Why are New Zealander's becoming such degenerates? Pretty much 99% of the dudes are beta homocucks and their women are whores.
Pic related is the average NZ male. What happened?
Why are New Zealander's becoming such degenerates? Pretty much 99% of the dudes are beta homocucks and their women are whores.
Pic related is the average NZ male. What happened?
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fuck you daiper posting cia nigger
discord gg/5A8D5T3
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>New Zealander's
Looks like an average Georgian to me
>1 post by this ID
Is that a picture of your Throne? You seem infected with the gay.
Well I don't see why not, the only way to cure the gay is through beatings or just give them the day of the rope. We need to bring back fag bashing ASAP.
Wow zac Efron sure has fallen.