This anime started a ignominious trend 12 years ago but, is it actually any good?
This anime started a ignominious trend 12 years ago but, is it actually any good?
Watch it and find out.
>tfw 1999 was 56 years ago
>50.000 BC was yesterday
There are two kinds of anime that attract moe piggus.
The kind that are boring, almost grating shit that make you feel uncomfortable if you aren't the right type to enjoy it
And the kind that's like a trainwreck you can't look away from, that has an engaging story and vicious riptides of drama running under the calm waters of a character-driven setting
K-On is both of those
It's a masterpiece. Watch it.
>Time is irrelevant in the eyes of eh Anime God
Kyoani was redeemed years ago with the fairies and now sexualize lolis
Eh. There have been a couple similar hits but I'm not sure that constitutes a trend
>a ignorminious
Faggot go back to Sup Forums
K-on invented the light music club genre
Wasn't my thing then and still isn't. Moe has little to no appeal to me by itself.
I couldn't, I honestly tried, because half of those qualities simply aren't there.
k-on is one of these animes that will be remembered after 100 years
Terrible show, god-tier doujins.
Such as?
(for research)
The one where all the girls are in their 30s and had to deal with reality (cheating husband, lost ambition, pregnancy, prostitution , et cetera)
K-ON is moekino
K-on is anything BUT moe, anyone who says otherwise either didn't watch the show or is thinking with their penis rather than their brain
Do you have brain issues?
It is great. Naoko Yamada is a kinographer in the vein of Krzysztof Kieślowsk.