If you had to choose between only being able to watch anime or real-action movies for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
If you had to choose between only being able to watch anime or real-action movies for the rest of your life...
Anime I guess.
I could honestly go without anime or 3DPG films without any problem. Just let me keep my manga.
Definitely anime, I barely even watch movies anymore.
Are you retarded? Anime.
real-action anime
Anime. I like a few live action movies but as a whole they are too boringly normal and real. I like the bizarre aspects of anime, realism be damned. If I wanted to see real, normal people and normalfag lives I'd go outside. There is no depth to the interactions of normalfags, it's laughably shallow. There might not be much depth in anime, or anything else really, but anime is at least far more interesting and depicts interesting things. I prefer to see things that are greater than myself, things more interesting. Seeing normal people and normal down to earth lives is boring to me. But anime so much more often depicts things that dwarf normal lives. I like that.
Movies. At least they always come up with something new. Anime? same generic plot and MC everytime.
Easily live-action, I've seen enough anime
i dont even watch 3d movies anymore, i only go to Sup Forums to steal memes
I haven't seen anything live action in years and don't really want to so fuck it.
I, too, love the endless superheroes movies Hollywood keeps on shitting out.
Keep in mind you only forsake NGE if you give up anime. You give up a lot more if you opt out of 3DPD
s-sauce on anime grill in those pics?
you don't watch a lot of anime.... do you....
Something something hentai
I do, that's why I would rather choose real action movies. And UNLIKE YOU I'm not a newfag, faggot.
I'd keep movies. I prefer reading manga over watching anime anyway, and I need to watch films to maintain my appearance of being at least somewhat normal at work.
whoa, a hentai?
i didn't think it was something lewd
gib sauce
I've watched a shit ton of both. I mean I watch anime for plot, which is why I can't justify sacrificing 3DPD, but if you watch it for lolis or the art I can understand.
i don't even watch jewlywood, but when i do, it's about WWII.
I already do nothing but watch anime and read manga.
Anime, obviously. I've only seen two or three live-action films over the past five years.
No reason to drink Hollywood's poison when you can avoid it.
Anime. I can barely even remember the last time I watched a live-action movie, I think it was The Avengers(only the first).
I haven't watched a live action movie in years
Fucking name me one movie that was good in 2016? The only movie that I can think of is your name
Where do you think you are?
seconding for sauce
>real-action movies
It's called live-action, you dumb nigger. And I haven't watched one in about three years now, so obviously my answer is fucking anime. Why do you think I'm on this board in the first place.
>live-action anime
Nope, Bollywood is trash.
Anime. I only watch live action when I'm with others.
Anime. I never did watch movies.
This is only a question for the faggots pretending not to be normalfags.
Anime. I don't watch movies as often as I watch anime.
Let me keep Seinfeld and Always Sunny and I'll go with anime. Actual movies can fuck off because Hollywood has been trash lately.
I got done with movies a long time ago.
Live action
I've already seen a ton of anime and I already have been watching more movies lately.
>Are you retarded?
Are you coming on to me?
Live action movies are always awesome and improving.
Anime is just too short at 25 minutes for the energy required to choose one.
Sometimes I'd rather pick a movie and have 2 hours of entertainment.
I'm way too tired to appreciate the quality of either anyway.
Don't do that Homura!
Sen to Man
sen to man, mr. satan.
How is this even a question. Live action moves suck.