Soul Eater

Are we still mad about his?


>this was 10 years ago

Not really, the manga's ending was almost worse.

A lot of the reason people were so mad at this is because it was around the same time that the manga was actually really good. It went downhill afterwards.

I had forgotten about it.

No, I'm more mad about the manga going to shit.
Asura was even more boring in it.


Post Medusa the manga just wasn't the same

Still better than the anime original content though.

>wwn see the best fight from the manga adapted properly

I liked it.

No, because the manga was even worse and then there was the SE:NOT shit, so Okubo can fuck off and die for all I care.

>No, because the manga was even worse
Not really. Ashura was a shit villain but the build up to that realization was still fun.

>Somehow worst than Ashura literally exploding from "A fist full of courage"

I mean, the madness of boobs shit was silly, but the overal final fight and resolution was WAY better than the manga's bullshit.

Also, we missed out on some other really great shit like and going into the other aspects of madness.

I finally reread Soul Eater recently. What did y'all think of it? I like how Black Star became a figurative god by the end.


I am in love with Maka.

I think Black Star becoming like a god was kind of a parallel to the earlier generation where Kishin and Eibon were gods. Though the ended kind of left Maka seeming to be the weakest one, which is kind of an odd thing to happen to the main character at the end of a series.

I dropped the anime after 3 episodes when the Arachne arc started. Then I restarted with the manga and was thrilled until the end happened.
Why the fuck was the end so shit? I miss Crona. I wanted her to be happy.
At least I think Stein is best husbando, Tsubaki is best weaponfu and there are too many likeable characters.

Definitely but I was okay with it. I liked the characters of both of them overall.

i forgot what happened in this, its been so long
i dont think i even finished the last few episodes, i just quit caring at that pointjust like with fmab

I haven't read the end of Soul Eater yet since I forgot about it for ages, I think I got up to Chrona stabbing Medusa unexpectedly.

How bad is the Manga end? Is it "well that was kinda disappointing oh well" bad or "holy shit that was terrible and literally ruined the entire Manga do not read it" bad?

Not at all

>I think I got up to Chrona stabbing Medusa unexpectedly.
A Simple Story About Killing People is literally my favorite chapter of any manga I've ever read.
I don't know why, but the style, pacing, etc. of it was just so damn good.

The ending was alright.
A lot of people dislike it because there's some silly after effects to it, but overall the fight itself was good and the resolution made sense even if it was sad for Chrona.

It was just kind of "eh"

Reminder that Tsubaki is a thirsty slut

Every manga would be improved with a genderswap arc.

The final fight was fine, but the final chapter was boobs, literally the madness of boobs.

It's just that her body, as it is meant for breeding, is trying to assert itself.

I want to teach Tsubaki the pleasures of sex

that was a great chapter and a perfectly karmic send off for Medusa.
kind of went downhill from there.

I'm pretty conflicted about the ending. It was bad. Of that I have no doubt. But what I'm conflicted about is whether is was just bad or so incredibly god atrocious that it was more entertaining and fulfilling than a proper ending could have been.

I feel the story was already kind of downhill before that chapter. All of the major arcs after the Arachne arc felt weak and kind of uninteresting/aimless. It was a slog to read the Book of Eibon arc monthly.

That one chapter was a sudden spark in quality before quickly going down hill again. It was one of the few goods things about the latter part of soul eater.

It really suited Medusa, it was a great send-off. I'm kinda bitter about the choice though. Soul Eater was really only at it's best when Medusa was involved.