Get back to work Sven.
Get back to work Sven
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Get back to scum.
Fake news
fuck off to Sup Forumsretard , stop embarrassing us
>-i-it's the refugees fault sven
>surely capitalism isn't to blame got it proletarian cuck?
fake news
>imagined being this brain cucked
>Being this cuck
Socialism really worked out well in Greece didn't it?
News that you do not like is not equal to fake news.
>News that you do not like is not equal to fake news.
Funny, because that's the alt-rights standard method for dealing with news
20 rubles have been added to your account.
5 rubles have been added to your account.
Mano raped a girl and put acid on the intimate parts of it. If some retarded says that everything is normal in Sweden can only be a asshole
fake news
How do we save Sweden?
I remember thinking they were great about a decade ago and one of the best countries around
That is it? The retirement age here is 66.
Stop calling southern yuros lazy.
Sweden should be nuked off the planet. Any people that would genocide their own race to the benefit of the feelings of savages is defective and should not exist. Sweden is hell on earth and traitors to europe, all the pathetic cuckolds (or undercover muslims doing taqiyya) in the comments have STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. Swedes are so mentally ill they even have a disorder named after them!
>not understanding capitalists pushes cultural marxism and immigration to get lower wages and import a lumpenproletariat in order to distract people
t. MOORtugal
Their only salvation is a crusade. The Lutherans never made one. It would be interesting if they asked Catholics for help.
Can't wait till government tries to raise retirement age here, people will be enraged considering that most males don't live that much of their retirement.
>he really thinks migrants won't be pushed here by the boat load if there was no capitalism.
They would honestly just think of another bullshit reason like ''muh warzone,,Muh climate change, muh economic refugee'.
i am prety fne with it. jews must be feed.
Catholics are cucked into oblivion and would probably march against the Lutherners to keep the rapefugee horde coming in.
Your retarded, the Portuguese had to fight a lot to get the Muslims out and form their own nation, you have never had to fight against hordes of savages who do not have some kind of decency or morality, so you will be the first to fall.
I literally could not even fathom retiring in my 60s. I don't know how wagies deal with it. Glad I'm on track to retire before 30.
We white nationalists will respectfully ask non-whites to leave our countries when we get in power.
But we something much more painful in store for leftist traitors like you.
It is not the Catholic countries that are worse off. Compare Portugal and Poland with Germany and Sweden
Sorry I meant In regards to pope francis
USSR didnt had any refugees, yet once it collapsed, millions of shurkas invaded moscow and now muslims blocks the streets of moscow to pray
you've never met any Catholics, have you.
i feel like returning to Sweden now
Majority does not agree with the Pope.
Do you deny the truth? What's your problem? Things happen in front of you and you still deny it.
How does it work? It should be exactly the opposite.
Imigrants are mostly young people, so the number of workers and taxpayers should increase, so there should be more money to pay pensions.
stockholm syndrome
USSR threw people in prison for the fun of it and killed people who questioned their regime.
It's bait article from alt right "newspaper"
We should raise the retirement age too desu. It was set during a time when few people even reached that age.
SS is a Ponzi scheme and only boomers defend it.
I love you man
breitshart is a meme site, doesnt take a genius to figure that out
didnt you mean to call him comrade, trudeau?
What do you actually base this claim on? Or is it just something you heard from media?
>raise the retirement age
>blame the cheap labour that you've imported
>reactionary retards eat it up
>racial tensions and right-wing power increases
>get to enslave people for longer, consequence free
It's a beautiful system.
yea its not like breitshart got an agenda theyre trying to push or anything
because they are lying about why they bring migrants. they claim its to do work which pays for socialist entitlements, but most of them are on welfare. leftists in the west are just importing them to they will vote for leftist parties. and thats just the least evil explanation. it could be that theyre satanic and are bringing them in to rape and kill people intentionally and destabilize nations.
As if it were only reported by Breitbart
That goes for any news outlet you know.
I just googled it and Sweden did in fact just raise their retirement age. How is it fake news?
At this extent, i can say americans genocided native americans to get the full control of their ressources and continues to kill people in the world to control their ressources, at least russians stayed white
Vote, really? How fast do they get their citizenship?
>retirement age raised in greece
>it's your fault for been a communist giorgos
>retirement age raised in spain
>it's your fault for been a lazy havier
>retirement age raised in sweden
>i guess the immigrants?
How will they help with the state expenses if they are the reason the state has to charge more.
Of course it's a lie
Every news outlet pushes an agenda.
>workers and taxpayers
based mod
This was a Sup Forums thread.Just for everyone on Sup Forums know
in america, you dont even need id or anything to vote. left wing parties here call politicians and people racist if they want to make voting more secure. they just bring illegal aliens in buses and take them to different polling stations to vote multiple times. in some states like california, they give immigrants and illegal aliens licenses to drive and that automatically qualifies them to vote. its a huge scam, but right wingers are pathetic and terrified of being called racist to stop it, many are blackmailed and cannot go against the ruling party.
Bunch of wasters the Swedes, basically you have to work harder so they can be replaced. Seriously every Swede should strike.
The Dutch King has already announced the end of our welfare state in 2013.
>arabs and other negroes are capable of functioning in european economies
And what happens here, always happens in the rest of the world a little while later.
>all the shills in here
Good. Hopefully all NEETs get perminately BTFO.
If immigration is a net economic benefit, shouldn't more immigrants LOWER the retirement age?
We talking about Sweden tho.
In Russia you need ID to vote for example. But our migrants are here as cheap labour not to vote for parties anyway
Everyone who got neetbux for medical reasons is being reevaluated. And they are especially cracking down on psychological disorders like autism.
who the fuk is the dutch king?
Most refugees immigrants are unemployed, thus end up on welfare.
Sweden is on a fucking roll today.
As cheap labour surely they can do something that natives refuse to do.
If someone has legitimate low functioning autism or extreme schizophrenia they should probably be able to get bux but muh anxiety isn't a fucking excuse just to sit around and do nothing your whole life imho
There is always work for those willing to do it and higher education is free to citizens.
The final boss. For the coming 40 years.
He's also said to own 25% of Shell and some other multinationals.
>the ultimate neet telling neets to get off their asses
In 2008 the monarchy costed 114 million euros a year. But when some politicians started to complain the expenses got spread out over all kinds of budgets, like the defense budget for the maintenance of his boats and so on. So now our monarchy only costs 47 million euros. Magic.
And taxes don't apply to him, despite probably being the biggest entrepreneur in the country on paper.
So in reality he's probably the biggest neet in Europe.
Sven should welcome the Muh 2-Dick Faggots from Mars,,,!
Don't worry, Sven, they will pay for your pensions!
I was only 16 years old. I loved communism so much, I had all the treatises and propaganda posters. I prayed to Marx every night to thank him for the dialectical materialism I had been given. "Workers of the world unite," I said, "you have nothing to lose but your chains." My boss hears me, and calls me a tankie. I knew he was jealous of my commitment to the revolution. I called him a reactionary fascist. He slaps me and sends me to work for a wage. I'm crying now, and I'm alienated from my labor. I lay in my bed, and I'm poor. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Karl Marx. I am so happy. He whispers in my ear, "Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution." He grabs me with his powerful hands and places me on my knees. I am ready. I organize a labor union for Karl Marx. He throws reactionaries into the gulag. It hurts so much, but I do it for Marx. I take up arms against the bourgeoisie. I want to contribute to the revolution. He roars a mighty roar as he fills my life with class consciousness. My boss walks in. Karl looks him straight in the eye and says, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Marx leaves through the window. Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Just ten years ago liberals were holding Sweden up as the paragon of how you run social services and retirement.
Now the same people cheer when it is all torn down.
>brainlets don't understand the level of terror and agony they will go through once their shabbos governments lose power
Leftist delusion has its perks i suppose, otherwise you subhuman cucks would have learned your place long ago.
>feminists say tradition and gender roles don't exist
>migrants are pricks because of tradition and gender roles
is this a 7 day forecast for chance of rain per day? if so then 146 percent is fine
From the article:
>"The classic welfare state of the second half of the 20th century in these areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form."
My my, what else happened in the second half of the 20th century I wonder. Keep the borders open though, of course.
>not understanding that because the lumpenproletariat are an obstacle to marxist revolution leftists push for mass immigration to displace the native lumpenproletariat with a "tame" antilumpenproletariat substitute, cutting off counter-revolutionary movements from the underground.
>Thereby ensuring that isolated right-wing radicals cannot obtain arms and transforming prison from a networking opportunity into a death sentence, as they are thrown outnumbered to live among the most violent examples of the aforementioned antilumpenproletariat.
It's all quite obvious when you think about it. The fact all the prisons of the West are overflowing with foreigners isn't a coincidence, its the result of deliberately pursued government policy,
It's a combination of things.
1. baby boomers using up our gas supply and waiting for the next generation to pay for the green energy
2. baby boomers inflating housing prices by subsidizing their mortgages with government money
3. baby boomers letting in shitskins and putting them on welfare
4. baby boomers introducing pensions that they didn't save for and retiring early so the next generation can pay for it
5. baby boomers getting cheap education while the current generation is expected to take a loan out for it.
6. baby boomers enjoying public health care and funding it with public debt, while we have to take out insurances that don't cover everything
These days you can't even get basic welfare anymore below the age of 27 in the Netherlands.
so are they still not asking for it or begging for it?
make up your minds ffs
At least your good at counter-strike
True, and don't forget the millions wasted on EU shenanigans and foreign aid shenanigans.