Why was he such a shitter?

Why was he such a shitter?

he was basically Ranma without the charm

>no genderbending Inuyasha
It isn't fair

Not enough weapon upgrades.

Negative, self-loathing faggot.


He was pretty precious



But Chiya is not tsundere.

I like how that black hole priest was always useless because BEES

He was like a side character in his own series. Got basically zero character development, and the only time he ever had anything to do was when he was fighting the big bad of the latest story arc.

Literally every character in the series (except for Kagome who has the same problem) was better realized, had more actual story devoted to them and were just more interesting.

Seriously, if the series had had a spinoff about Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, and Kagura, it would have been amazing. Instead Kagura got randomly killed off, Sesshomaru's sword broke, they dumped Rin in a village and then Sess and Jaken just fucked off.

Rin might have been my second loli love after Sakura

What show is she from?

>Tsundere (male)

Boku no Dog

I want to pet him

user you know the girl is retarded right? So pitiful that even edgelordmaru couldn't abandon her.

Something I had in common

I always found it amusing that Kikyo got more character development than Kagome, when they were technically the same person. Though I don't even understand why Kagura got killed off, why not have Sesshomaru revive her?

Because Rumiko's solution to 'all the side characters are more popular than the main characters!' is 'kill off all the side characters'.

He was made to be a teenage girl power fantasy by dominating a effeminate furry

>Something I had in common
Being retarded?

Was the past really in the same timeline as the future?

I mean where did all the demon bones go?

doesn't give a rats ass


I dont want to read any criticism about shows I liked in my Childhood.

Because of this I am now leaving this thread. Also: This thread is bad and you should feel bad.



where did all the demons go?

Clearly the gods got off their asses and cleaned everything up.

You could assume they all died somewhere along the way but I mean their corpses stick around for decades so their bones should have survived at least.

>doing anything
Good one.

I loved Zenki

Hey, that's true. Kagome and Inu's character development pretty much exclusive to their romantic relationship, and that was devolved as little / as slowly as humanly possible throughout the series.

>I always found it amusing that Kikyo got more character development than Kagome, when they were technically the same person.

Kek as if that matters from the quality assessment perspective. They didn't act the same. Their personalities had very little to do with one another. They didn't look the same. They didn't have the same VA. In pretty much no way other than arbitrary plot technicalities are they the same character.

Does Inuyasha awoo?

Because half youkai. Doesn't matter since he has a op sword.

Because he is a halfbreed dog, therefore shit.

To match the quality of his show

He's a dog, all they do is bark and shit.

They also fetch things you would rather they didn't and hump teenage girls. Both things he does.

>Because he is a halfbreed dog, therefore shit.
Then how much a shitter will his kids be?

Wouldn't stop relying on daddies sword.
Although considering the manga was written by a woman it's not surprising the main male love interest was OP because of his inheritance.

Personally I believe it wasn't the past Kagome was going to but a parallel world.

>Something strange is happening in this area
>Oh fuck it's Naraku and he's got a new gimmick
>Better upgrade the sword to counter said gimmick
>Well he got away and now Kikyo and Inuyasha are giving eachother bedroom eyes
>And Kagome got pissed and went back to her own time
>Well Inuyasha botched the apology but she already decided to forgive him
>Something strange is happening in this area

>Miroku can handle this

you forgot the BEEEES

Was he actually awful, or was he just kinda the same and the show went on for way too long?


Honestly, Inuyasha is the story of Sesshoumaru. They do a much better job of showing his character development. He spends the first portion of the series struggling with the fact that he will never be the 'favorite' son. He learns to accept his own limitations and gifts, and learns lessons about friendship and family. And technically he kind of is the reason they won in the end.

Sesshoumaru is the real protagonist

Why wasnt he the favorite son anyway? I also barely remember this show, did they have a third brother?

Probably some crap about him not having the right 'spirit'.

my memories of inuyasha are him trying to get through a barrier for 4 episodes, getting through it, then there's another barrier.

it's bad

I wan to change za world

Why was she best girl?


The fucking bee cop out every time.