crumble faster than expected. At this pace they will be third world in 10 years tops.
Nathaniel Jackson
Wtf?! I've been told over and over again we are making millions of these refugees and that they are meant to take care of the elders???
Logan Anderson
>Ahmed is actually paying for your Grandads pension. Except that we knew that raising our retirement age was an inevitability, but we've now had to do it several years ahead of schedule because. The fact that we've since 2015 taken in over 200 000 "refugees", of which barely a few percentages work, has strained our healthcare, education and welfare systems to underfunding and crumbling. Ahmed is not paying my grandad's pension in ANY sense of the word like you claim, but rather sits on his ass and collects welfare at the expense of my grandad and countless others grandads, grandmas etc all across the country. Ahmed isn't paying shit. He and his kind only sit and drain money that could be used for something productive like, oh I don't know, make sure our healthcare and school system isn't fucking collapsing before our eyes. Fuck off, you worthless commie shitsack. Do the world a favor and neck yourself, you absolute lowlife.
Josiah Brooks
The plan is to collapse the welfare state, but the people are already accustomed to paying taxes at their current level. The welfare will be cut off to everyone but the government will keep collecting the money only instead of handing it out to the people, they will pocket it.
Daniel Peterson
>3,9% unemployment for natives >21,8% unemployment for immigrants You, sir, just lied.
There's no statistics to prove they are profitable. Apparently it's racist to collect the necessary statistics to prove or disprove this. Since saying they are a drain on society goes against the government driven narrative it's likely that is the case.
And going by statistics from arbetsförmodligen (government driven work allocation program) is unreliable, they have fudged the numbers for over a decade. They count activity programs and simpler trade schools as being employed or not unemployed. I've gone through such a program, and I'd say 1 out of 20 new swedes are deserving of the certificate they receive after they goof around the maximum allowed time. And when they do get out to the workplace many of them fail drug tests or are fired for incompetence in the first month. This is first hand experience.
The few that are well adjusted enough to function will never make up for the overall loss.