Trio the Jobbers
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
>cloaked guy
>ayy lmao
>girl broly
>beerus relative
this universe is strong as fuck senpai
They'll handle Gohan at least
I can't wait to see these furries get pounded.
Wait... that came out wrong.
>gohan overpowers dog
>dog pulls out some trick that renders gohan useless
>gohan falls like a bitch
So we got a Sonic reference in there,
Because it allows people to go all out like Hit.
>thinking boo would lose
Exactly what will happen.
Is it just me or today Goku acted like the classic Goku instead of "Autistic Manchild Super!Goku"?
Yep but still this may be the fight he unlocks Mystic again by the looks of the title.
>Not enough humans
>no ss ikari
How will trunks defeat merged zamasu?
>present time zamasu dies in the manga
This is what I call ShueishaGoku. Dragon Ball Room putting in work.
>When you realize that Universe 9 had never faced a regenerating enemy
Subs out
>Buu no-selling the furry
Reminder that Vegeta really screwed over his team with that little IQ test requirement. Buu could have steamrolled everyone up to Hit.
>Only mai and trunks were alive durr
Fucking faggots
manga translations from Herms
>Complicated time travel rules mean they can only go back to Trunks' future once more. The connection between the 2 timelines is weakening
>Also, if a day passes in their timeline, a day will pass in Trunks'. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to return to Trunks' future at all.
>Beerus refuses to go to the future. "I've destroyed the Zamasu in the present. I'll leave the rest to you."
>Goku plans to learn the Mafuba, but Vegeta doesn't want to rely on it. He'll beat SS Rozé himself!
>Black is about to kill Trunks, but Gowasu appears via the Time Ring and takes Trunks and Mai back to the past. Different than the anime!
>Goku learns the Mafuba without the aid of Sea Turtle in this version.
>The Mafuba requires the user's stamina to pull off. Roshi wouldn't be able to seal Zamasu away himself; he'd just die.
>Zamasu is worried about Omni-King finding out about them. Tomorrow they'll kill the remaining Earthlings and go to some other planet.
>Black and Zamasu take out the remaining Earthlings. Somehow this looks vaguely familiar...
>Gowasu tries to reason with Black, gets immediately stabbed. Black: "This is the 3rd time I've done this! Did you think I would hesitate?"
>Vegeta finishes training: "Just you wait, you bastard!" Goku's done too. End of chapter.
>"Complicated time travel rules mean they can only go back to Trunks' future once more. The connection between the 2 timelines is weakening"
>"Zamasu is worried about Omni-King finding out about them. Tomorrow they'll kill the remaining Earthlings and go to some other planet."
>"Also, they apparently really have wiped out almost all the Earthlings. The last one's in that shed over there. So no Genki-Dama Sword...?"
>present Gowasu almost killed by Black: "This is the 3rd time I've done this! Did you think I would hesitate?"
That's how you build a real climax. Based Toyo.
These guys are just warmups.
They'll all lose because they're just one dimensional evil assholes who will never appear after this fight
>tfw still no Super Human transformation
>tfw still no Super Human God transformation
Does anyone have good shots of Basil?
Normal and buff form
>Also, they apparently really have wiped out almost all the Earthlings. The last one's in that shed over there. So no Genki-Dama Sword...?
>OK, full translation of Bulma's time travel explanation. Make of this what you will.
God why can't Toei be this good?
>there are god forms for every race excpt human
What do you need them for?
The manga, or rather Toyotaro, IS ahead.
Publication =/= drawing.
At this point Toyotaro and Toriyama are way ahead of the anime, Shueisha is just publishing the manga slower.
Are you a furry?
>Black: "This is the 3rd time I've done this! Did you think I would hesitate?"
Gohan gonna lose, you can bet your last cent.
I bet you that Zeno is lying and he's not going to erase anything. He's just saying that so people will fight with as much strength as they can. PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP
>leave zamasu to me
there's fucking references everywhere
i'm pretty sure basil is based off this nigga, or if not is one hell of a fucking coincidence
Did anyone ever explain why tien has that eye thing
Is Gowasu going to evolve or something?
There is less and less chance trunks doing anything in the manga I am afraid. He is way behind the rest not only that the two anime asspulls that were given to him seem less likely to appear in the manga.
>that connection has grown pretty weak
another bullshit that doesn't make sense like blacks zenkai boost
>the episode aired
>based Boo
>people talking about the manga
>of events we already know about
I don't get it
Can we have seperate threads for the manga and anime again please
>Japan commercial had Gohan with white hair after a powerup
What did they mean by this? Or was it a streamer trolling
People were directly quoting Trunks in chapter 15 when he states there was only a handful of resistance left.
The civilians depicted here were never mentioned.
He's a distant descendant of an alien race.
>present zamasu dies
Wait what. So no god in the tournament?
>Gowasu tries to reason with Black, gets immediately stabbed. Black: "This is the 3rd time I've done this! Did you think I would hesitate?"
Waiting for 1080p but thanks for the tip
So why was Zamasu fucking around in U7? Why wasn't he terminating ningens in his own universe?
Of course he was going to win. Someone has to job and Gohan is on the team.
Zamasu was right.
Who /pride troopers/ here?
so if universe 9 can throw power ups into the match then can universe 7 throw senzu beans
Captain ayy lmao got dethroned.
I'm tierfag and I need it for this
Yes but zenkai doesnt do shit for goku and virginia anymore. Not to mention sayian pride.
Can't wait to see Goku job immediately against the Lorax.
but the other characters can use them
Out of the know characters so far who will each of these guys job to? An how many notable victories will they get?
Yeah goku can also pass some to the enemies
we knew that yesterday Toppo is the leader of the Pride troopers Ayy Lmao is just a member
This page looks so fucking good
These anything goes rules are gonna cause a lot of fucky shit to happen, aren't they
>vegito still the strongest non-god individual
im happy with this
>Shueisha is just publishing the manga slower.
And I don't really blame them, using DBS as a flagship title to sell a whole monthly magazine must be printing them money.
>Magetta as strong as Boo
Shut it down.
>believing this chsrt is anything but accurate
Braindead autist detected
Nevermind then
Why don't you fuck off and make your own thread?
>"Goku suggest they spend a day in their timeline then return to Trunks' timeline inmmediately after they left. It's a time machine, after all!"
Toei even try? Their shitty Goku can't be compared to based Toyo's
What are you saying? Goku is being retarded because he should know by this point that you can't change the dates on the time machines or it creates a different timeline.
>"Goku suggest they spend a day in their timeline then return to Trunks' timeline inmmediately after they left. It's a time machine, after all!"
Jesus Christ, Toyo Goku and Toei Goku might aswell be different characters now.
Dont try talking shit about the manga or else futabro is going to show up
>Toyotaro is literally designing some of the GoDs
>Some people still think he isn't ahead
I last watched Dragon Ball maybe 15 years ago and I realise in Super Mankind and Earth is the main hidden protagonist.
Earth manipulates time and with the power of LOVE manages to turn sayans into honourable warriors , and make Gods of Destruction make kind acts.
Bulma best character shame she married mister useless.
futabro is literally /our/ fucking guy
I think the anime and manga both have their pros and cons but in the end are both good and solid pieces of dragon ball media. Why can't we all get along?
Vegeta is going to save the day
Everyone will get at least one win.
17, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and Buu will be the MVPs.
18 will probably job the hardest (think Spopovich vs. Videl) and Krillin will get MOTIVATED by it.
Roshi and Tien will have the best fights.
Because the anime sucks 90% of the time.
Animation quality and direction was pretty good.
Will they be able to keep it up?
Where should I put him? I'm not a powerlevelfag, sometimes people help me to do that chart
He tanked Vegeta's attacks like nothing during their fight