Does anime need less pandering?

Does anime need less pandering?

Maybe. Maybe not. All depends on how it is executed and the nature of the particular story.

Some anime do, but anime in general doesn't.

To survive, it does. To break ground, it needs originality.

But there are already plenty of series with absurd amounts of pandering that are dead, so that already proves that has nothing to do with it's survival

Nope. They should pander to their fans more.

>pandering makes money
>studios need money to make anime

not all anime needs to cater to its fans but some can and the story won't suffer for it. few studios can afford to not pander. as long as they put out high quality stuff idgaf

Fanservice is the sole line of defence anime has against normalfags.

What's so pandering and fanservicey about a 17 year old girl in a swimsuit?

It's not anime's fault you're a pedophile.

She's thrusting forward and pulling her wetsuit open, showing off the goods
If that's not pandering I donwt knwo what is

She's just airing out her chest, perv.

What, you never pull your shirt apart to dry out your chest hair?

Can't say I have, but I suppose that was insensitive of me to assume she was being an exhibitionist. Please forgive me.


Having fan service isn't a problem unless that's the only thing going for a character (looking at you Kanan). As long as you develop your characters and write a good story then a little fan service is alright.

it's needs more variety. Pandering shows are fine to exist and thrive but some of the money they earn can also be put towards other projects. Or at least that would be nice but ultimately the industry will follow the money.


This. If we had less fanservice, normal people would swarm anime and wouldn't be embarrassed to talk about it in public.
Anime worked hard to build up this barrier so patricians could talk about it in peace.

Define pandering Mr. faggot

Yes it needs a lot less pandering. The crowd that fan services attracts is not a crowd I want to be lumped in with. I don't think otaku culture is healthy. Some of my favourite anime really didn't need the fan service shown in it. It's disgustingly perverted because the girls are usually underage. Reminds me of the time I went to MechaCon and some of the geeky guys I saw walking around with pervy ass body pillows, hentai manga, and pervy figurines made me cringe. How are you okay with this behavior in public? Also I feel akward watching anime in public on my phone fearing that someone will see my phone and a very akward scene will be shown. Shouldn't I enjoy a fine art like anime without the gross fan service?

One example that comes into mind is Kabaneri and AoT, they literally has the same premise.

>normal people would swarm anime
But that already happened, look at the state of Sup Forums, it's a breeding den for normalfags.

I blame Fate/Zero and Attack on Titan.
Fate/Zero most of all brought the "mature anime" seeking audience somehow, in spite of it not really representing that.

It helps keep the normies away it might bring in the degenerates though.
