One Piece

Lets hope Oda doesn't give Zoro an arc like this.

Just a quick reminder Nami uses -kun with Sanji in affectionate way. She dropped it when he broke her heart, but she still uses it when he is not around. They will make up and everything will go back to normal

Is Basil stronger than Sanji?

There are people who seriously, honestly, unironically, totally, completely think SanjixNami won't be canon soon.

What kind of arc could zoro get in the future aside from generic "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff?

Everyone important to him is dead so he won't have any surprise family visits or anything. The only thing I could see happening is something with Mihawk but, since Mihawk is just a teacher, it would be "MUST GET STRONGER" stuff...

Reminder Sanji and Nami are the 2 hottest crewmembers.

New SaNami art! Post them


>character development
Fuck Zoro. Oda ruined him. Zoro started out as a demon who would do anything to reach his goal and fulfill his promise. Though he was loyal to Luffy and liked him, he wouldn't have hesitated to cut Luffy down for the sake of becoming the greatest swordsman.

But by the time of Thriller Bark and beyond, Zoro became a generic


shounen stock character. Zoro will never have an arc like this, because Zoro doesn't have a character. He's been reduced to one-dimension.

Zoro arc is next and it's going to be fantastic.