>Be me
>Find a qt3.14
>Hit it off
>Good personality
>I just want to cuddle her and show affection
>No user, I want you to choke me and slap me and call me a worthless slut

What the FUCK is wrong with women these days? This always happens!! This isn't the first time this has happened to me.

Same shit with all my friends. They all just want a cute girl to show affection to and spend time with but they all turn out to be whores who want to be handcuffed and choke on cock.

What the fuck is wrong with the west? Slippery slope is REAL!

What do, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Choke first cuddle after

choke thathbitch

Have you tried gassing her ?

I can't just do that. You choke people to kill them what the fuck is going on? Has the world gone completely insane?!?!?

>not being into rough sex and putting women in her place
>wanting to cuddle and affection only

what are you a beta boi?

Jesus calm down. You choke people to suffocate them. That way you only get manslaughter and not murder. You some kinda psycho OP?

al/ck/ thread?

bind and gag her then...bondage has been part of the act of love for thousands of years.

luckily my gf is both. Dont worry user, if she doesnt show affection or wants to cuddle n shit in a while, then let her go.