A good old fashioned intellectual thread, post the pol approved reading list

A good old fashioned intellectual thread, post the pol approved reading list.

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What are some good docs on these time periods

>tfw only shitposted my whole life away

idk man they didn't have cameras back then.

Xophenon's the Anabasis is a good start for people looking to get started on reading up on classical history.

All that reading of memes

Oh (you)
For first hand account, Caesar's Comentarii de Bello Gallico
The original Latin is very straightforward.





And a summary of some of the recommended books.

Anybody have the classical reading pictograph

I'm reading Money Machine by Gary Smith.

It's pretty good because it's basic. It will make half of pol ree though since he's antigold and anti crypto.

People have a nasty habit of attributing modern virtues to ancient romans. Dont get me wrong, they did have some. But they were also a societey that had zero problem with pedophilia so long as the children were of the lower classes or slaves.

Early roman republic days were pretty based, but by the time of the emperors into the failing years rome was a pretty degenerate mess.


Last centurion is pretty decent.
>Super-flu decimates population
>Global cooling event like the one in the medieval little ice age begins
>ultra-libshit president assumes emergency powers
>"OHH GOODY! Now I can enact all of my pet socialist projects and SJW ideolgies and show everybody how wrong they were about them!"
>makes shit exponentially worse

Its a fairly drcent read, entertaining and a good critique of liberal feels vs reals methodology.

Read Carlyle's French Revolution.

Though most people are too dumb to figure half of it
If you don't know shit about religion and biology you'll most likely get it wrong.

The reason Nietzsche (or any other philosopher for that matter) is so misunderstood is because we live in a post-literate age. Influential literary and historic figures are treated as quote-mills and people attempt to sum up volumes of work spanning decades of the persons life in just a few sentences that have been taken out of the context of the rest of the text.

Seriously, I had read him and many other BEFORE college at liesure. I attended a so-called philosophy class and the professor never even once made us read any of the work. It was just a few quotes and a half paragraph with a half dozen little bullet points to be memorized for the multiple choice exam.

There's some truth to that, but also Nietzsche changed his mind sometimes. He admits that his earlier works are not entirely consistent with his latter works

You shouldn't compare yourself to others.

Compare and Despair.

Nietzsche himself does not make it easy, and it was intended. He's one of the few philosopher that refused to "quote" in order to express an idea or refutate one into a "disputative" and "dialectic" manner (even tho Nietzsche uses dialectic and self-refutation himself to attain a higher perspective). He's frequently allusive, so that people misses a bunch of philosophical problems that he's adressing, such as his anti-cartesian ranting, but also when he discusses the protoplasm concept, or when he realizes in the Birth of the Tragedy a reversed transcendantal dialectic (against Kant).

I think he's a philosopher to read at the very end. After Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer and St Paul preferably.

He was one hell of a reader too. When we read these kind of spirits we understand how ignorant and illiterate we are. As a French frog I once stumbled upon the adolescent work of Charles Maurras, one of the proeminent leader of the royalist movement called l'Action Française. It was a dissertation on Plutarque I think. He was 14 years-old and even at 26 years old I could not even dream to write the quarter that he wrote. We are complete niggers comparing to them.

Modern day studies show something like 70% of the population are "functionally illiterate." They can read words off a page but the comprehension isnt there. They cant read two pieces and then present you with a detailed contrast. They can recite the words but they cant explain the meaning.

In todays societey information is condensed down into a pre-digested meaning that is spoon fed to an audience. People dont read anymore, they dont study, they dont debate, and they dont write.

In my college writing class I was participating in group readings of eachother's essays. These were supposedly high level undergrads writing stuff for a supposedly high level english course whose essays read like something from an elementary school. They were basically just vomiting the pre-digested datapoints back onto a page. They couldnt even have intelligent discussion on something they had written themselves. It was like an instinctive action with zero intellect behind it.

I work as an IT analyst in a financial firm. If I send an email with more than one question in it, only the first one will get answered. Guaranteed.

I'd believe it. Im a corrections facility Administrator and I get that prison guards arent exactly intellectuals, but the shit I see written in reports and memos would have a 3rd grade teacher reccomending special ed.

>"At aboVe Date and Time sayed indivagual INMate was been DisRuptave in Pod number for, when odered to seize he responded in an rudeley mannar and then beguned to a salt the osficer who was on dutie"

I cant file this. I take it back and this kid who actually somehow graduated college (presumably his professors passed him out of pity) looks at it and loterally declares he cant see anything wrong with it.


>In todays societey information is condensed down into a pre-digested meaning that is spoon fed to an audience.
The education system does not teach people to question or even analyze what they're being told. Only to take it as 100% fact and recite it later. There is no such thing as debate in the class room. If you hold a dissenting opinion you will be shouted down by the majority opinion.
Basically have a wrong opinion and your genderfluid classmates will shriek at you and professor Schultzstein will report you to the authorities for hate speech.

Preciseley. Intellect is not going to come from a school or college. It comes from years of self dedication and hard work just like it always has. Schools are just to prep the cattle enough to serve the system productivley without being quite bright enough to question anything or cause problems. Instead of morality or charecter traits like integrity, inventiveness, and dependability students are just drilled with a dull watered down bovine-like system of obeidiance to the system.

>will cure quite a few spiritual questions and quests

Doesn't matter if you're a christian muslim or whatever, The Prophet is a must read if you believe in God.

What is this a reading list for ANTS?


Read Plutarch or Livy, nigger.