The only one that comes to mind.
Anime that do not have love interests or romantic subplots
Boku no Pico, now fuck off.
Narrator X the sound of his own voice
I loved this show.
One of the best fucking anime I've ever seen, even if the end of the second season dragged on forever.
I liked how there were pretty much no fucking women in this. It's a narrative that only men are likely to understand.
Tekkon Kinkreet
>It's a narrative that only men are likely to understand.
I thought Akagi was going to marry the daughter of the guy that teamed up with him in the bog arc.
Kaiji, fuck I always confuse their names.
Not looking for recommendations, I was just thinking about how much romance seems like it's taken over. I'm trying to see if shows without romance is rare or more common than I think it is.
>It's a narrative that only men are likely to understand.
That's not necessarily true. The themes in Kaiji are pretty universal.
user x Tanya is a thing.
I could go into some major /r9k/ territory, but I won't.
All I'll say is that even if it's possible for women to go through that shit, it's either going to happen much less often than it would for men, or it's going to take on such a completely different nature that it's not comparable, IE, the difference between being a NEET and being married to a man you don't love while being unable to leave both have themes of powerlessness and revolve around a person wasting their life's potential, but they're not the same thing.
Even within the anime/manga itself, there are hardly any women around because most concepts are distinctly male in that show. Backbreaking labor in the mines, gambling, organized crime, etc. Hard to imagine women doing that shit because those are pretty fucking masculine things, and they're going to be dominated by men, barring tokenism.
They have a relationship although Kaiji is not attracted to her and just sticks around to have a place to live in
Just because someone is less likely to experience it, doesn't mean that they won't be able to understand it. People of the US, a "wealthy" nation can still sympathize with the hardship of those starving.
Women happen to be the most empathetic of genders if you want to go that route, and tend to be the ones most likely to work in care facilities and actually deal with people who are struggling with addiction, depression, poverty, orphans, etc. This series is deep in emotional roller coasters and explores the routes that men are more likely to go through, yes, but to say that females can't understand it when they tend to be the ones that help these type of people most often is incorrect.
Something something Fujos
Not him, but I think it would actually be the "having your worth as a human being be decided by how much money you've managed to acquire" feeling that would be the hard sell. As well as the lengths Kaiji goes through to take down the giants of the underworld. That stuff plus the comradeship that forms between Kaiji and his fellow sufferers are pretty masculine, in my opinion.
I don't think they'd be unable to empathize, but it might not hit them with the same impact or gravity it would a dude who has experienced similar thoughts and feelings.
Okay, so anyone can understand anything and fuck it, whatever.
I see your point, and consider it to be irrelevant because I'm not stating it as a hard fact, I've been very deliberate in choosing my words around this merely being a strong tendency, which it is. The fact that women exist who might get it does not change an overarching trend the same that the existence of a rich black man does not by default take the rest of the black community out of poverty.
And even if I was talking about this being a hard fact, even if someone from the US can sympathize with starvation, I'd STRONGLY hesitate to say they "understand starvation". Sympathy and empathy are very different beasts.
Where do we go from here?
Fucking fujo cunts.
>confirmed for not having seen Pico
>"having your worth as a human being be decided by how much money you've managed to acquire"
You're right, that is definitely something women are less likely to understand. Because no matter how much money they make, or how smart they are, their only value is their looks and youth. It's a different side of the spectrum. If there was a female equivalent of it, it would be the story of a girl going into prostitution to pay off a debt and having to compete with other women who are more seasoned, younger, and of course full of betrayal.
I'd watch it.
>misogynist propaganda
Just saying that the potential to go through something like Kaiji doesn't make you understand it better than someone else when neither of you will experience it.
Does Mushishi count? Some of the individual stories had romantic elements, but Ginko never does.
Lain is the entire world's love interest.
Calm down, it's just a harmless civil discussion.
>Anime that do not have love interests or romantic subplots
Why watch anime?
I don't remember anything in GuP
One Outs
She's a snake
No romance in this one.
That's not what my doujins told me!