It's OK to be Jewish

It's OK to be Jewish.

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Yes but, it's not OK all the stuff jews do.

of course, because you live in israel

Jews travel downward on the tree of life. You judge for yourself, western man, if that's ok.

Fvck off pig kike

My numerals say otherwise.


Sure, if you're in Israel. If not you have to go back.

Perhaps. Do Ukrainian children taste good?

No, no it isn't.

Nothing ok with Ukraine.

No religion is the best religion op.

it is

>"I've been found out."

Didn't know that government of Ukraine is posting on Sup Forums

shalom my friend! =)

then delete your whats app you fucking monkey

her real surname is simonson

Nah, check these out

go read her new book

So hard not to see she is jewish, poor finn knight who will he cater to next?


he is a


yeah a danish jew

nothing to be ashamed

Judaism is the thinking man's Religion

>stop being Jewish.

It's OK to be J

A Danish, non Jewish, coal burner.

She's not Jewish lad she's an E-celeb flip flop whore yes, but Jewish? Have some respect for the lady

Providing that you are it in Israel


she is Jewish. her grand parent was a holocaust survivor


i was interested in reading it until i found out its short as fuck, written like a high school essay, and double spaced. Typical woman thinks she can write a "book"


>thinking man's
oh you...
Thinking and believing are the antonyms.


you should not expect anything else...



Ah she used to be much better looking, she's aging really badly

Layers of deception: to many.


Has she payed the toll though

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old.

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. If a grown man has intercourse with a little girl less than three years old, all agree that it is not a significant sexual act, for having intercourse with a girl when she is less than three years old is like putting a finger in an eye. Just as a tear that is shed when a finger is inserted in an eye will be replaced by another tear, so too will the virginity of a little girl who is less than three years old be restored, for her hymen will grow back.

Rosh Hashanah 17a. All Christians are going to burn in hell forever.

Shabbath 116a. Instructs Jews to burn all Christian books.

no. professional whores use anticonceptives quite efficeintly

>fugg nazi chickens


>It's OK to be Jewish.
In Israel.

>Tips menora

I love sucking my gay jewish boyfriends balls

Hebrews hate chickens.

Get the fuck out now.
you all need to die.


> Jews travel downward on the tree of life.

This sounds pretty and a delight.


Yes it is...unless you claim yer white when it suits you.

Spic detected, you have to go back.