If we want to win the "culture war" then we need to be the greatest version we can be...

If we want to win the "culture war" then we need to be the greatest version we can be, both intellectually and physically. Notice how no longer the media portrays us as neckbeards couch potatoes.

Post fashy haircuts and clothing style. Share your weaknesses or degenerate habits and your planned strategies to defeat them.

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the classic



>Notice how no longer the media portrays us as neckbeards couch potatoes
What? That IS exactly how they portray us.
According to (((the media))) we are:
still dependent on parents in their 30s


I am non of those, maybe ugly I dunno

I would love to post a picture of myself here, but...
Any discord?

doesn't look the same, the nazi cut is shaped around the scalp, macklemores hair look like a toupee glued on a bald head.

It's safer here. Discord requires a sign-in and the top brass have stated they don't give a fuck about alt-right privacy.

Just make sure you strip exif data from your pic.

Degeneracy: obesity.

Do push ups ad various calisthenics every day, working on my intake (holidays are messing with that something fierce).

How do I strip? You have to go to properties, right?
Also, how do I delete posts?
I never figured it out, I click "delete" at the bottom, does nothing.

Also I meant private discord chat.

My barber says the same how normies just do it lazily by shaving the sides off and calls it the pineapple.

How to beat the left?
1. Marry and have lots of kids.
2. Make lots of money
3. Start a successful business
4. Read widely and practice debate techniques
5. Look as good as you can, physically.
6. Be strong inside and outside.
7. Openly obey your parents and make your kids obey you.


If you don't like that site, just search "online exif remover" in your search engine of choice.

Nvm, change of mind.
In the photo I was about to share, I'm making a "certain" hand signal with my face visible.
ShareBlue shills and those faggots that specialize in doxxing "muh nazis" would go crazy for that.

>If we want to win the "culture war"
Pick a nicer flag, flaggot.... so you don't start out with a bad frame of reference in people's mind that will cause them to "faint" and go full irrational.

You can only win if you are a good frame of reference.
Start with not associating with already known and hated frame of reference.

>it was 99 cents! What a bargain!

Macklemore wrote the song "Same Love" because for a while he thought he was gay. The song really hit a chord within my heart because I too think that Macklemore is a faggot.
Sup Forums has stripped the EXIF data out of images automatically for years because of what we used to do with the GPS coordinates in it

Macklemore fucking sucks dude.

>In 3rd grade I thought I was gay

Doesn't matter, my face is still visible in it.
If you have discord (or any other form of DMing) i can share it then

I don't want your selfies although you can send them to me at [email protected]

include dick pics or I'm calling bullshit

does your barber get weird when you bring up a nazi style cut? i like to specify the style of hair at a barber and I live around mexicans in socal so they don't care about it, barber cuts my hair like young stalin and doesn't care.

Nvm you just made it weird, Genghis.

That is a good song.
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
Stop being a fucking shitlord.

it's just a joke you pussy

like haha just send me nudes

But you're a dude, faggot.

fuck off homo

I'm a girl though

you're a girl named panos?

Very nice

panos dorkas is a food brand . it's my throwaway email account. don't judge

So like this?

No way in hell you're a girl, bub.


no way in hell you're a man

I am tho.
Manly man.

Respond to my email then.

already tried to log in to see if I got replies but I can't. the email service I used for my throwaway acc requires phone verification now and I'm not gonna bother with that crap. I'm probably just going to hit the bed

see you another time, manly man ;)

Wait, what?
Then at least take my email
[email protected]