What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Give her back to Sup Forums
>Sup Forumstard dragon loli
Don't you slut shame me
Does she actually say this or is it meme subs?
Make her stop browsing a certain other Sup Forums board.
Don't worry there's always 2020.
she says netorare so
episode 2 @ 7:27
Meme subs are a mistake
I'm just gonna post this every time I see her.
Cuckoldry and Netorare are the same exact thing you retard
I thought Cuckoldry was willing and NTR was unwilling
thats like saying hentai and cartoon porn are the same thing
hentai is cartoon porn but cartoon porn is not hentai, netorare is cuckold but cuckold is not netorare
p->q =/= q->p
No, a cuckold is a man who has an adulterous wife, and it could be either knowingly or unknowingly. Stop browsing Sup Forums.
Netorare is the Japanese term for cuckoldry.
If they're TRANSLATING "netorare" then cuckold is indeed the correct term to use.
>stop browsing/pol/
Don't pretend people don't post cuck cancer on Sup Forums now. Still, guess I learned something new today.
Hentai literally translates to pervert. Netorare literally translates to cuckold.
But isn't calling Kobayashi the cuckold wrong though? She's not the one who has an adulterous wife, she's the one doing the stealing. Is Kanna just spouting random words?
This is the comfiest anime I've watched in a while (but I kinda stopped watching SOL a while ago).
Kyoani is pretty good at making standard material great.
Will this shit, nebulous, meaningless word ever die?
Not the guy you're responding to, but I'd like to know that too.
Was a little confused when I first read it.
There are some words that cannot be translated such as bourgeoisie
I hate when translators try to translate words that have way too many connotative meanings bounded to that language's culture, when a person hears netorare then certain images, meanings and feelings should pop up in your head which are most definitely different than those images and feelings you get from cuckold.
As an example cuckold tends to have this negative connotation where you are mocking the person who was cheated on, who usually keeps quite about the situation and lets it happen while netorare has a dark connotative feeling where the person's lover was stolen by somebody else and denotes that point in time where the person finds out. "Stolen" is closer than cuckold to netorare both literally and figuratively but that is not saying much since it is still far from the full meaning.
And if you do not understand what "netorare" means you should not be stubborn and try to translate it, just let people look it up as if they were looking up some genre.
It is completely fine if someone does not understand what netorare means, think of it like those reference words kids cannot understand or an inside joke where it is a plus for only a selected few to be able to decode it.
Translating it simply ruins the joke and/or meaning.
Kanna's mad because she's getting cucked
hentai means weird, unusual and its literally kanji definition translates to "changed state"
No, it's not. "Cuckold" is a person while "NTR" is an act/fetish. The most "correct" form of the word they should've used was "cuckoldry", not "cuckold".
>Kanna's mad because she's getting cucked
Then she's not getting cucked. A cuckold is someone who enjoys their significant other sleeping with other people. The fact that she's upset about it mean's she's not enjoying it and thus she is not a cuckold. She therefore is being cheated on and not cuckolded.
>what do?
I redirect to one of the other currently running maid dragon threads.
>A cuckold is someone who enjoys their significant other sleeping with other people
no it's not you fucking idiot
>A cuckold is someone who enjoys their significant other sleeping with other people.
Go back to your dragonball general.
Yeah, I know that, that's not hard to figure out.
But why did she call Kobayashi a cuckold?
If she's getting cucked, then she's the cuck, right?
Was that just poorly translated? Pretty sure something like "cuckoldry" or really just "netorare" would be better.
Or maybe you'd prefer this one.
I insult this show and its pleb fanbase.
Protip: not every show has to have a containment general like your precious dragonball/jojo.
>American fansubbers are now their japanese equivalents
>Translate 'merica as America
>Translate yee haw as YATTA!
>Translate ya'll as minnsan...zura.
>Translate fuck off you fucking fuck i'll fuck your mother fucker as kisama, kisama, kisamaaaaaaa!
How terrible.
Or how about this gem of a thread.
>literally can't read
Well stay mad if it gives you purpose in life I guess.
yeah, it's a poor translation. your suggestions for alternatives are better.
Now this here thread is far beyond the 42 post range. Isn't it about time you shit out another maid dragon spam thread
>bawww why do people talk about what they want to talk about
you're a fucking retard
>just let people look it up as if they were looking up some genre
I'd imagine a good translation wouldn't have the watcher/reader suddenly stop and look up an untranslated word.
Continue to run this board into the ground.
>still mad
No, sometimes when people engage with works of fiction they need to look shit up. That's normal. TLing down to a 3rd grade level is bad practice.
Oh, cool, thanks for clearing that up.
Seeing this frame irritated me everytime, but now it's alright.
And then you get bullshit like this
>TL note:
>will: the manifestation of reason in its practical form (see practical). The two German words, 'Willkür' and 'Wille' can both be translated in English as 'will'. Willkür refers to the faculty of choice, which for Kant is just one (empirical) function of the more fundamental faculty of practical reason (= Wille).
Why do you faggots hate Sup Forums so much? Don't tell me you faggots actually like NTR.
I swear to god Sup Forums most likely has better taste in anime than Sup Forums at this point.
Well its like any other word you do not understand, you just let it slip by or look it up if you want to understand what they are talking about.
Are you trying to say netorare is such a function word that it is mandatory to the Japanese language and every single Japanese knows what it means?
No, even Japanese have to look up what netorare means to understand the joke otherwise just let it slip by.
Quick, this scintillating thread needs more bumps after having been around for 4 hours. You better get to it too or it may begin to appear as if the show wasn't nearly as popular and 'Sup Forums culture' as all the spammed threads give indication.
This is actually a good translation note, though. Much better than the translator getting to decide what thousands of people take away from Kant by choosing a particular word that doesn't have a direct analog. The nicomachean ethics and being and time are two examples in philosophical literature where translation liberties have absolutely fucked the scholarship.
Sup Forums doesn't care about anime, they would rather use characters for SJW strawman in their bait threads
Sup Forums I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.
No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.
Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about niggers or jews. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, Sup Forums users cant help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.
What does the average IQ of blacks have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the movie? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!
TL;DR Stormfags are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".
>Sup Forums
>Links to a single example to generalize an entire board
You were generalizing all of Sup Forums seven minutes ago.
people only hated furfags because they were disgusting. do you think being a furfag was ever tolerated if you were nice and the people around you didn't know what other furfags were like?
lol no.
same for nazis, moefags, and /u/
they're just scum, end of story, roll the ED
Sup Forums is 95% "moefags". Just fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Everything is moe. People who complain about moe should be gassed.
> on Sup Forums right now
> muh holocaust is a hoax
> muh Putin is the savior of mankind
> 18 threads with Nazi imagery
> 63 threads with the n - word in the op
Totally not a bunch of psychos.
haremfags and moefags are two completely different things, they are not the same
dont combine the populations
>Being this mad about people posting Jew memes
The reason why people hate Sup Forums is that Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums as Sup Forums was the new Sup Forums. It's the current center of imageboard culture and by far the largest producer of memes. As a result it also attracts a fuckton of cringy normalfags from Reddit and Twitter.
Also leftists who can't handle debating on Sup Forums want to get away from it and can't because Sup Forums is the heart and soul of imageboards now.
Also Sup Forums got Modcat fired for being a massive faggot and trying to moderate Sup Forums when he had no business doing so.
At least you admit that you hate Sup Forums because you disagree with them rather than any other pathetic excuse.
They both are attracted to moe girls you stupid nigger.
They hate women, what is gayer than that?
>Actually gets offended by Nazi imagery
I can understand Sup Forumsons who don't want memetic cross pollination due to the normalfags on Sup Forums but thin skinned shits like you shouldn't be on an imageboards at all.
You pretty much just contradicted yourself right at the start of your post.
>lol y u mad about crossboard memes
>oh yeah people hate Sup Forums because it's the new crossboard cancer board
Dumb Sup Forumsnigger.
The reason why Sup Forums is attracted to Sup Forums is because western schlock is subversive and low-quality. While anime may be objectively degenerate at times is good entertainment -- not made with the intent of subverting the youth with a libertine agenda. Regardless, all this talk about Sup Forums and not-Sup Forums is hardly germane to anime and manga.
Sup Forums is not the heart and soul of anything, it's the shitty playpen so the edgy faggot teens can circlejerk while the rest of the site goes on.
>Sup Forums hates women
Chauvinism and misogyny are not the same thing
Do you mean 'nigger'? If you can't handle a few slurs -- go fuck off back to Tumblr, which I'm certain you're also a denizen of.
They don't though, you're thinking of /r9k/
Too bad they don't bother putting in an iota of effort to not shit up Sup Forums. They're literally exactly like the syrian rapefugees they always complain about. See they're attracted to western countries with a high HDI but can't stop themselves from acting like the animals which ruined their own country to begin with.
You could have said the same thing about Sup Forums and Sup Forums in their prime.
And you'd be wrong.
Are you telling me that you like 3DPD?
I barely even see actual Sup Forumslacks on other boards. Sup Forums has tons of different political opinions, and as such people discuss politics there. Surprise surprise though, people in general discuss politics, and not every right winger is a Sup Forums user. The board's become a bogeyman to places like Sup Forums and /tg/ to the point where disagreeing with another user leaves one open to accusations of browsing Sup Forums.
God forbid anyone actually discuss politics on the internet, or at all really. Tell me, if one of your irl friends (if you even have one) starts talking about politics in front of you, do you get down on all fours and start screaming about how he's a racist and should go back to Sup Forums? Because that's essentially what you do every time you hear the word NTR, yurishit, etc..
tl;dr You're an embarrassment; kill yourself.
>I barely even see actual Sup Forumslacks on other boards.
That's because you're a stupid newfag who can't easily identify crossboarders. I mean some retard spamming Trump pictures in here somehow isn't enough for you?
>Sup Forums is not the heart and soul of anything, it's the shitty playpen so the edgy faggot teens can circlejerk to CP while the rest of the site goes on.
>Sup Forums is not the heart and soul of anything, it's the shitty playpen so the edgy faggot teens can bitch while the rest of the site goes on.
Spotted the newfags.
posting in a 404 thread
I'd argue that the vast majority of imageboard users that hate Sup Forums are leftists who can't tolerate the dominate ideas on Sup Forums while the rest hate Sup Forums's cultural influence and desire to keep Sup Forums's culture pure and independent.
>people responding to pasta
>cross borders
>the alt right are bunch of nazis posting on twitter with ANIME pictures
It's almost like people form Sup Forums go to Sup Forums and vice versa.