How thicc is too thicc?
How thicc is too thicc?
Thicc enough to make a good pillow.
That is the exact anime I was going to post in response, it just looks too thick for a non-obese child.
Fuck off with your dumb twitter meme.
That's fat not thicc
why do these Sup Forumsermins like maidragon so much?
God just imagine coming home after a long day and work and just burying your face between those thighs
THICC little girls
Falseflagging aside, isn't this the kind of thing usually consumed on this board and hailed as excellent?
They like anything remotely meme worthy. You can tell who they are pretty easily because they're fucking idiots. Why do you think they all like that shitty hamster girl?
This should be illegal
The first episode bored me to death. Will the loli keep my dick entertained?
>The first episode bored me to death
If only.
>pic dreadfully unrelated
I thought the first episode was OK, but compared to the rest it's definitely the worst of the series so far. Give it another go at least until episode 3.
not really, but the way her fans here spam her, it looks that way
you don't even know what that means, peabrain
Dumb frogposter
KyoAni saving anime again.
need more thiccness than that
No. This is a 4koma memestering shit anime ala Lucky Star. Those always have a polarizing effect.
If it was generic girls do nothing besides being cute pedo bait, then it would have been universally loved.
made me chuckle
>Sup Forums
>liking maid dragon
What? I'm pretty sure they're the ones posting crap like "pedoshit" in the threads.
wew lads
I may get lynched for this but neither are my thing. I do try and give one a go every now and then though.
Nah, Lucky Star was shit.
The word thick becoming popular with white people was one of the worst things to happen to this website
Fuck off of Sup Forums and never return.
That's not thicc enough.
Once they start being obese or get t-rex proportions. That is too thicc.
Is this too thick?
She looks dumpy there
Yes. There is a difference between soft and obese
This is too thicc.
There's your answer. Once it crosses the line to fat, it's too much. One might say there's no such thing as too much THICC