One Piece

Lets hope Oda doesn't give Zoro an arc like this.

Just a quick reminder Nami uses -kun with Sanji in affectionate way. She dropped it when he broke her heart, but she still uses it when he is not around. They will make up and everything will go back to normal

Is Basil stronger than Sanji?

There are people who seriously, honestly, unironically, totally, completely think SanjixNami won't be canon soon.

What kind of arc could zoro get in the future aside from generic "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff?

Everyone important to him is dead so he won't have any surprise family visits or anything. The only thing I could see happening is something with Mihawk but, since Mihawk is just a teacher, it would be "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff...

Reminder Sanji and Nami are the 2 hottest crewmembers.

New SaNami art! Post them


>character development
Fuck Zoro. Oda ruined him. Zoro started out as a demon who would do anything to reach his goal and fulfill his promise. Though he was loyal to Luffy and liked him, he wouldn't have hesitated to cut Luffy down for the sake of becoming the greatest swordsman.

But by the time of Thriller Bark and beyond, Zoro became a generic


shounen stock character. Zoro will never have an arc like this, because Zoro doesn't have a character. He's been reduced to one-dimension.

Zoro arc is next and it's going to be fantastic.

God damn this SaNafag is annoying. He spams every thread.

Literally worse than the Monetfag.

Does anyone else realize that this is bege's best chance to steal a poneglyph? And not just a running but the poneglyph itself, by shoving it into his body. If he actually accomplishes it then he'll be the second closest supernova to being pirate king (1st being luffy) Furthermore, supernova who's closest to finding one piece ranking
1. Monkey D Luffy (zou road poneglyph and big mamu poneglyph)
2. Trafalgar D Water Law (zou road poneglyph)
3. Drake barrels (why would he betray the marines, people who helped him if he didn't want to find one piece??? You think he just became a pirate to rape and pillage???)
4. Capone bege (boutta steal her poneglyph)
5. Scratchmen Apoo (see below)
6. Urouge(already trying to sneak onto territories and beating up there commanders for some poneglyphs)
7.hawkins (MIA????)
8. Jewellery Bonney (I honestly don't know)
9. Eustass kidd (he originally was pretty high up in my list with his alliances and shit, but now that he's getting raped on the regular, he'll be plucky if he can even be seen as a man by his crew. Furthermore, the man has lost an arm and has a scar. I don't think he's ready for the new world)

Zoro arrived at the dojo at like 8

The only thing I can think of is somehow weakening himself to save Luffy in someway. Him avenging Mihawk would be nice but fairly generic

His priorities are Luffy>his dream>The crew

He's still a "bad guy" in the context of that page.

His whole hesitation wasn't that Luffy would get in the way of his goals it's that he would have to become a pirate after years of hunting pirates to make a name for himself while staying within the law.

He was born and raised their moron

Nami is honestly a celestial dragon.

fuck you and your pic


>I'm expecting serious replies with that pic

What's wrong, sweetie???

>What kind of arc could zoro get in the future aside from generic "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff?

Why does Tashigi look so much like his dead childhood friend? I've always figured that eventually they'd have to answer that ever since she appeared.

Fuck you faggot

>hotter than robin
not in a million years

>Fuck you faggot

Nice argument there buddy

Is it unreasonable that it'd be a coincidence?


>What kind of arc could zoro get in the future aside from generic "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff?
Make it so Luffy's quest interferes with or makes his own dream impossible. Zoro is the most loyal member, so a bit of doubt and introspection would do his character good.

But we still don't know anything about Zoro's past. Unless he literally just spawned in front of the dojo with a wooden sword in his hand he must have come from SOMEwhere.

Though since we've not had any hints about it thus far, it might mean his origins are simply too mundane to go into.

Still, Tashigi must exist for a reason, so maybe there's still something to find out.

That girl from his past (whatever her name was) died because she 'fell down some stairs'? Yeah, okay.

Second closest is still too far away.

Few outside of Zou or Wano one of the Road Poneglyphs is on Zou's back, and of those in the New World, only Buggy and Shanks probably know where the fourth stone is hidden.

Really, Luffy is pretty much the only person with a decent shot at reaching Raftel, unless someone literally just stumbles across the last stone.

For all we know, Shanks (or Roger) made a copy of the Poneglyph, and then dropped the stone into the sea so NOBODY could find Raftel unless he let them.

Better than your headcanon

Canon soon


Would Luffy have accepted that as WB believing in a dream
Or would he have quit being a pirate as if Rayliegh had said it?

Can y'all explain why??? Like is it tearjerking or something? I mean its kinda like in final fantasy 7 When red 13 and Vincent visit their friends graves ya know?

Well Whitebeard never went to Raftel, so he's just taking Roger's word for it. I don't think Luffy would think much of it.

I dunno, I like how mundane Zoro's origins are compared to everyone else. That he could get so far (and we've got to assume eventually reach the top) just because of a promise he made to Kuina whilst carrying her sword is a nice enough story as is.

Maybe we need an explanation for his gag, though. We had Duval, but I guess it could be fun to discover whether Zoro's bad sense of direction is actually a curse or something.

That already happened and he chose Luffys dream over his own without hesitating

That's actually a pretty good idea...
>put in another situation like with Kuma
>for whatever reason he must sacrifice an arm to save the crew
>completely changes his style to iaido to compensate
>many jokes to be made about sanji passing him in strength because he's basically starting over
>"I don't need two arms to beat you huehuehue"
I'd buy that for a dollar.
Well he showed up at the dojo because he didn't have a family for whatever reason. I guess that can be looked into.
Maybe kaido somehow killed his parents when he was a babby and he doesn't find out until he meets him?

We had Duval for Sanji's bounty gag, rather. My bad.

I mean for real user

Zoro's dream is stupid. Who cares about some dead bitch?

Most of their dreams are stupid.


Oh whoops

this is easily the worst arc

All of their dreams are acceptable, excluding Zoro.

I reckon Zoro has descendents from Wano or something like that

>Ryoga and Zoro reading a map together

Do you think Chaka and Pell have master haki yet? What about Vivi?


Because women are physically inferior to men, so it's stupid to make a promise to compete with a woman like that in the first place, so becoming the best in her place or whatever doesn't make sense because she would never be the best.

Tashigi is a dull character too. Diving more into all that just doesn't seem interesting to me.

Actually you might be right. We're absolutely gonna get Wano reacting to him carrying around Shusui considering that Kin'emon already called him on it, but it's not too much of a stretch that someone might think he's descended from Ryuma considering the resemblance.

Luffy's dream is to essentially be the king of criminals.
Nami wants to map the world by sailing in a line around the equator.
Franky wants to build a nice boat.
Sanji wants to find a bunch of fucking fish.
Usopp wants to ride the coat tails of everyone else and pretend he did something to show off to his dad.

Etc etc etc

They're all retarded.
That's part of the fun.

If Oda wanted to write believably, then pretty much everyone in the Revos should be on their way to learning Poneglyphs. Historians are all about sharing knowledge and forwarding human understanding, and especially in One Piece the discipline of History(+Archaeology) has been presented as an unjustly forbidden knowledge. Robin should be wanting to teach her stuff to literally everyone who gives the slightest shit, yet the manga never presents it like that despite it being the most obvious and natural thing ever.

Your post only outed you as a retard.

He literally copy pasted Water 7


Except water 7/enies lobby was fucking amazing.

You mean Alice in Wonderland.


>we will never know how pell survived the nuclear explosion

It's because he's going to be relevant to the plot later. How far out we don't know but I'm assuming it's gonna be when Pluton will be used is Alabasta.

I wonder if Zoro will even have a deeply personal arc like Sanji's having right now. I mean it could just be that something about Wano makes him get more invested than usual, maybe much more invested than usual, sort of like what Luffy feels every arc when baddie abuses poor innocent friend. But it might not involve personal journey of character development.

Zoro's kinda hard to write without adding a completely new dimension to his character that wouldn't have been there before.

Year of Jinbe's death

I hope Oda doesn't make Zoro a member of some ancient samurai family or something

What arc is the EoE of One Piece?

Yes please

I feel like the only crewmembers I would be ok with Oda going all "suddenly past" again are Brook and Franky. Brook is almost like an expectation at this point.

I don't think there's anything interesting to invent about Zoro or Nami's past, trying to make them snowflakes like Sanji would just feel tacked on at this point.



those 3 or 4 pages were luffy angsts after the war

the real eoe will be the ending, when they discover that the one piece is the instrumentality switch

Leave Big Mom to me

What does this even say?

Luffy won't get in a relationship

It says Oda won't do romance because he's writing a Shonen manga, and if you want to read romance you should read a manga for girls.

All it mentions about Luffy is that Oda doesn't mind him being so liked. (And Luffy doesn't mind either)
Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

he already had that in the floating restaurant nigga

I'd rather it not be something connected to Zoro's past and rather have it as something that he himself is dealing with for the first time that he doesn't really know how to handle it. It doesn't have to be as deep as Sanji's, but something that can develop his character

Lear nip you fucking retard.

If you faggots read the databooms you would know that one piece:red stated zoro was born and raised in shimotsuki village

No you.

>Implying they aren't rewritten as Oda feels like it

There's also that Jinbe death guy.
We get it, he död. Stop spamming.

why do you guys care so much

i dont't even realize there are "spammers" because it's such a small noise in the threads. it's not like snk generals where nobody talks about the manga so the only posts are garbage tumblr stuff and memes

I feel like Oda wrote himself into a wall with Zoro with his declaration that he will never lose again coupled with two years of training with the greatest swordsman in the world, someone who thought Shanks was too weak to duel. No one else had a mentor of that magnitude outside Luffy. I'm not sure what challenges he can face that would let him have any development while not insulting his tutelage.

Gay and lame. Heres a better ranking with all pirates in the new world who are close to being at raftel

1 strawheart alliance
3 kaido
4 big meme
5 The rest of the supernova
6 Blackbeard
7 gekko moria
8 crocodile
9 Don krie
11 hody

>tfw I didn't watch or read One Piece since "WE GO!" Opening
Is this Enies Lobby Robin 2.0?

Well it'll have to be a challenge Zoro can't just solve by fighting.

>after all these years Jinbei finally shows up and "joins"
>the spotlight is literally on everything and everyone except him



The final poneglyph will be in Reverie and the SH fleet + Revolutionary army will invade it Whitebeard style and succeed

It would've been more interesting to pair Zoro up with Diamante at Dressrosa.
Especially since Diamante seems to be an underhanded character who also uses "wavy" trick moves to swordfight.
It would make it more difficult to clash swords and connect hits.

Instead we got Zoro dicing up rocks for like 10+ chapters and then a mandatory "my haki is stronger than yours" crap.

>6 Blackbeard
His hobby is studying history. He is definitely 2.

0 Eneru with Moon's Army and he learned Haki weapon type to bypass everything with his thunder

>there's actually people with opinions this bad that somehow think Zoro's near-sacrifice on Thriller Bark wasn't a master piece in itself

But the whole thing was that the Dofla family were weakass shitters, at least compared to the SHs... Zoro would've destroyed someone like Diamante in 5 seconds, Pica at least made it, precisely, into something that he couldn't just bruteforce his way through. The finisher stuff with the Haki was eh, but the bulk of the fight wasn't about that really.

I don't like any variant of the "it's shit on purpose" as an explanation why something is shit.

I'm still clinging to my idea that it will be BB+Revos, Baltigo was a ruse. Dragon shouldn't be a goody good guy, some greyness to him by allying with someone as reckless as BB would be cool. Besides, if Kuzan was okay with it, then surely there must be some redeeming/nuancing factor about it

Zoro vs Pica is one of the least interesting fights in the entirety of the manga.

I didn't say it was shit on purpose, I said the exact opposite, Pica's ability was much better used to give Zoro something interesting to do. Diamante would just be weak-ass generic stuff for a Zoro fight, and he would still have been way too strong for it to feel like a real challenge.

It's better than the other fights Zoro has gotten post-TS where he is just a fucking joyless cool quip drone; even if it isn't really that good overall.

>into something that he couldn't just bruteforce
What? Pica fight was the definition of bruteforcing. He literally just kept cutting him until Pica had nowhere left to go.

It's because Oda wrote Zoro to the point that he's past the level of fighting grunts. Although hopefully, he'll get some decent fights soon with the caliber of opponents Luffy has been picking fights with.