Former Attorney General Eric Holder called for "mass, popular, peaceful" protest from the American public if Special Counsel Robert Mueller is fired amid reports that Trump's transition lawyers are saying Mueller obtained emails illegally.
ABSOLUTE RED LINE: the firing of Bob Mueller or crippling the special counsel’s office. If removed or meaningfully.
— Eric Holder
>You have pissed off the wrong guy now.
Luis Phillips
Chase Thompson
>Peaceful protests Hasn't been your strong suit lately OP
Jordan Bell
He's some gun running nig.
Matthew Parker
looks familiar
Wyatt Moore
>Yall niggaz posting in an Eric Holder thread
Kevin Davis
Obama's corrupt as fuck Attorney General who flat out REFUSED to fucking hang the bankers from a rope, allowing them to pay small scale fines and generally covering their greedy corrupt asses. And got rewarded with a cushy job with the banks when he stepped down.
He's still eternally butt-hurt that Trump is now President and wiping out Obama's legacy and put Jeff fucking Sessions in as AG (black people HATE HATE HATE Sessions).
So he's trying to stir up shit because he can't accept that his actions and Obama's tenure in President, led to the general public electing a man who hated Obama's guts/was one of his biggest critics, and who is dead set on making sure the Obama legacy is wipe out from existence.
Easton Evans
Tyler Martin
Protest in winter weather. No.
Nathan Sanchez
>be Democrats >get caught doing something illegal >protest against justice K